
SETTV Drops Adorable First Teaser for Just You Starring Aaron Yan and Puff Guo — 11 Comments

  1. SETTV ….Sigh why them again after the hell they made us live in King flower…Double sigh 🙁 I’m interested too 🙁

  2. The trailer looks totally cute. I remember how I used to spazz about how if only Aaron could act with Hebe. (the fanclub was called ‘bebu’) but anyways that was OT. Puff looks pretty cute with Aaron too! :)I really liked her in Inborn Pair so am hwaiting for this drama with full of hope.

  3. Call me blind if you want, but I really don’t see what’s the big deal with Jiro’s nose job. Aaron clearly had a lot more things done than him… You just need to take a look at before and after pics to see that.

    Jiro pre-surgery:
    http: // kw2007 . com . cn /upload/news/87/87296AFC977F4B2EB8EFDDCEF99E700B/E43414ADE10F4E3C82F423DE35F762ED . jpg

    http : // ww3 . sinaimg . cn /large/69b226bdjw1e3urqarpyhj . jpg

    Should he sue however did that to his nose and thought it looked good? Definitely. “Full-facial-reconstruction” is a heck of an exaggeration, though.

    But, hey, let’s take a look at aaron

    http : // i0 . sinaimg . cn /ent/y/p/2008-12-09/U1819P28T3D2286701F326DT20081209071851 . jpg

    https : // fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd . net /hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/935475_10151476247233316_1594720157_n . jpg

    … the pics speak for themselves, I think.

    I also don’t see what’s the point of always mentioning Jiro when Aaron is the main topic. I mean, aaron has been trying to get out of Jiro’s shadow ever since their Fahrenheit days but, even after so many years, the poor guy still can’t seem to catch a break…

    • I agree; Aaron’s face appears to have changed far more than Jiro’s did. Honestly, if I didn’t read all the PS posts on the latter, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed. But with Aaron it’s much more obvious, though I also think he looks better now. Both clearly had work done, and both appear to be doing well with their careers post-surgery, so honestly it’s pointless to bitch or praise either of them.

  4. you know why Okoala sis??…. because we are suckers for dramas!! good, bad or ugly. I also did talked all kinds of shit because of KF and here I am already hooked on only a preview ;/

  5. Cute trailer. Never found Puff attractive or pretty before, perhaps due to her previous snobbish character roles. Hopefully this new drama will shed new light on Puff for me. As for Aaron, i always found him handsome since his young days, which makes me wonder why he ever needed any niptuck.

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