
In A Good Way Episode 9 Recap — 39 Comments

  1. What does he mean when he said its not him if she wishes that its not him?? Ms Koala and everyone here, what do you think he means?

    • I don’t know either. But I can so see how this is going to turn into Liu Chan believing that Jia En is not interested in him at all because she likes someone else or does not think of “him” like a guy rather than the fact that Jia En does not even seem to be thinking about dating at all and what that means to her. She only seems to be thinking of it in connection to other people.

      • Yeah, I’m worried about that too. I hope that JE isn’t easily able to shake LC’s near-confession, and that it changes the way she thinks about him. Somehow I think it will be easier for me to take the slow development of their relationship if I know that they are both pining for each other (even if there are misunderstandings between them that prevent them from seeing that) than if LC is pining for JE while she still sees him as the good old buddy next door.

        God, this show! The drama is so organic to the situation and so rooted in a bunch of basically great people trying to live their lives as best as possible, it’s just beautiful and heartbreaking. I feel like I’ve been in this exact situation in college. Just lovely.

    • I think it’s similar to the willful ignorance 3631 thing that they have going on, except the roles are reversed. There’s an acknowledgment that there could be feelings there, but LC agrees not to acknowledge them at JE’s request. It’s an act of compassion on LC’s part because he’s respecting JE’s boundaries, just as JE respected LC’s boundaries when he made it clear that he wasn’t ready to let JE see so much of himself (aka his internet identity). It’s heartbreaking, of course, because LC is willfully suppressing his emotions–doubly so, since suppressing his emotions is usually his default, but JE has changed him–so JE doesn’t have to deal with the potential fallout that would come from openly acknowledging his attraction for her. It’s also a really beautiful way for the writers to show us that each has their own walls up. They’re perceptive enough to be able to see through these walls, but they respect each other’s boundaries and slowly build a relationship with and through those boundaries.

      • I also think that Jia En is really enjoying al the friends and the group of people she has. Before, she really only had Ren Wei. She, clearly, has a great capacity for friendship; she really is a very good friend. I think we have learned that this is probably the reason why she followed Ren Wei–not for the stereotypical reason of girl following (stalking) her first crush but because he really was the only friend she had. Now she has a busload (or at least a van load) of friends. I don’t think she wants to mess that up in any way. I also think her friendship with Ren Wei shows that she is used to having a guy as a real friend, so she was never looking at Liu CHan in the way that other girls looked at him and was able to build that deeper relationship that he seems to crave.

      • I totally agree that she is sort of on a high of enjoying true, meaningful connections (which it doesn’t seem that she really had back in her hometown). Although I do think she maybe had some budding infatuation with Ren Wei that she didn’t fully acknowledge, based on the type of hurt she experienced watching Ren Wei go after Bai Xue in the first episode (or two). I definitely agree that she was driven primarily by friendship, but (as is often hard to do with first loves) she couldn’t really distinguish friendship feelings from love feelings. I think that is exactly what is happening here, only to a greater extent because the attraction is mutual & more substantive–she sort of shut down the part of herself that might think of Liu Chan as more than a friend, because he’s such a good friend to her that she doesn’t want to lose him (as she risked losing Ren Wei). And it’s even more believable because now she has to worry about losing the whole group of friends (or at least, hurting Bai Xue & upsetting the balance in the group) by feeling something for Liu Chan.

  2. The ending…she doesn’t want LC to be the one who hurt BX or for things to be complicated. She feels like she would have noticed if that was the case…but girl you REALLY should have noticed by now LOL. Well…we’ll see where this goes.

    • Oh, the look on LC’s face when she delivers that blow.

      We knew it was going to get messy, but this is gonna leave a mark.
      LC has already shown himself to be both reticent and noble.
      The man isn’t going to want to get between Snow and Sky.
      Until, I hope, both of our adorable OTP can’t stand being apart, or at least, can’t keep their hands off each other when they are often often together.

