
In A Good Way Episode 10 Recap — 39 Comments

    • I enjoyed this episode so much. Aside from Liu Chuan being so very very obvious we Ren Wei acknowledging the reality of his situation with Bai Xue, Bai Xue deciding to move forward and telling Jia En that she values her friendship too, and Jia En being Jia En which is awesomely caring and supportive of her friends. I knew that Professor was going to be a problem. I agree if Jia En had spoke to Liu Chuan first and explained this Professor’s history of retaliation he would have recommended an alternate method but once he heard that threat…game time!

      • I actually liked that Jia En didn’t speak to Liu Chuan first this time because the old Jia En would have asked for suggestions and opinions much like sky asking 3631 every time she had a problem. Jia En is learning and becoming more confident in her own decisions.

      • As far as the prof, who is SUCH.A.JERK. by the way, I wonder how having LC involved would change anything.

        This is all very hypothetical here:
        If the prof does cave, it could appear it was because he was intimidated by who LC’s father is.
        Another instance where LC was helped by his relationship but not necessarily happy with it. IF, that is.

        The prof, who is SUCH.A.JERK. again, may keep trying to defend himself and lose anyway.

      • There’s strength in numbers. Getting more people involved will force the professor’s hand. It must have been so scary protesting alone. I’m glad someone joined in to support Jia En.

  1. Thanks for the fast recap! This episode hit all the right buttons, and although I want Jia En and Liu Chuan to hurry up in the romance department, I truly appreciate the writers making each of their encounters meaningful. Each character in the drama seems to have a growth trajectory, and I truly hope that after this grading conflict Xiao Wei will be able to stick up for herself. She is unbelievably lucky to have a friend like Jia En who will stick up for her when she is too timid to do so herself. I understood Xiao Wei’s desire to live a peaceful life throughout college, but I feel that she fails to notice that without voicing her opinion on the more important things every once in a while, she will be trampled on by people like Professor Chang.

    I was also wondering Miss Koala, if you had seen a preview for episode 11? I felt so let down when the episode ended without a preview, for it makes it a little more bearable when anticipating what goods will be delivered next week.

  2. Yay, recap! Wub you, Ms. Koala. Off to watch the episode! I swear, I had the tingles going through my scalp and throughout my entire body when I read the part about LC and JE protesting. Yeah, you go babies!

  3. Thanks again for everything about In A Good WAY! Such a delightful episode!

    I don’t know if its just me but I see things differently from that Onsen interaction withJia En, Liu Chuan and Bai Xue. The moment Bai Xue entered and immediately sat in front of JE, which was not her usual sit, JE immediately looked at LC. And then when BX and RW left, she also seemed to be feeling awkward and just left without even inviting LC, which is usually her thing. To me, it seems she knows whats happening, but purposely trying not to acknowledge whatever it is, so as not to deal with it yet. Am I hallucinating or what? 🙂

    • Yeah, it was very awkward and all three noticed it and their convo about the onsen was accompanied by pauses and stops and some furtive glances.

    • She immediately cut off Liu Chuan when he invited her to the Onsen, it really showed how much she cares about Bai Xue and doesn’t want her feelings to get hurt <3

  4. Still loving this show.

    My favorite scenes this episode:

    Liu Chuan and Jia En browsing the shop selling old childhood toys. Jia En picks up a paper party blower and excitedly blows into it. Liu Chuan asks her, “Do you like it? If you like it I will buy it for you.”

    It’s silly but there is something about those words in Mandarin that makes it sound so low key and natural, like a boyfriend taking care of a girlfriend, and yet they are not.

    Today’s episode lent great glimpses into other facets of Liu Chuan’s personality. He has been cool, reserved and self controlled in the past but two incidents today stand out for me. He asked Jia En to dig in heartily to the hamburger, concerning such things (such as enjoying life), there is no need to be reserved or overly preoccupied about manners but follow your heart’s desire.

    I was taken aback by Jia En staging a protest in the school compound with the signboard. I was even more surprised by Liu Chuan seizing her hand in the last scene and raising the signboard together with her. I may have understood why Jia En did it, as she is impulsive and a little childish but straight As student and most eligible guy on the campus staging such a imperfect (and risky) protest? It showed that behind Liu Chuan’s cool exterior, is a man who knows when to live life to the fullest, and react passionately and strongly concerning causes that he believes in.

    Jia En is such a lucky girl! In that aspect, they are both alike, they are warm blooded and passionate, although Liu Chuan has the cool-headedness to temper her spontaneity majority of the time.

    • Liu Chuan is definitely changing a lot since he met Jia En. He was as clear as he can be to her in this episode that he likes her. I think Jia En actually got some of the hints but is choosing not to address it. It could be sky-3631 all over but with the “I know that you like me” bit.

