
Monstar Episode 8 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. The SC/SY date and duet was so lovely and cute before the reporter showed up. But then…watching KD sing “I’m not all right at all”, with tears streaming down his face, while his classmates mock and taunt him, nearly gutted me. And what is up with EH and her bruise?

    • That’s exactly what I was wondering about, I wonder when they’ll elaborate,I think that’ll get people happy because then we’ve finally covered the last member of Color Bar, our lovely fangirl:)

  2. Just to point out, that hyorin’s father own sthe company the reporter works for.
    Not that its a big deal in the story,

  3. Something that this show does, which I find different from most Korean dramas is show how intense yet simple High School is. I mean I know how it feels to like a boy and not know it, and at that same time I’ve dealt with a friend who felt the world was against her and she just wanted to end all her suffering. It’s a sad but well need version of how teenagers are viewing the world in this generation and each actor/actress does a fine job portraying the right feeling and emotion for each scene. Thanks for the Recap I look forwards to next weeks!

  4. I wish EH had stood up for KD when their classmates were making fun of him:( Perhaps nana will be the one to save him as everyone else was not within his proximity? Here’s hoping she will appear at the very last minute to stop him. Anyway,here to share a link if you want to see more of Junhyung’s acapella singing voice (though he only sings in the beginning briefly I think its enough to see what talent this boy has xD):

  5. That Ma Hyo Rin girl is so hateful! I was hoping there won’t be that one girl who is obsessed with the lead and try to break up the OTP but I guess even this drama couldn’t avoid that *sigh*

  6. I think Do Nam saw Kyu Dong too… I hope he will save him.
    God, I HATE all the members of All For One. And they are also the reason why I can’t like Sun Woo. How a person with decent heart and compassion and sanity can hang out with them? Sun Woo did hang out with them…

  7. Actually, i thought Yong Jun Hyung’s voice was a bit uneven at first when he started singing — you could tell that he’s more of a rapper and hasn’t practiced his vocals as much. But once his voice joined in with se yi’s, my heart was exploding with OTP goodness. They’re so wonderful together!
    I think the writers should start fleshing out more of eun-ha as a character because everyone’s pretty much had their moment to shine but her. And i like that they pointed out how people still found her as “invisible” even though the girl was extremely happy to be performing with color bar. I also wish that she would have stuck up for kyudong when he was being bullied because being a bystander is just as bad, and aren’t they closer now?
    I actually like the backstory behind do-nam and kyu dong because it’s not overly dramatic but it’s just enough to get us to understand the current state of their relationship. Do-na has dam good reason to feel betrayed — i understand why he doesn’t want to get close with kyu-dong — but kyudong seems to have already been punished enough, dontcha think? He needs friends more than anything right now. My poor baby on the ledge!
    I wish se-yi thought quicker on her feet. Sometimes i find her really slow(yes, that’s consistent with her character) but the kind where i just want someone to knock her upside the head and tell her to LOOK WHATS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Starboy is obviously head over heels in love with you, and given the situation with the reporter you should know why he couldn’t admit you were his girlfriend or whatever.
    This was a nice episode. Not that many in your face musical numbers but rather understated(seol chan/se yi duiet) and heartbreaking(kyudong).

  8. Thanks for the recap! Junhyung is really very talented (sings, raps, produces music, plays instruments). I am a bit biased of course being a fan of B2ST but I am glad that people are seeing that right now.

    Oh yes yes yes I love the duet! here’s a link to the duet if you want to watch again

  9. Awesome recap! Being a fan since their debut, i’ve always known the boy could sing. But now, junhyung’s become a jack of all trades since it’s just about everything: dancing (he used to bboy AND pop before Beast), rap, sing, produce, compose and now add acting to his resume.
    This episode left me feeling mixed and super unsatisfied. I felt that the cute date was just too short and it had too much sunwoo/nana mixed up in it. Can’t our main couple have 5 minutes of uninterrupted time?! sigh.
    i adore Sunwoo but his tendency to be everywhere and interrupt everything is irking me big time now…
    On a positive note, this drama is still my obsession. you guys just may have to scatter my ashes for me when it stops airing 🙂

  10. Waaa thanks koala! So many happenings in this ep. But can i just say that the movie is Werewolf boy and not Covertly Grandly right?

  11. I loved this episode – but the ending ripped me up, poor Kyu-dong looked like he was in a better place, only to take several steps back and now off the roof 🙁

    The Seol-chan/Seyi date was as adorable as I wanted it to be and then some, and that duet was the finishing touch. Also, re: Sun-woo/Nana, he’s still got a Seyi hangup the size of a mountain but it was rather hot when he took those steps forward to get thisclose to her, only to take the cigarettes out of her pocket. Methinks there’s a touch of attraction there even if he doesn’t realise it yet……

    This show is just great so far, and even though the cast is really green, the writers (there are two, and one is the writer of my all-time fave, Arang and the Magistrate) have been almost pitch-perfect with every ep. I can’t believe there are only four episodes left now, though!

  12. Babies Seol Chan and Se Yi’s duet was so romantic! No skinship just music and a lot of staring.They’re the cutest!

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