      • This is where the forced proximity will be necessary to keep them from drifting apart and avoiding each other (which I feel could very easily happen, given their personalities). Dutch project, come to the forefront! And/or some treasure hunting project that requires them to work as a team!

  3. In other dramas the BX character and the Tracy character would be characters that we are supposed to dislike because the drama would turn them into harpy figures in competition with the lead. I love how this drama shows that women can be friends, real friends and that women can be all types and still be nice people to themselves and to each other. I love how Tracy tries to shake up Ting Ting and make her have some self respect. Ah Quing really needs to change if he is going to deserve her, but I would be fine if she ended up with someone else or even alone because she would be fine alone. We know that it would not be forever, and she would only be with someone who loves and respects her like she deserves.

    • I so agree with this.

      IAGW is so good at showing that gripping, heartbreaking drama can be mined from watching essentially lovely people trying to live their lives as best as they can. In fact, it’s even MORE heartbreaking because we’re rooting for EVERYONE to get what they want, but their wants and needs are intrinsically at odds with each other. And often those wants and needs have to bump up against each other and learn from each other before they can even be expressed.

      And I’m so much more emotionally invested in this more complicated, organic drama than I usually am in more manufactured villain-hero drama, because when there are no villains and heroes, I care about everyone.

    • Don’t you watch IAGW from the first episode .lol
      The black tea confession is the tradition of CDU.If you like someone ,you send him(her) a cup of black tea and confess to them on the rooftop.Drinking your tea means accepting your love.

  4. JE not wanting it to be LC = less complication…because let’s face it when BX told her “jokingly” that if the person that BX likes like JE–would JE help her…she pretty much has JE trapped on “if you are my friend, do you have my back”….and if it is indeed LC—JE has to make a choice..and that choice would surely shaken everyone’s friendship..and LC lying to JE of him not being the guy-will sure complicate the situation in..because i can sense that JE is going to see LC in a romantic way before she finds out that BX’s crush is LC…

  5. Ohh..I kind of understand now. I hope LC doesn’t think that JE does not like him. It is kind of complicated when your friend asks you (kind of) what you would do if the guy she likes, likes you. LC, hang in there mate, JE will realise that she likes you in the future. In the meantime I am enjoying the realistic friendship and campus life shown in IAGW. I really like the small moments of feelings you get when you watch them slowly growing up and being there for each other. There is no right and wrong, there are only shades in between. BX is such an intelligent and sensible girl, I hope she doesn’t turn into a drama sterotype, keep it real! I can’t wait till next friday. This is what happens, today is friday and I hope friday comes quickly so I can watch the next episode. Today’s episode was sweet and satisfying :D. Thank you for the replies. I am loving the comments. Its good to know what other people think.

  6. Thanks for the recap! Somehow the youtube video I was watching for Ep 9 had sound problem for part 5 so reading your recap helps so much. 😀

    I’m really, really enjoying and loving this series so much. It’s been a long while since that has happened. Every character is so real and lovable, in their own imperfect ways. I really felt for Bai Xue in this episode and truly appreciate how the writers are developing each character so well, with their own storyline and unique experience. And Ren Wei is such a silly guy in love but such a fantastic friend, both to BX and Jia En. I love what he said to BX, that he has found out what is worthy about his to BX, and that is cuz he likes her….awww…how sweet is that. He is really good husband material. 😀

    JE is quite dense, isn’t she? LOL! But so open and sincere. She is very like Ren Wei in that sense. Polar opposite to LC and driving him crazy, 😀 Am really curious to know how she will discover her feelings for LC. She is still that naive country girl and probably never thought of romance yet, only about her studies and friendship.

    I really hope BX will like Ren Wei down the line. He makes her laugh and she makes him giddy.

    And yes, please please give us more of Ri Qi and Xiao Wei. I feel for her so much and she needs someone like Ri Qi to give her that confidence. Plus all her other friends too whom I’m sure will rise up to the occasion to help her out once they find out her situation.

