
Ethan Ruan and Tiffany Hsu Share their Sweet and Fun Romance with their Fans — 16 Comments

  1. Oh mi god! They are so freakin adorable and cute… Gah! I love how they’re so open about their relationship unlike most other couples. And although I totally agree that everyone has the right to chose if they want to be discrete or not, I still think its kinda lame to say “we’re just friends” when you’re clearly not. But anyway; waiting for the wedding! Step on it already, Ethan! 😛

  2. He was up against veterans driving lamborghinis & ferraris in the race though! And not only did he not lose – he was first in the race yesterday!!

    The celebratory party was for another race back in March, which he won as well.

    And… Eddie & him have been best friends since forever (well ok not forever hahaha but definitely since 2007 after wayward kenting)

  3. They’re like the equivalent of korea’s Seven x Park Han Byul. Gd to see Ethan x Tiff proving its possible to get gd jobs & fan support. Keep it up!

  4. this is probably too late to point out but if look closely at the first 4 pics, he seems to have already put a huge diamond ring on her ring finger (photo 1 and 2) and she seems to have done so for him as well as he’s wearing a gold wedding band on his left hand ring finger as well (photo 2, 3, 4)… they’re mostly already hitched … cute couple regardless – best of luck to them

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