
Recap and Video of the Hilarious Episode 6 BTS for In A Good Way — 24 Comments

  1. Curious to see the BTS for the next episode (since that takes place after the interview) to see if they remain so chummy off camera. But seriously the cast really have such a ball of a time filming together. Think their chemistry & camaraderie shows on screen, which is why the show sucks you in & gets you hooked. Hope the screenwriter keeps up the good work & maintains the show’s quality all the way to the end!

    • The fact they are that relaxed says a lot about the director.
      He gets the job done – meaning we are definitely feeling his unique imprint on pacing, music, photography – AND lets the cast have a little fun and freedom. That is not an easy balance.

      • I have to wonder if part of how they’re able to accomplish that is the one episode per week format. It’s painful as an audience member because the show’s so good, but I’m sure it’s less of a strain on the actors & production team. And honestly, I don’t mind so much now that we’re basically getting to follow along with a mini-drama every week, in the form of these long BTS clips.

    • Kirsten does sound nice hehe. But her name now seems to be lorene because i saw on lego’s instagram that he is following lorene ren too bad her account is private though

  2. I’ve seen this so many times it’s no joke. They are two cute. The entire cast!!! I loved Earth’s Judo jutterbug. Priceless. And yes, Lego looks like the straight man but he’s the reason Kirsten is giggling and hitting like a mad woman. Gotta love it.

  3. i love how comfortable Lego and Kristen are with each other. also lego mentioned at one of the previous interviews that everyone is having so much fun filming the show and that everyone starts to do a lot of improvising.

  4. Omg the bts released every week is getting getting more awesome ~ and they become closer and closer. Lol by the end of the drama they will be prob dating and become tight as. Hardcore shipper here haha

  5. Whether he wants to date her or not, he LOVES her attention. He KNOWS she’ going to keep hitting him if he teases her.

    You gotta wonder how different they are when the cameras are off, or does this continue in someone’s trailer or over a glass of wine? Hmmmm…

  6. LOL Lego looks like a seal when he does the Kirsten smile while clapping his hands hahaha
    Poor Kirsten, getting teased mercilessly ^_^
    The whole cast of this drama is awesome!

  7. I enjoy these BTS more than I have enjoyed half the dramas this year. The entire cast is that cute. Now we see even the families are that cute. Will there be unicorns next?

    • LOL, so true. The BTS is truly a drama-within-a-drama, comprised exclusively of skinship. Whoever’s sitting in a boardroom, declaring that shows need makjang and manufactured angst to hook audiences, should be taking notes.

      • I know. People keep trying to come up with new reality tv show ideas when they have this stuff right in their laps.

      • I’ve NEVER understood that, with American tv especially. Like…what on the planet is more enjoyable than watching two people fall in love? Why make all of these “dating” shows only to use them as a vehicle for tons of manufactured drama? Obviously *some* stuff needs to happen, but I just don’t get why a lot of shows (reality and otherwise) undermine their characters to move the plot forward. It’s just illogical to me, when there’s so much rich drama to mine from believable characters navigating real relationships with depth to them.

        *stepping off my soapbox now*

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