    Lastly, SALUTE to Tracy and her fantastic girl-power advise to Ah Qing’s ex-girlfriend. I like this girl more and more. 😀

  7. @Sushma.

    Bai Xue told Jia En that the guy she (BX) loves loves Jia En.

    Jia En starts to have doubts (recalling past encounters with Liu Chuan) and asks Liu Chuan if he is the one who loves her.

    Liu Chuan asks Jia En if she wishes him to be the guy, if not then it’s not him.

    She says no, I hope you’re not him. = Jia en doesn’t want Liu Chuan to be that guy because Bai Xue is her friend, I think. Liu Chuan, as usual (roll my eyes) is not able to fess up and is flying right straight to a huge wall of angst….

    Basically Liu Chuan is AGAIN lying to Jia En about who he is really. After the 3631 mess, we have the friend of my friend mess… and again Liu Chuan is not able to be true to his feelings… What is his excuse now???

    • I totally disagree. In the 3631 mess, Jia En wanted to know who was 3631. Here, she specially said she hopes Liu Chuan IS NOT the guy Bai Xue is talking about. The world’s sweetest Liu Chuan then did what he always does when a girl is in need before him, and this girl being Jia En then he’s even willing to shelve his right to confess to her. Liu Chuan doesn’t say “I’m not the one.” He says “If that is what you really hope, then yes, I’m not the one.” It’s sooooo telling the exact words he uses. Then Jia En looks both crestfallen and relieved, and then goes with relieved that he’s not the one. Liu Chuan basically threw his feelings for Jia En under a bus to preserve her friendship with Bai Xue. Knowing Jia En, there is NO WAY IN HELL she would pick any guy (even Liu Chuan) over Bai Xue if that would hurt Bai Xue. The only way LC and JE can ever be together is when BX moves on. I don’t see the big mess here at all. And another kicker is that the reason JE wants the guy not to be LC is that she can like LC back. If the guy was LC, JE would feel guilty liking LC at that point.

      • totally agree on that one koala! I don’t think JE meant to say she hope it’s not LC because she doesn’t like LC back…she is relieved that it’s not LC and she doesn’t need to sacrifice or make any crucial decisions..hehehe let’s just hope LC is smart enough to think (i know he is) that JE was only relieved because she didn’t have to to feel guilty and not think that JE doesn’t like him back…and since the preview has JE-LC hanging out, i don’t think LC is distancing himself from a rejection..i think JE-LC is going to be much much closer especially they are spending time together figuring out the pendant..

      • Yes you are right. I should edit my post and take back my “What is his excuse now?” 🙂 I agree with you that he did this to “protect” Jia En (and Jia En and Bai Xue friendship).

        Still… once again he doesn’t say the truth, even if in this case it is to protect Jia en and Bai Xue.
        Angst coming big time!

  8. This episode tho…
    What a disappointment ><
    I'm getting srsly impatient for jiaen to at least develop SOME sort of feelings for the awesome guy who's like willing to do anything for her.. I mean, come on…it's probably just her innocence, but this drama is still a bit draggy.
    Btw, ms koala, where do you watch this show?

      • i love the pacing may slow for others but i think it’s perfectly fine especially the show may run 20+ episodes..if LC-JE get together now for sure the writers might resort to more angst to keep them away from each other until now i prefer the baby steps and getting deeply know each other..and i really like to see the normal things that JE-LC do together-i feel like they are two normal people spending quality time together how normal couple get together…i think in the upcoming episodes JE will start to be aware of her feelings to LC…

      • Me three. It’s so true-to-life to have this slow build from friendship to romance, particularly when both characters are discovering their romantic feelings for the first time.

        And of course JE feels something for LC. She’s always looking for reasons to spend time with him and help him out, and they have a very deep bond that she doesn’t share with anyone else. She just doesn’t yet have the awareness of romantic feelings for him. And she’s a little guarded, I think, about not wanting to depend too fully on another person (after what happened with her and Ren Wei when he moved). I think that once she starts to develop more of an awareness of LC as a man (I’m hoping from this point forward, now that the possibility of LC liking her has been floated), she will start to look at him in a new way. That will be so delicious to watch, heh.

