
Prime Minister and I Episode 2 Recap — 48 Comments

    • I just watched ep. 1 and I like what I saw of the preview for ep. 2. I am waiting for the ep. to be fully subbed. It is my 1st drama with LBS, and I really like him, and his chemistry with YA. I also like YSY in this drama. I love the Prime Minister’s youngest son.

  1. Omg there were so many funny moments in this episode, like when she was sneaking out by the reporters or when she started to freak out in the hotel lmao.

    But the best moment was when the driver turned on that lovey dovey music and wanted to turn off the lights for them-both of their faces were priceless.

    And i can`t believe that Lee Beum Soo and Yoona have more chemistry in these two episodes than Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye in all 17 episodes of The Heirs. I don`t think anybody needs more proof that having good chemistry has nothing to do with age or looks.

    • Just proved that Lee Beum Soo is a helluva better actor than Lee Min Ho. Oh, sorry, comparing LBS with LMH is in itself an insult to LBS. Why are we even talking about The Heirs in this thread??

  2. I am fully on board with this show. I haven’t been this excited about a drama in months (maybe longer). Chemistry is off the charts, and I love the comedic moments.

    Personally, I never thought Yoona was a terrible actress. I liked her in Love Rain and thought that maybe her performance there was more a case of not having good material to work with (that was such a blah drama, therefore so much in it seemed blah too). I’m glad to see her shine in this role. 🙂

  3. Thanks for recapping this, Ms Koala!

    I’m officially on board this drama train and I’m in it for the long haul after watching this episode. Wow! There were so many LOL moments in this episode. I watched this at work and I literally had to cough several times just so I could cover up my laughter. I think I just found my drama crack!

    Yoon-Ah is killing it and Lee Beom-soo is his usual brilliant self! They are setting up the foundation for the contract marriage very nicely and it is believable that they have to go that route. And the chemistry. Oh man, I can feel the snap, crackle and pop of that chemistry. Who knew, right? Can’t wait for the next episodes.

  4. It’s early morning my time and decided to check if you already recapped Episode 2. I normally have to wait a day or 2 before I get to watch the latest episode and had to make do with recaps in the meantime. You are definitely fast! Thank you!!! I must tell you that I had as much fun reading your Episode 1 recap and watching the episode! This drama tickles the funny bone in me. It already had me in stitches at episode 2! Looking forward to the next episodes and your recaps!

  5. oh wow i am loving this drama who is this writer who knows how to make people soon and get all giddy

    yoona is acting really well so i am becoming a fan


  6. You’re super fast with the recapping. Thank you!!

    This is the only drama currently airing that l really enjoyed. Couldn’t-wait -for-the-next-episode spirit at last ended with this drama. l just can’t have it with Heirs or Bel Ami or Marry him if you Dare. Even awaiting for You come from the Star and Miss Korea, this drama is really awesome. Yoona is hillarious and awesome. Lee Beom Soo has this gangster-like face that just funny to be Prime Minister. At first l dont buy, but now, i kinda like him, he is so funny by himself. Yoona so funny that l laughed few times watching her. You can feel the chemistry from as early as 1st ep just like the Master Sun’s otp. i dislike Yoona in Love Rain, bad directing perhaps,but here she is adorable and cute.

    Cant wait to see her be his wife. Couldnt figure out how’s it ended, whether she will be his or may be In Ho? Just wait, this only ep 2.

  7. What a great thing to have a drama that puts a w….i….d….e…. grin on my face.
    I love when idols aren’t afraid to poke at their beautiful image and snore, fall down and puke. Ewwwwwww! Even the body guards made yuck faces.

    She is sweet but smart. The drama works because we like her and want her to be happy. I am sorta rooting for the PM, but only because I want him to be nice to DJ. I also want him to reeeeeeaallly kiss her so that we can see it’s genuine. Do you think the network will allow that? Or are their ages too disparate? I don’t think we got to see much smooching in She is 18 or Hotaru no Hikari – both with older men younger girls. I hope we do. She is 28 years old after all.

