
Bolin Chen Charms in New Winter Pictorials to Promote Rom-com Movie Campus Confidential — 12 Comments

  1. Wait, is this out already? It says December 6th and I think that’s the release date?

    I said it last time, but I so respect actors like Bolin Chen who’ll completely get into character just for a part.

    He looks so nerdy and unattractive in the preview, it’s so awesome!

  2. Gosh he’s so hot. And that movie trailer looks so good I wish it were a drama instead. I’d watch it in a flash and then rewatch it again. I’ve seen Ivy and Bolin in both the other projects they did and they’re fabulous together. So damn excited for this!

  3. I think it’s a smart career move for him to focus on movies. But I miss watching him in a (good) drama! I hope the next drama he picks will be a winner!

    And he looks so damn fine in those pics!

    • yes, me to ….they are both so comfortable in their skin. I love their body language. Also both of them make cardigans look really sexy. But I have to say Bolin is better looking and seems more interesting. Maybe because he’s done a lot more interesting work …..not only commercial films like GY. He’s like the thinking gorgeous man which makes him even more sexier.

  4. I fell like I have been waiting for this movie to come out forever. It looks hilarious. I am hoping it will be out with subs by my spring break; it would be perfect.

  5. Funny trailer, but it does feel like they took ALL the funniest parts and put them in.

    Bolin Chen isn’t handsome, he is the most handsome man ever.
    His genes and my genes needing to meet and greet soon and often.

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