
The Beautiful Cast of Two Weeks Holds Fashionably Pleasing Press Conference — 17 Comments

    • Exactly my thought…I love Park Ha Sun’s 50’s navy dress <3
      I'm so looking forward to this drama! Nice cast indeed…

  1. For once! Finally! A kdrama that abandons the constrict of having the two biggest names in the cast romance each other. Me likey! Junki looks more compatible with Park Hasun anyway.

  2. They’re all fantastically well-dressed – I covet Park Ha-sun’s sailor dress and my prince Jun-ki’s fine self, so badly.

  3. Beautiful people indeed…sadly I was one of the ppl hoping to see a KSY-LJK pairjng, they seem to have good chemistry from pics but I’ve been suspecting otherwise since PHS characyer description came…not completely didsapointed since that doesnt seem to be the focus of tbe show

  4. I am probably in the minority here, looking at the comments, kinda am disappointed that there won’t be a love line btw KSY and LJK. But that wasn’t the main focus of the show, like koala said. So I will enjoy this mainly for Kim So Yeon, but the cast do look great together. I am hoping that this is a great project, b/c my love for KSY made me sit through her last project, the Great Seer, and it was terrible and long. And also Ryu Soo Young’s last project, Rascal Sons started great, but his story line went downhill. So here’s hoping those two have some luck with this project.
    I really like Lee Jun Ki, and I was hoping that he took that 1930s project, and I was hoping the female lead would be Han Ji Min. And when two weeks cast was announced, I was like Yay! KSY & LJK, only to have my hopes dashed again.
    But those ships had sailed, so I am feeling neutral about LJK with PHS. But I will definitely tune into Two Weeks, instead of The Master’s Son.

  5. Day by day i’m more in love with Lee jun ki and Park ha sun couple…from the trailers to presscon that i watch live…these two look comfortable with each other and adorable especially at their couple photo and with their daughter…

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