    Thanks for the recap! ♥♥♥

      • Yeah. They will do a lot of that fake stuff with camera angles that sell it.

        It would be fun to have one real one. Just one.

      • He did put his thumb there, but still touched the general area. They said they have not touched lips yet during the press conference. Lee Beom Soo said it’s just acting though, so maybe it means they do plan to have one. We can’t know if this one was because they don’t intend to do it or because this was a fantasy and they don’t want to have a real kiss yet. If they do plan to have one later, this would just ruin the anticipation.

        So far, they have not been shy with skinship or even some naughty jokes, so there is some hope. Yoona has kissed older actors before, Lee Beom Soo wouldn’t have a problem with it, so unless KBS has a major issue or netizens protest too bad, we should get at least a peck. They did choose to pair these two actors so it would be very silly of them to not have a kiss for a romance.

    • If they don’t kiss properly, I mean with mouth movement, glimpse of tongue, completely and utterly lost in each other, that would just hurt my drama loving soul so very much. Because the chemistry of Yoona and Lee Bum Soo needs to be allowed to do everything couples would do in love. It’s just that potent and present. Even better is that its unexpected, as unexpected as the thought that Prime Minister Yul could ever fall for SNews reporter Da Jung.

      Who cares that he’s married and she’s an idol. I swear the screen was melting all throughout City Hall and Cha Seung Won has been married for 20 years and it just doesn’t matter when it’s chemistry onscreen and we get to feel it and the actors give it their all.

      • Him being married should be a reason to do it, not keep from it . No chance of scandals between the two leads = nothing to fear. And it’s acting. Audiences are not stupid or sexless. It’s the industry which seems too prudish to show things.

        They keep banging on about how they want this to be a mature romance, how they feel viewers will forget about their prejudices about the age gap etc and they did cast them for said age gap, so they better deliver if they want to stick to what they have been saying and not seem like they are chickening out.

        We won’t see tongue action or possibly even open mouths, but just a nice peck even would be appreciated. Although they are handling a big taboo so they might as well go all the way with it. But still, anything but a side cheek view and camera tricks and thumbs on lips. LET THEM SMOOCH!

      • The director (female PD in Korea is extra rare and wow, the lady is great) has a Twitter account. So if someone wants to praise her or send her a wish for a good kiss, that’s the place to go. Ahaha.

  8. Yoona is outdoing herself. Her prior dramas were boring and this rom-com suits her well, plus she’s definitely found her role of a lifetime. Her comedic timing is perfect and I’m happy for her and LBS, who is filming with a hand injury. He is also perfect in tnis role and I can’t wait for the kids and DJ’s dad to interact ’cause this will be a hoot.

  9. Thanks for the recap. Very interesting story. Yoona acting has improved. I wonder if there is any preview for episode 3. I am looking forward for it.

  10. Wow episode 2 was even better. I haven’t laughed like that in months.

    Yoona has surprised me, I forgot that she couldn’t act a damm because she rocks this role. She was hilarious and kinda sweet. I’ve never seen her so expressive.

    Did Lee Beom So drink some magic water or wave a wand? That intense look and her return gaze. The chemistry is unreal, literally cannot remember the huge gap. Guess when you can act, you bring it on.

    This is one drama ride I am happy to follow. Not a drag and down-right hilarious. Missed those rom coms.

    • I love this drama, I love them in it, I need this drama to be good from the first drop until the last, that is how much I love it. *__*

  11. This is so refreshing to watch after the mess of MC. Yoona is doing such a great job. Lee Beom Soo is just amazing in general. I really can’t wait for the two to fall. Their chemistry is really out of this world. I seriously don’t even really notice the age difference at all.

    I’m enjoying the second leads as well. Let’s have some noona romance for them please. Though In Ho is so freaking suspicious, but I almost think it might be a red herring of some sort.

