
Lee Byung Hun and Lee Min Jung Announce their Upcoming August Wedding — 28 Comments

  1. when celebrities announce they are getting married, i usually feel happy for them. but in this case, i feel all creeped out. i sense a tom cruise-katie holmes vibe with this lbh-lmj union. i hope, for lmj’s sake, that lbh is really serious with her because she seems like a really nice girl.

    • Sadly, i feel creeped out too. But who am i to say such things when they’re two happily consenting adults.

  2. Lee Min Jung is a big girl who can take care of herself and has a supportive/influential family behind her. Let’s just say I’m not losing any sleep over the thought of her deciding to marry LBH.

  3. Weddigs galore, very glad this is finally happening. But I do believe KJW was three cause Bae Soo-bin announced a couple weeks ago. Just as happy for him!

    There are still a couple Oppas on my list that need to find their match. So glad it’s dwindling tho 😉

  4. I wish them the best of luck!!

    Who thinks she’s going to have a baby inside of a year?

    I peeked at that linked article up there. It seems LMJ has been accused of enjoying sex so she lost a lot of fans support…So let’s follow that logic. That means her fan base is made up of people who don’t enjoy sex and are proud of that and feel like nobody should. I have no words.

    • Wait… she lost fans because she was accused of enjoying sex? What is wrong with Korean fans? I mean, people should enjoy sex. Apart from from reproduction reasons that is why we have it!

  5. I hope she has a good support network if things wont work out and frankly after what I read about LBH he seriously creeps me out. I think Min Jung’s acting has weakened since starting to date Byung Hun, could be that he is trying to get her to quit acting after marriage.

  6. I don’t find him attractive at all but to each his own. Lee Min Jung is really cute and pretty and I pictured her with the likes of Lee Dang Wook or her costar in Big.

    • Yeah, LBH is’t one of those K-celebs that I find attractive or can act well despite his A-list status. After reading some articles about him (only after I heard the news he was dating LMJ), I was also a little creeped out and thought that LMJ was a little off in her acting since she started dating him. But I enjoyed All About My Romance and her acting there. I might’ve continued watching Big but I quit mainly because of her character and acting. Since I followed AAMR, I noticed that LMJ gained some weight and was wearing mostly black slimming outfits or light-colored loose ones so I thought she was expecting.

  7. i didn’t know that they dated before. i’ve been reading a lot of comments saying that they pity lmj. she’s a grown woman and i think she knows what she’s doing. wishing them happiness.

  8. Congratulations. I hope that they have a very happy marriage and life together!! 🙂

    Who cares what anyone else says. Life is hard enough without having to deal with everyone else’s opinions on it. As long as they are happy 🙂

    So who’s next? hehe.

  9. Congratulations for both of them! Hopefully their marriage is not part of the entertainment, but a lifetime commitment. Can be happier for them! Fighting! Is that a promise ring on LMJ finger? 🙂

  10. SHE IS PREGNANT! That’s the only way this makes sense
    LBH is talented as hell but as person he seems sleazy

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