
Gu Family Book Episode 3 Recap — 50 Comments

  1. I love Seung Gi as much as any fangirl out there, but I have to agree that I wished I loved this drama more than I presently do (as in… I’ll keep an eye on it, but it’s the the GIMME MOAR NOOOW feel from last year’s K2H).

    Seung Gi looks adorable (and a lot younger than my last drama-image of him), but it feels to me that whenever he takes on a new role, his acting will “reset” to a little bit of overacting in the beginning. It’s not jarring, and I’m sure that he’ll come around, since he’s proven himself as being plenty capable of being nuanced without overdoing it.

    I’ll continue to watch Gu Family Book, but for now I’m a bit more excited for Jang Ok Jung

  2. After episode 3 I’m actually leaning more towards Jang Ok-Jung rather than Gu. Episode 3 of Jang Ok-Jung was much more appealing and it seems like that Gu will be the drama which “everybody thought would be good” but isn’t and Jang Ok-Jung the drama which “everybody thought would be a mess” is going to be great.

    Well that’s k-dramaland, right? 🙂

  3. Honestly, don’t expect a Memento-esque story. It’s fairly obvious that with popular stars Seung Gi and Suzy, that the storyline would be much more accessible and less contrived.

  4. Suzy is just so blah! Pretty and cute and…….. blah! Nothing about her is interesting , she is like piece of blank white paper! Its not just her acting , she just seriously lacks screen presence! And this is not me being hateful because she is an idol- i think Uee, Yoona and Eunji have charisma on screen and even if i don`t like their characters or the story i can like them as actresses!

    But Suzy does nothing for me, just…..blah!

    • I think screen presence also has alot to do with comfort level for the actors/actresses. I believed eun ji had such a natural presence onscreen for a first timer that I wondered about the potential she could have in acting. She was surrounded by people her age and newbies alike — and was able to be truly amazing! But in twtwb, I thought she was a bit flat in her performance — possibly because of intimidation from the older, much more experienced cast and definitely out of her comfort zone. I think IU is not too bad herself in lee soon shin because its a family drama and a character she could relate too. Suzy for me was better in dream high than her other projects because it was basically an idol-studded cast with singing performances, which she could relate to. What truly makes someone a good actor/actress is their ability to fit in and deliver with many different genres. I didn’t expect much coming in cause idols are usually limited and versatility comes from experience and raw talent.

      • I thought Eunji was good in TWTWB! I mean she was better in Replay but she still did solid job!

        IU is the same thing as Suzy to me-blank piece of paper!

        And Suzy in Dream High was goddamn awful and boring! If that was her best acting i can`t imagine how bad she was in Big( didn`t watch the drama)!

      • I agree. I thought Eunji’s acting in TWTWB was pretty lacking compared to Reply 1997 even though I didn’t even love Reply 1997 but I admit she was pretty good there. In TWTWB, she stood out like a sore thumb and is it me or did it seem like she had an excessive amount of make up on?

      • Yoona seems blank because she always plays blank type of roles! But she has charisma on screen and was the only thing i liked about Love Rain!

        I think if you give Yoona more interesting role she would shine!

      • Yoona got an interesting role in 9 End 2 Outs and she was sucky there. Go check it out, it was a completely different role and image for her. You can see how she looks without make up.

      • agree with you. suzy is even better than yoona -____- i never like her (yoona) acting, at all. she’s toooo flat.

    • I agree with everything you said except Yoona n IU. Do you even watch IU’s drama? She is doing pretty good in her role. not great but for the most part she’s acting her character well. Her acting is much more natural than Suzy’s. And Yoona I’m surprised to see her listed next to Uee n Eunji cause she’s so blehh with her roles and she in a few dramas now n havent improve much. I agree she’s pretty n has an actress face but her acting skill (or lack of) left MUCH to be desired.

      • Why the Yoona hate? I watched Love Rain and i loved her in that she was adorable! I haven`t watched any of her previous dramas but in Love Rain she did great job as Hana!

  5. I really liked the episode. Nothing amazing, but it’s hopefully it’s a start to something good. More of an intro episode than anything. Everyone is introduced so now I expect the story to start.

    Seunggi I thought was a lot better than how he normally starts. He usually starts a little over the top and over acting and here he was over the top but I thought it was more subtle and obviously in character compared to his almost slapstick expressions in the first ep. of MGIAG (especially this show) or TK2H. And seriously he’s so adorable he could almost get away with bad acting. Everyone else was good. SJ is seriously wasted. Not even sure his point in the drama.

    I love Lee Yoobi in this role as well. She might looks terrified half the time during press, but her and Seunggi have a great chemistry and bonus points for them actually both liking each other! Like another review mentioned she could actually be the lead female/their story could be the lead romance in any other drama. I hope she’s not given the mother treatment down the role.

    Suzy still makes me question why no many things. The biggest is WHY she was even cast. I hope she improves. She’s not a deal breaker, but she’s seriously just not very good.

  6. I guess everyone has different opinion then because I really love how the story is built up. I feel sympathy for the characters and curious about their future journey. The problem with JOJ is that the viewers cannot relate to their characters which is a death end in a family-watching environment.