  12. I love that you can slowly see them warming up to each other and even falling for one another. They have already proven that they are willing to help and protect one another which is a basis of trust and essential to a strong relationship and marraige. On top of that, they’ve got chemistry!

    I know people were writing on viki comments that they wish Yoona was with the second male lead but IMO it would be too typical and too easy. I really feel like both the leads balance each other out in so many ways and when they fall in love, it will be so real and so deep. I’m really, really liking this and I hope it stays this good…or at least close to it.

    • Agree. I love their natural progression in the relationship built on mutual trust and admiration. I think it really clicked for da jung when she overheard him possibly thinking about giving up everything he worked for just to defend her rights and save her from humiliation. I bet if we looked back and asked one of those “so when did you guys start to like each other?” questions, that moment would probably be Da Jung’s answer. I can definitely see how she’ll fall for him first, purely b/c the prime minister is a sexy man based on principle.

      I feel like it was sort of default for those viki comments to ship her and second male lead because (well yes, aside from the fact that it’s yoon shi yoon), he’s more of what you typically see as the hero in k-dramas. Younger, cuter. I’m definitely more intrigued with his character come episode 2, but i definitely do enjoy watching yoona and lee bum soo.

  13. Yoona already improved a lot in Love Rain but because not many people gave Love Rain a chance, they still have the idea that she cannot act. She was dull only in the first few eps of Love rain. When it is the role of the daughter, she was perfect. Very similar to this character here. She did not perform as well during the last few eps of Love Rain because it requires too many crying scenes. So i think for now, rom-com is where she should start first. I think because of her bubbly personality, she is better in this type of role.

    I was pleasantly surprised by this drama. I love dramas that have fake marriage and this is turning out to be really interesting. I think i have very different taste from Korea public. This drama rating is too low , which is a shame because it seems to be really nice. Looking forward to watching it.

  14. I love this drama, can’t wait fir the next episodes. This is a lot better than The Heirs which I stopped watching after ep 10.
    . This current drama is comical and entertaining. What a treat after the Master’s Sun !!!!

  15. Thanks for your recaps!!

    Loving this drama…I’m sad about the ratings tho. 🙁

    How I see it, Kwon Yul might be a good person but Kang In ho knows how to play the politics game. He’s really smart but somehow downplays just how smart he is. Looking forward to knowing what makes him tick.

    Hye Joo…now that is one scary woman! She’s probably not in love with the prime minister but obsessed with him. LOL!

  16. The writer must keep Da Jung the same noisy, hyperactive, funny and cute girl she is. Because I’m loving her so much. Reminds me of me, I feel identified. Yoona is so perfect for the role and Lee Bum Soo is also rocking his character! A hot kiss won’t hurt anybody, it’s only part of a Romantic Comedy. I’m enjoying it WAY too much! I hope it keeps like this. SM is truly breaking its stereotype.
    I’m also loving that they introduce the kids just in time, they’re not the most important but they’re substancial.
    As for the preview, it’s already making me exited for next Monday to come. Da Jung is dressed nicely but she’s still the same mess. Hahaha, love her! ❤❤

  17. Wah! I’m so in looooove, I think I’m floating in cloud nine…. yay for engaging characters, an interesting take on a trope and for such sparkling chemistry!

  18. I am loving this drama so much that I have to search the Internet for full recaps, which led me to your awesome site. Thank you so much for doing full, intelligent, and entertaining recaps, Ms. Koala! I have definitely bookmarked this page to come back for this show and other recaps that you do.

    I was not a big fan of Yoona before this show, but like you said, all it takes is the right mix of character, acting lessons, and pairing for the “switch” to go on, and voila! Of course, LBS is a legend, and can act with a dish rag, if need be. But oh so great to have sizzling chemistry with the female lead! I’m definitely on board for the remaining episodes, and looking forward to all your recaps and reviews!

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