
Im Joo Hwan Goes for Quirky Hipster in the June Edition of Sure Magazine — 13 Comments

  1. Love him, wish he was more well known bc he certainly has the talent. I’ve heard good things about Ugly Alert, mostly great things about his performance but it’s not subbed anywhere as far as I know 🙁 Maybe he’ll do a Jung Kyung Ho and do a fantastic dark and twisted cable show next. I would love that!!

  2. it always catches me off guard when i read that he or she got plastic surgery bc i never notice any difference. even with kim hyun joong, i’m like huh? he got a new nose, couldn’t even tell. i must be really bad with face recognition.

    • This mentions someone else getting plastic surgery, but I think Im Joo Hwan looks totally different from before his military service. Is it just that he gained weight, or has he had some work done, too?

      • I think he lost a lot of weight for his role in the drama. Back in April his cheeks looks more fuller than when he was in the army bec he was so skinny back then.

  3. I remember you tweeting that she looked different (to you), but I just don’t see it. She’s certainly lost weight, but other than that, she looks exactly the same (to me, anyway).

    What difference in her facial structure do you see? *curious*

  4. This is my first daily so I don’t really know what to expect (and what kind of suck really sucks) but it is watchable. Like weekend family dramas, you got a large cast with at least 3 families/groups of people intertwined that nobody knows yet (we still are at ep 25 out of 120).

    We are actually calling this drama ‘Forrest Gump goes to Seoul.’ Im Joo Hwan is doing great with his character Gong Junsu. I think it’s not a one man drama anchored on his shoulders but he is the strongest in acting out his
    characters.Kang Sora is likeable even though

    • She sometimes have that stiff expression but that may be how her character is written. I am not appalled by her face change not as much as her chopstick legs that I suspect she did surgery. Because I watched her in We Got Married and her legs weren’t like that.

      Oh well, since the drama doesn’t have subs, it’s a good drama to watch on the side. Or as a marathon 5 eps in one sitting. As for me, I do try to watch iy everyday to seee Im Joo Hwan.

  5. UA is not so bad, given the 100 ep daily format. Im Joo Hwan is definitely anchoring the show with his truly into-it performances, though I think the rest of the actors (mostly the veterans) are also doing a good job.

  6. I actually love UA. It’s not a one-man show with Kang Byul also pulling off a good performance as his step sister (hate her wig though) and darling HyunWoo of ILICDD is her love interest!! IJH is adorable as the innocent and child-like Kong Jun-su and his love-line with Kang So-ra is kinda cute. She’s not very impressive but not very offensive either. Aside from the requisite childhood segment, it’s been well-balanced with light and heavy beats per episode. But I think it’s getting more angsty now that he realizes his feelings for her…since he’s an ex-con. Sigh. Hope it doen’t turn YTBLSS on me.

    • Ahh, I keep forgetting my Hyunwoo is in it too. I really wanted to watch it because of the cast but after downloading 12 or so episodes and never actually starting it, I kinda gave up on it. I’m glad to see it’s not so bad ^^ Hopefully I can find the rest of full episodes somewhere

  7. I’m addicted to Ugly Alert. This is my first ever daily drama and I never watch them because they tend to be dragy and boring.
    But I’m not getting bored with UA. Of course I’m watching the show for IJH only and I admit that I skip some stories that doesn’t involve him for now.
    IJH is putting his whole heart, soul and body in this character and it really shows. You think IJH was born to be JS. His scenes are so natural, heart warming and adorable. I don’t think there is anyone that is watching the show and not agreeing with me on this.
    As for Kang Sora, never seen her in anything but she is watchable here and definitely not like some actresses that you feel like slapping them as soon as they’re on screen. I even see some chemistry between her and IJH and their scenes together are very cute. I love this OTP.

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