
Two Weeks Episode 15 Recap — 6 Comments

  1. Each time Tae San had a conversation outside, I feared that somebody from the bushes might suddenly attack him. For sure, operator’s camera was moving suspiciously.

    • WE are Out Of Topic here but You just killed me right now.Paksa and Soo min had the perfect chemistry and I shipped them.You are right ,his behavior was a little weird around NGR in the behind the scenes not that he had too many behind scenes with her,which is another suspicious element.And now we see why.

  2. koala the above comment just shown that you don’t understand the writer’s thinking and the story’s main theme and I think you mixed up all the times of the events that happen in the drama, of course this is a quite a complicated story. Don’t forget at that time both the prosecutor and the police are now at tae san’s side, pedestrian! no one will put an eye on it.

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