
First Impressions: Miss Korea and You From Another Star — 24 Comments

  1. I agree with almost everything you said and was nodding my head as i went along. Alot of your thoughts mirror the majority of the comments i’ve read on other blogs.
    I was more drawn to YFAS, and that’s because it wastes no time in getting to the goodies.
    That said, I enjoy MK for it’s unique concept, and im even more interested in where we could go with the story. But the first two episodes, are like you say, set up. So I see it’s going to take a bit longer to hook me. That’s okay, because i’m still going to continue watching both shows. I personally think MK deserves more than it’s current ratings, but it’s not like it started off with the same bang as YFAS with the high profile leads, the fast-paced story, and the pretty.
    Unfortunately, Lee Yeon Hee to me is undoubtedly the weak link of MK, but overall the cast is giving some solid performances.
    I think we’ve got blazing chemistry between Kim Soo Hyun and Jeon Ji hyun, and the foundation of their romance is so so so solid and good that it makes me so giddy with excitement at how epic their love can be give how lonely these two people really are.

    Enjoy your vacation Koala, you deserve it after recapping the drama that shall not be named. 🙂

  2. I prefer YFAS. i think it is very fast paced. Thank god, Heirs did not extend any eps. This is definitely a better drama than Heirs.

    I am no fan of any actors but i must say JJH is so good. She is so far my favourite female lead this year. I like how she stand up for herself in front of another actress but she is also very funny and make stupid mistakes. Although the age gap was obvious, they have chemistry. I must say Keyeast is really good at selecting scripts for his golden boy

    • Jeon Ji Hyun is killing it as Song-Yi. That vulnerability we see in her eyes that she doesn’t let anyone but herself (and min joon) see while never backing down in front of others makes me love her so much.

  3. Agree that both make great impressions right off the bat and both have great femlae leads.. Cery likable, flawed ones. Am looking forward to this sudden downpour of good kdramas to watch!! Its as if the whole year there was reasonably engaging stuff now and again (although monstar has my heart) but nothing really outstanding and suddenly there are so many potentially great dramas.

    I am watching one warm word (love), YFAS, MK, Let’s eat, bel ami, potato star and golden rainbow. I dont have time for prime ministr and I!!! Even though so many are loving it too!! Ararrrrrggh. Ottoke??!

  4. Skipped a lot of scenes in MK E01. I know they were still setting up the story, but my opinion of the director is the opposite. I mentally disengaged on this one scene of Lee Mi-sook’s character because the PD was unnecessarily shooting her at every angle (it was dizzying). YFAS’ PD on the other hand is a winner imo. Love all his pretty shots. Seems so effortless.

    I also checked out the writers of both dramas and based on their previous dramas, I’d go for YFAS writer’s storytelling more than the writer of Pasta & Romance Town.

    I agree that LYH got a role that suits her this time, but she’s still the weakest compared to Go Ara and Yoona. I feel that Ara & Yoona can do other stuff now outside of rom-com and I’d watch them because they’ve improved and can handle it well, but feels that LYH can’t and any improvement here is because of the character.

  5. Miss Korea was an enjoyable watch, in particular I’m looking forward to the relationships and dynamics between all the characters. The drama feels warm and the story is good.

    YFAS doesn’t interest me yet besides Jeon Ji Hyun’s character, but I’m know my opinion of it is sure to change after I watch through a full episode.

    Not a bad move by SM, to give them each spunky roles that may be closer to their own personalities and easier for the audience to root on. Another good move/luck was their costars are all fantastic actors to work with.

  6. I’m in the minority: I liked “Miss Korea” much more than YFAS.

    This new batch of dramas is seriously going to fill up my schedule. Where’s a time machine when you need one?

  7. I feel like ywcfs first two episode alone is better the whole drama of heirs lololol hope it will get better and better. Havent watch miss korea yet because i feel like this is the kind of drama where i think its better to wait for more eps to air and watch at once

  8. Me too. I felt like the premiere week of YFAS was much better than all of Heirs for me personally as a viewer. I actually thought that YFAS would turn out underwhelming like its promotions. I have always thought KSH was overrated. I think JJH is lovely but haven’t particularly liked any of her roles. But coming from this background, I was pleasantly surprised that I liked ep 1 and even watched it twice. Episode 2 was great and I am just churning my brain trying to figure out how this story will unfold. The jury is still out on this one for me but I am onboard. JJH is really standing out as the lonely top star.