  9. Thanks for the recap. Viki is slowly climbing up to completely subbed so it helps to have the words that go with the pictures!!!

    The looks shooting from LC continue to tug at my heart, as usual.
    The LOL moments tonight were the “Shut up!”s from RW to Jacky, and how JE threw down the beeper when she saw it was from LC.

    I can’t wait till I can watch it and understand it!!

  10. For me, the highlights of this episode were at the very end, including the brief preview. The mutual understanding between LC & JE was nicely illustrated by his “if that’s what you want, it’s not me” followed immediately by her explanation of WHY she didn’t want it to be him. At times I despair of her naivety and their glacial progress toward a deeper relationship, but that sort of delicate dance shows a real mutual understanding. It reminded me very much of the 3631 phone call, where each understood what was not being said.

  11. I thought it was very telling that in Bai Xue’s confession, she ends by mentioning all the moments when Liu Chuan came to Jia En’s rescue/treated her well. She already knows how he feels, and I hope that the phrasing of her confession was the first unconscious acceptance of our OTP.

  12. Sigh this drama is so good even though the pacing for the romance is so slow.But today when JE was thinking about LC and then at the fort later?

    All her uncertainties, and when she became self conscious? All so so good, it reminds of the fluttering giddy feeling whenever you first discover you may, or think you have feelings for a guy. This drama does it so well. The skinship part or jumping into bed doesn’t happen. But boy, the tentative movements and gravitation towards you crush- is so adorable in this episode.

    Love, love this drama.

  13. after watching it with sub in viki, i’ve noticed that liu chuan asked for a black tea. instead, jia en gave him red tea which mean love confession. maybe that’s why liu chuan stared at it intently.

    and yeah, i was alarmed too when ren wei drank it. it’s kinda foreshadowing liu chuan-jia en budding love line. i really hope not.

    • ooww….so i read about “the black tea” here
      i thought i read it at soompi
      and i posted a comment on soompi about “the black/red tea”

      here’s the copy of the message:
      someone mentioned about LC asked JE (and/or JE’s parents) for a cup of black tea as exchange for rescuing her according to viki subs
      but i just re-watched the scene
      and listen the conversation & read the chinese character, LC asked for a cup of red tea, not black tea

      i don’t think chinese has ever had black tea, but many many variety of red tea
      but, i’m not tea expert…so i’m not sure if there’s really black tea out there

      • lol thanks for that. i google searched it and this what i found in wikipedia:

        There are at least six different types of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong (or wulong), black (called red tea in China), and post-fermented tea (or black tea for the Chinese)[24] of which the most commonly found on the market are white, green, oolong, and black.

        now i’m more confused. lol look at what IAGW have done to us. :)))

    • The Chinese term for what is known as “black tea” in the Western language is “red tea” since the color when brewed looks red. The English phrase black tea refers to the tea leaves being black. The Chinese name it red tea because the brewed tea is reddish in color. It’s the same thing.

      Liu Chuan asked for black tea, Jia En brewed him black tea. There is no such thing as “red tea” apart from the black tea Liu Chuan asked for and she didn’t brew any. It’s simply confusion stemming from linguistic translation.

  14. Yes love this show. The pacing might not be to everyone’s taste but I appreciate it. Its lovely the way we’ve been able to discover all these characters. And as others have stated I really appreciate how they have portrayed the relationships between the girls and boys. No trumped up rivalries or scheming behind the scenes.

    Did anyone else notice a change in the cinematography? Some of of the shots in this episode were very movie like. Maybe it’s because I changed to an HD setting on viki. But that shot when LC pulled up to the tea house was very cenimatic and also BX tea confession on top of that building…

  15. Hi peeps, where do you guys watch this online? Is there anything with at least 720p? I have been marathoning it for the past few days and apparently have been pampered with 1080p on youtube. Tq!

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