    Ratings for this ep

    Gu Family Book 13.6% (Seoul 15.5%)
    God of the Workplace 13.4% (Seoul 12.5%)
    Jang Ok Jung: 7.9%, out of top 20

    • Yes, half-gumihos are definitely more relatable. I don’t get it though, isn’t JOJ the same thing? These characters are sympathetic, have tragic past involving death of their parents, and low status in society. It’s not that big of a difference, so I don’t understand how one is relatable than the other.

    • Bias. And as if ratings is an indication of the quality of dramas with plenty of examples of underrated dramas failing.

  7. Ah, I guess you are just too frustrated over SH that losing interest in the plot. Anyway, I found this episode rather good, it has a well introduction of every characters, I’m not so excited about Suzy too, but having Seung Gi on my screen every week would help me get over others’ bad acting or bad script writing any day. How come he’s so cuteee?? Almost have heart attack when he 1st appeared on the video :)) hehe

  8. Wow, so that cheesy line and scene at the end was actually a real scene in the drama, not a hallucination or dream? I cringed so bad at that part. Lol you would still ship Chung Jo and Kang Chi even after the kiss scene where she went from sweet smiling angel to stone cold fox when she walked away from him? That girl is trouble!

  9. Thanks for the fast recap! But yeah I agree the episode doesn’t really pull you in. It’s ok, decent. Maybe a bit awkward at times. The scene around the end when they were running and her hat came off as well as her long… Omg it made me laugh. The way that hat was awkwardly bobbing before falling off, it looked so ridiculous! And how did her get loose from that? I’d have peferred that a branch snatched it off siddenly, ripping her bun and causing her to tumble free… just saying! ^^;;;;

  10. I really want to love the show so much.. But sadly I have to agree with you Koala..

    I would still watch this drama til the end, and always hope that a lot improvements would likely to happen.. *sigh*

    my biggest disappointment is that I really adore these actors, and expect a lot from their performance. When LSG does not, yet, give something new, Suzy just goes flat.. They could have been the cutest pair ever.. If only…

    • well maybe he has bills to pay. Apparently casting companies are not pounding down his door with job offers. or maybe he is happy to be cast in a drama with LSG and the rest of the cast.
      seriously, if your watching this drama just for him…. get out now
      this subject is OLD

    • Maybe he’s contented to be just a bodyguard and like what OneVoice said, happy to be cast in a drama with Seung Gi? It’s better than not being cast in anything at all, right?

  11. i love this drama!! i love the story,the actors and actresses…..especially.. lee seung gi, choi jin hyeok,sung joon, suzy miss a, lee hyeon hyee……they are all so good looking!!!

  12. I enjoyed this episode. It wasn’t explosive or had me sitting at the edge of my seat, but it answered some of the questions that were floating around. We now know what happened to Seo Hwa, why KC was in a basket, floating down a river, how the bracelet was on his wrist and the power it has in controlling or subduing the gumiho powers in KC.

    If there were no surprises in this episode, I think part of the fault lies with MBC for showing us too many BTS and stills. Too many I think, so much so that we already know more or less what to expect. It was more like fitting the pieces into a partial completed jigsaw, and say, “Ah, that’s where this piece fits!” and “Now, I’m know where this goes”.

    For me, it was seeing how all the BTS came together, right down to the scene of the cherry blossom tree and the half moon.

  13. the episode was rather good for me. i like the pairing of the cast and i think it will be very interesting. the story is not boring or predictable but a transition of hints and mystery.
    love the Gu Family book as a whole. i watched it with my younger sister and she also likes it so i think its just a issue of preference on the viewer’s side?

  14. I didn’t realize this before, but Suzy and Lee Yoo Bi look very similar. This thought came up when Kang Chi mistook Yeo Wool for Chung Jo.

  15. Suzy is just..

    Well, i wondered why she accepted this saeguk role at the first time. Even UUE has managed to be in many different drama before accepting in a fusion saeguk. Even if it is a fusion version, it is still required lots of skills and different technique. Even in modern acting, Suzy hasn’t manage to convince me as an actress or attract me just yet not to add entering a saeguk drama.

    I really enjoyed the first episode, but that just it. Will only read a recap. Maybe?

  16. GFB still looks somewhat interesting to me. I’m liking the characters and the set-up so I may stick around until the halfway mark before deciding to ditch it or stick it out.

    It’s totally okay if you don’t continue with the recaps Koala! If the drama doesn’t interest you then you won’t have an enjoyable time watching or recapping the episodes.

  17. There are actresses and actors who simply are unsuited for historical/period dramas. (Ueno Juri is one that was really miscasted for Go)
    Suzy is a okay actress but I would say modern dramas are more suited for her but kudos for her for trying. And LSG is adorbs and giving it all but I think compared to daddy gumiho…..I want daddy aka very hot gumiho baack 🙁
    Sung Joon, I’d take you over Sung Gi any day!
    I’m still hoping a happy end for the parents, I know mommy is dead but somehow make it happen.

  18. Thank you for clearly articulating how I feel about this drama. It’s not bad but not exceptional. I especially enjoyed your reading of SH – the character frustrated me to no end, and it didn’t help that the actress playing her couldn’t bring out a smidgeon of sympathy in me (I mentioned on DB that when she glowered at WR, she just looked bitchy, vs betrayed). LSG is a cutie though and I’m glad to see him back on-screen (rehashed expressions or not); there’s just something very sincere about him. 🙂

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