
KBS Holds Early Drama Press Event for Age of Feeling as the Cast Heads to China for Filming — 18 Comments

  1. Meh…..only person I really cared about in this cast has dropped out and among all the pretties, the only ones that are going to be decent in the acting department are Han Jung Soo and Kim Jae Wook, and neither of them are leads…i ‘be found both leading ladies to be mediocre or average in their previous projects… Guess I won’t be checking this one out

  2. Aw man the cast ensemble looks like a bad Halloween joke or something, but I’m happy for them that production of this show is underway. It sounds interesting, even if I’m interested in no one (okay, Kim Jae Wook but I’ve long stopped watching something just cos my favorite is in it… :I)

  3. Im pretty sure this has been said a ton of times before,
    but it’s amazing how different kim hyun joong looks like now compared to his BOF days.

    • He’s had (another) nose job after Playful Kiss. It’s painfully obvious how bigger it is, maybe to look more manly. Hey it worked, he looks great, I don’t know why some of his fans keep denying it. He also had a nose job before BoF, he admitted that with the reason of a car accident botching his nose.

      • To poop,

        KHJ only admitted having a nose job once only that was the interview he did with Kang Ho dong. He never admitted to having multiple nose job. You are creating your own story. Your opinion sounds like your name.

    • @dragon lady
      mmkay, you just proved my point about his fangirls being in denial. Literally almost everybody that’s not a fan noticed the change in his appearance. Anyway he wouldn’t admit to another nose job would he, so I’m just going keep my opinion out there and let the before and after pictures speak for themselves.Having PS ain’t bad, especially if the outcome turns out great.

      • To poop

        KHJ fans are not in denial. KHJ admitted it and we respect him for his honesty. Unlike other actors who are lying about it and their fans are in denial.

      • Aigoo he had a nose job , not a face job hahahah!!! it’s not a big problem . I wish he improves his performance too worry about a nose job

  4. Kim Hyun Joong’s hairstylist should be shot for this… I don’t know how I should call it… haircut. >.>

    And WTH Kim Jae Wook is 2nd lead next to Kim Hyun Joong!?! How much I hate drama industry in Korea.

  5. I kinda prefer it when the cast just shows up in nice formal wear rather than in character, but this is that one exception I think. Because I don’t know what to expect from this drama, the least they can give us is a bit of a peek as to how the cast will be dressed.

    I like all their attires, but what is up with that yellow backdrop. Maybe its a mid 1900s look but wow it makes my eyes sore. KHJ’s hair is WTF, and he looks… different really. I’ve said this in a previous comment. Maybe its the jawline or something else but he just doesn’t look like he used to. I so prefer his BOF and PK days. I personally loved Gastikal so I’m hoping this is atleast half as good.

  6. Well this could be a good drama to enjoy on weekends , I don’t have great expectations since I was completely disappointed by the MHYD’s writer . Il watch and enjoy this proyect without expecting great things .Kim hyun joong’s haircut is Ok since is a period k-drama and if this haircut help him to play and improve his characterization who cares, he is a pretty boy now I’d like he becomes a good actOr.

  7. Kim Jae-wook in second lead territory again? Sigh. He’ll get a leading role soon, right?

    Unfortunately even KJW can’t get me to watch this…it just feels like a potential trainwreck. Hopefully I’m wrong.

  8. Only thing kept me interested in this drama was Kim So Eun! Kim Hyun Joongs ugly hairstyle isn’t gonna pull me in to watch this.. i wish Kim Jae Wook was the lead ;(

  9. The plot sounds interesting and they have both Kim Jae Wook and Kim Hyun Joong! I’m all in :)) Agree that Kim Jae Wook should finally get a lead role. And I like both KHJ’s looks in his BOF day and now. He has different styles but still very warm smiles 🙂

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