
King Flower Episode 15 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. I know I’m the only one but I feel weirded out replacing one’s daughter and fiance with someone who looks exactly like the dearly departed. It’s icky to me.

    • I totally agree. Conceptually its awful to stomach. That’s why when I heard the story I could never ship Da Hua-Terry. But then watching it unfold its not icky at all. Nikki does a fab job of making the two girls completely different, you don’t see them as the same at all.

      • Yes, Nikki is doing a great job. The way she was standing in the bathroom while plugging Clarisonic……legs apart….I remember thinking LY would have been much more lady like.
        I think Terry never saw her as LY except that first moment when he saw her after surgery and when he was drunk.

  2. LOL the PPL.
    I’m amused that when I see a phone appear on Two Fathers, it has to be one of the latest HTC smartphones.

  3. I really hated the PPLs in the episode. They were such charged, anxious scenes so it was all the more jarring to cut to them face cleansing. Chris Wu is a terrific actor! I feel so stressed on his behalf when i watch how he shoulders his burdens.

    • That’s why I recapped the PPL, because it was so awfully inserted to almost ruin the scenes. But Chris brought his home in the end. I could feel his sadness.

  4. thank you for the recap, you’re awesome. It doesn’t really make sense to me that the gangster would turn over a new leave just for Guan Juan and his daughter that fast. i can’t accept that Guan Juan can right away be business savvy. It is non sequitur.

    If Terry doesn’t get Da Hua, he should obliterate everyone in the show hahaha.

    • I’ve stopped expected this story to make “sense”, and while I don’t need Terry to obliterate everyone on this show, I would have him leave at the end and go somewhere filled with normal thoughtful intelligent people. Not these bunch of bozos.

      • He should leave dramaland altogether. Sane and thoughtful characters are few and rare in between. Dummies are pervasive in dramaworld.

  5. ooooo. All I can see is wet Terry. And the jawline and wet Terry snacks. Oh, more Terry snacks. Keep them coming, and they will ruin my dinner, but who cares? I did not want a dinner of Guan Jun anyway.

    • trotwood! I miss your witty comments, sweetie. How’s school?

      I’m more than happy to keep doling out the Terry snacks. He’s beyond yummy.

  6. Your recaps make me love Terry, and I haven’t even watched the drama.I’m definitely waiting until the end to see how he ends up.

    • I see I am doing my job. Thought honestly, if you already love Terry just from the recaps, you will love him a BILLION times more watching him in action in the drama. The recaps don’t do him justice. I just captures a tiny bit of his perfection. XD

    • I started watching the first bunch of episodes when Ms. Koala was squeeing over E10ish. But stopped soon after… I usually read the recaps and ogle at His Hotness Chris Wu!!

  7. I started watching this after your recaps around episode 12…..I have definitely fallen in love with Terry despite watching him in other T-Dramas and not really feeling a whole lot towards him but now—-whooo, bring on all the topless, wet, shower scenes as possible! As for Guan Jun and Da Hua, they advanced from 12 year old love to 16 year old love in this episode. Not as annoying as past episodes but jeez why would the writers even think we would pull for such a stunted relationship????? When we have Terry on the flip side showing us his beautiful muscles and just taking this drama to town. At this point I would watch him sit in silence for 12 hours straight, no shame. 🙂

    • Completely agree. The writers tried to trigger an adult relationship between DH and GJ in a matter of minutes in the episode where she leaves. The audience isn’t stupid.

      More importantly, DH is in her late twenties and has been, with her mother, shouldering the burden that passes for her family. Again, with regards to the last episode, we’re also supposed to believe that GJ has become responsible now despite a history of being negligent?

      Terry is perfect for someone like DH because he’s kind, considerate, responsible, intelligent,..(the list goes on). He’s also a total hunk of hotness. The girl is an idiot for not seeing what’s in front of her.

  8. Guan Jun, you finally grew up & are doing right by your family. It’s not enough for me to forgive you for your negligence in the past. Da Hua, Terry is a million times the better man. If you don’t pick Terry expect a lot of expletive filled cursing from me!

  9. all i care is the last pic! lols. 🙂 thanks so much koala sis! i don’t care anymore about the story as long as it’s terry who gets the girl in the end.

  10. Anyone remember Chris’s 12/21/10 interview:

    He has been named the most promising star in the new era. However according to him “If I do not win an acting prize within 5 years, I will leave show business. When asked about his previous relationship with Alice, he wouldn’t say anything except that that 2 are still good friends and keep in contact.

    CW: “Men need to protect females, I will respect whatt she says……..

    Such a gentleman & serious actor. Hope he wins a price for this drama.

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