    MK – I think I will enjoy this one more when I watch it in a marathon. Everything sounds great on paper and I don’t mind LYH so I definitely think this will work for me. But I am a sucker for fast paced dramas where things happen fast and there is little set up. So I don’t see this as a crack drama but I feel it can be very good in its own right.

  9. I’ve never liked Kim Soo Hyun and this new drama hasn’t convinced me otherwise… I preferred Miss Korea because I could actually see the potential for character growth instead of manufactured shenanigans that are really just little detours along the path to true ‘love’. That being said, really liked Jeon Ji Hyun and I would have loved to see her pair up with someone less stiff.

  10. Just finished epi 2 of miss korea and I honestly cant decide which i like better, miss korea or YFAS. They are both off to a great start. I think ms korea has a great ensemble cast and for me, palpable chemistry between lee sun kyun and lee yeon hee. She is surprising me with how good she is in the role. Loving the female leads in both shows. and i just dont have the time to watch prime minister and I.. That will have to be marathoned later. Wonder whoch will be the crack drama. I suspect YFAS will be the ratings hit coz the two mega stars there. JJH is really nailing her role. Love her little speech mannerisms etc.

    I am loving one warm word, lets eat, potato star and watching golden rainbow, which just became interesting with the entry of jung il woo. Ahhh, too much time on dramas!!!

  11. None of these sound interesting enough to actually watch. Thanks for taking them up to recap; I’ll stick to reading the comments on your blog and others.

  12. What I find the most interesting of YFAS is actually Park Hae-jin’s character’s brother. A chilling sub-plot in a fantasy romantic comedy drama. Reviews of MK sounds promising, I’ll start watching this weekend. Happy holidays! 😀

  13. It’s my first time watching Jeun Ji Hyun and I like her acting and character. She seems to have more chemistry with Kim Soo Hyun than Han Ga In.

  14. I think I am the only one so far to say this(and I hope I don’t get flamed for it)- I actually found JJH really annoying, especially sometimes when her voice gets nasal- wait, it’s not her I find annoying, it’s the character. Except for the scene in the toilet where she confronts her rival, and the one where she is eating ramyun at her friend’s, I found the character just grating. I first watched KSH in Quietly Greatly and liked him there so have hopes for him here. I agree with koala that the zippiness of YFAS makes it highly watchable- not to mention a novel plot of alien and reincarnation themes.

    As for MK, I have to admit I only watched it for LSG at first, but am surprised but how I was drawn in by the layered storyline and LYH’s character. So much potential! But ahhhhhh, LSG!! The Voice! Sexy, acting chops, and one of the few hot actors old enough for me to call oppa ;-b

    Have a good vacation koala!!

  15. Well I think both dramas are really good the story the directors writers actors everything is good they did good choices 🙂 but if I have to.say I will.choose MK the story is different the actors great Lyh really doing a great job I think MK I enjoying more this drama.

  16. Am I the only one who thoroughly enjoyed YFAS? Hahaha!

    I just finished episode 4 today and so far, I enjoyed what I saw. Yes including the syrupy Destiny song. Everything in the show. I think I did washed off all the MHIYD frustration I had weeks ago.

    I love JJH and KSY to bits. I can’t wait to see more of your reviews for YFAS/MLFAS.

    I might check out MK as well. 🙂 You’re right, they are two meal courses for Wednesday and Thursday! I have nothing complain. I finally have two shows to look forward to.

  17. I’m freaking loving you from another star this drama has me hooked that i haves dreams about I can’t wait for the next episodes Kim soo hyun oppa!! Luv u

  18. I really love Miss Korea because the casts in this show are all so well crafted. The chemistry between Lee Seong Kyun and Lee Yeon Hee is so natural and I can really feel the strong bond between them, without the need of any artificial addition of scenes, all goes to their incredible acting skills. Other roles such as Lee Mi Sook, Lee Sung Min, Hong Ji Min etc are so good which make the whole drama even more worthy to watch.
    I watched YFAS as well, I did not manage to get myself into that drama because of the awkward combination of casts and their acting skills.(JJH is still good).
    I have watched up to episode 16 for Miss Korea and I must say that this drama is so under rated in Korea. This should be the drama of the year.

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