
Lee Da Hae, Park Min Young, and Kim Sun Ah All Switch Agencies in the New Year — 15 Comments

  1. All the best to these ladies… I hope that change is for the better!! Sounds like it will be. Fighting…

    I don’t pay attention to agencies so I don’t really know who reps who other than singers with SM that get talked about a lot and that whole merger. But other than that I am petty clueless. Who reps Yeh? I feel like she needs a fresh change.

  2. Lee Da Hae gave an awesome performance in Miss Ripley, so my girl is not her last best performance.She won Grand Price at Korean Cultural and Entertainment Awards 2011 for her role in Miss Ripley.
    To me her best performance still Lotus Flower Fairies, her first leading role.

  3. I’m irrationally fond of Lee Da-hae and I want her to land a good role. She is one of the better actresses out there. I’d like to see her with Jo In-sung or Jung Dong-gun (again!).

  4. I like LDH as an actress, but I found it hard to like her as a person. To me, she has tendency to destroy herself, be it PS addict and doesn’t care about her career or reputation. I’m also not sure why she wants to change company, ever since MY GIRL, she’s only wants to act once a year, or only acts whenever she feels like it and who her costars. So I think, not a issue of her agency so much, maybe she not really interested in acting.

    • I’m a fan of LDH and I have to put my two cents in. It couldn’t be farther from the truth if one says that she doesn’t want to act. She came from a chabeol family. She doesn’t need to work if she doesn’t want to but she’s very passionate about her work. She has been at odds with her agencies and with forestar too. They wanted her to do projects that are in their interest and not hers. She tried to end the contract so they frozen her career for two years now.

      After East of Eden, her career were on a standstill. No one wants to work with her until Jang Huk rescued her by recommending to the producer to cast her.

      In the past recent years, she has been focusing her career in china.

      To me, she just does not having luck in terms to picking the right agency. I felt that she was really mismanaged. Often times she says things that put her in bad position.

  5. I feel like I haven’t seen PMY in years, but then I dropped Dr Jin like a hot potato so it’s not like she vanished from drama land. I think she’s chosen some great projects and even if they were crappy in quality, they’ve always been rated relatively high. I hope her agency can get her projects in the level of CH, I’ve always been fond of her.

  6. 2010 🙂 .I love Park min young since sungkyunkwan scandal.she was great hunter also is my of honor was ok.didn’t have a chance to watch Dr jin yet.MY leaving KK for the better.,Kk in the last 2 yrs had so many actor to manage in their agency.Culture Depot could do a better job for Min young Career in the future coz they only had 2 actor to manage.,Jun ji hyun & Park min young.Hope for The Best for Min young in 2014. Fighting! 😉

  7. I like Lee Da Hae a lot as an actress, I’ve heard complaints about her real-life personality but I don’t take any interest in that, so it doesn’t interfere with my appreciation. I wish she’d star in more kdramas, Mrs Ripley was ages ago!

  8. I always tell myself there’s nothing wrong with plastic surgery ……..but when I see these faces….it’s just too bizzare. I wish people wouldn’t go overbroad with it. They are still so young. They could delay it a bit. A lot of Korean actors are beginning to look like clones. I love Korean cinema and dramas but the actors have got to slow down on this the crazy PS…..It’s beginning to get disturbing………

  9. I like LDH in My Girl more. I have watched Miss Ripley, not particularly enjoy this drama, her acting is ok but her face seems “frozen”, her emotions cannot be expressed through her rock-hard ice-smooth cheeks. She now looks like a mannequin, very pretty but emotionless. Sad.

  10. Since Kim Sun-ah is still in the market for agency, I hope she picks Fantagio which houses Ha Jungwoo, then they can do a project together.

  11. I never had much opinion about Lee Da Hae, until I saw her in Chuno. I loved her in that. I haven’t watched her other dramas. They haven’t sparked an interest in me. I can’t wait to watch her in something though. I can only watch a drama if both the cast and the plot sounds good.

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