
The Happy Cast of Empress Ki Show Off their Camaraderie on MBC’s Section TV and in BTS Stills — 29 Comments

  1. Thank you for being more impartial in this post 🙂 Tal tal reminds me of legolas(I think that is the name of the elf) from the hobbit.

    • LOL, I realized JCW is so cute as TH that I can only handle him when his character isn’t talking bc when he opens his mouth to it’s to whine. In MVs he’s totally eye candy and in the BTS stills I just want to squish him. TH the character is still a giant wanker though.

  2. JCW is killing it as Ta Hwan, even if i don’t necessarily ship him with Seung Nyang. I see him as an adorable puppy that is harmless, so it’s hard to feel anything more than annoyance. I do like his character better on his own when SN makes him stronger, but the whining all day doesn’t really do it for me. I think as an emperor there’s so much more he could be focusing on instead of SN.
    I saw alot of potential in JCW in baek dong soo so i knew i would one day fully appreciate his performance, which i do now. I only hope to see him in a role in the future where i can actually root for the guy.
    I love how in all the BTS JCW and his servant are like a couple.

    I also love how everyone gushing over Wang Yoo when he came to the palace with TH all annoyed. Honey, i just hope you learn what a man really is and step up to the plate so i can love you more.

  3. Happy cast=equals good show. I love the bts with HJW and JCW during the foot massaging scene. JCW is so playful, wiggling his big toe like it was a thumbs up and HJW cracking up at his antics. I would say that JCW is a scene-stealer in this drama and gain a few new fans when it’s done. Also, El Temur has handsome kids especially the younger son, forgot his name.

  4. I love Jin Yi Han’s voice, I think it is deep and manly. I wish he would speak more on screen. Maybe it is his reserved self that makes him mysterious and his collected, calm demeanour which makes him smart and sexy all the way. Of all the side characters I love his character the best. I am looking forward to his scenes. Of course, I think Ji Chang Wook is a work of art in his role as the Emperor, so are all the leads and also the actor who plays Tan Ki Se, with his evil gaze and facial expressions which he quickly changes.

  5. I love watching Empress Ki . It has everything-well balance especially the comedy part. I loved the morning bed bath scene most of all.I couldn’t stop laughing.I think it’s the funniest of all that I have seen so far.I couldn’t make up my mind which ship to jump.I love them both although TH seems to have more of romantic scene or off the chart chemistry with SY. Fighting Empress Ki.Can’t wait for Monday to come even though it’s early morning here in Ca. to watch the live streaming.

  6. Ji Chang Wook is now one of the most wanted actor and also Ji Hi Yan he was so manly even with his long hair ..,the casting and the story is great tumbs up to Ha JiWon she is the best actionstar ever..,,EMPRESS KI not failed us to EMPRESS us; -D

  7. I’m on 49 ep now and it’s soooo… Well, yes I LOVE this drama and actors and story it’s all just amazing. I have two favourites here.. Guys, prepare to kill me for what I’m going to say!xd So, it’s Tal Tal and… even more than him I loved Dangkise.. so sad that he died. He was really hot(so CRAZY) and even though cruel he was somewhat cute and I actually felt for him.
    It seems like I’m only one in the world who likes and ships Dangkise lol.. I want him bottoming for Yeom Byungsoo and I know it sounds crazy xd but there were some moments between them I couldn’t miss. Maybe I imagined this, but the tenderness with which Byungsoo touches him it’s ohhh I love it^^ but maybe the reason is that Dangkise is visibly smaller than others in their company? But he is their commander and that makes it even more hot cause still in one situation one of them helps him then in another situation someone other and it creates a feeling that everyone in their team actually secretly likes him… okay looks like I’m too obsessed lol I wonder if anyone here likes BL/yaoi? xd

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