    • I really like the aspect of LC widening JE’s horizons on many fronts. He challenges her to be strong and true – intellectually, emotionally, socially, and in some regards, sensually.

      The advice of riding on the subway into the light was wonderful. He talks with her about tastes and food and touches her where nobody(male) has before. It’s not like he is way more experienced with love and stuff. We heard that there have been no other girls before him. He has, however, opened up that channel between them more than once. He would be a good future s^xual partner, I think, because he is unafraid to explore and take JE with him. I know that the build to the first kiss will pay off satisfactorily with this OTP and this creative team. Just like all the other moments between them have.

      It’s NOT like I have imagined their first kiss a hundred times before. Reeeeeeally.

  5. It’s sad that Bai Xue spent the ‘last day of her life’ conquering her fear of heights alone! She is the School Flower but other girls are usually distant, or mean ones even talk about her behind her back! I really feel for her. Sometimes pretty girls end up having only guys treat her well because they are interested in her. Sometimes pretty girls, especially if she is not a bitch, have to get over the hurdles of other girls reacting out of envy/ jealousy? Or is it Bai Xue’s fault for not trying harder to be friendly with girls?

    It is hard to chase a guy like Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan is a very independent character and despite his laid back attitude, he is not one to be led solely by a female’s whims unless he wants to. Bai Xue is too perfect, conservative and preserving of her pristine reputation to upset (provoke/ excite) Liu Chuan’s interest and cause all the run-ins with him unlike scatterbrained, impulsive and true-hearted Jia En. It’s hard for any girl to be rejected by the guy she likes, and especially for Bai Xue. It’s an irony that there are so many guys wanting to chase her and she is rejected by only guy she likes and embarrassed.

  6. This episode was good wasn’t it? The reason why I like IAGW more and more each week is that the writer writes good stories for everyone.

    I was so touched when JE’s dad was telling her how to look after herself once he’s gone.

    Desperately wanted to squeal at the OTP moments but JE as a friend is also kinda awesome. I love that she cares about BX and their friendship.

    Have no idea now when JE and LC will actually acknowledge liking each other. In the meantime, the LC who is pursuing JE is simply a joy to watch. I feel his pain and he just looks at her, but she… *sighs. *

    • It’s really wonderful for a drama showing characters interacting outside of the “romance” component of their lives. Jia En being a good friend has been a central part of who she is from the beginning of the drama. I like that it continues to define her.

      • I think they were able to capture the essence of College life in a well-balanced and realistic manner. The friendships, stress of exams, club activities, deadlines for written reports, popularity or lack off, financial concerns, some considerate and also douchey professors and of course, love awakening.

        And how awesome is it that we get to see the characters’ recycling their outfits in different timelines, just like ordinary students. Most kdramas, even though set in “poor or average” HS or college, would have all these fabulous clothes even sleep wears, that they only get to wear once. And I remember, ordinary folks living in a dorm wearing the same set of sleep wear for a week or same outfits popping up different photos, different occasion.

  7. have you guys noticed when JE was distributing lunchboxes it seems like LC was the only one that has a red tea? i was squeeling with glee last night when she handed him a red tea and was cheering for LC to drink it right away. sigh.

    • yup! LC looked like he really wanted to accept it as if she made a confession. I wonder if red tea will also be used when they openly acknowledge each other’s feelings later…

    • Yes, and she came back to give it to him.
      He has ordered it twice (breakfast place and her family’s place) that I noticed before this. Another reason JE is a great friend.

  8. Thanks so much for the recap. It is mostly unsubbed so I appreciate how you make sense of what I am watching.

    AWESOME 5 START 7 Thumbs up Episode

    Everything clicked. Every character did something perfect. Momo, espcially.

    I of course loved how unsettled LC was studying in his dorm, how determined he was to find her, and how relieved and relaxed he became when finally sitting across from her. That scene, to me, gave me more romantic/yearning palpitations than some kiss scenes. No dialog needed to explain what was going on between them. Yes, JE continues to be dense, but I think willfully so. She doesn’t want to acknowledge his attentions are of the man/woman kind because she feels guilty.

    I replayed both The Headdesk and the Momo Battle for the Party Horn many many times, belly-laughing louder at each subsequent viewing.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this show, where we are in the story, how far we have come, and am looking forward to where we are going – I am not really impatient for LC’s confession yet. I have BX in the back of my mind still reeling from the rejection. When she feels better, I will, too.

    I can’t wait to watch it subbed!

  9. <3 <3 <3 this drama.waiting for another episode is painful!!!! thank you for the recap.the lead couple LC and JE keep m wanting for more.
    more power.

  10. Love it Love it!!!!
    Thank you Sooo much for your re-caps. Your recaps to me are like the definitions of the subtitles that sometimes don’t make sense.
    One question…. Y was BX afraid of heights but was able to confess to LC on a roof top!? O.o

  11. I like that Lichuan is making his intentions clearer to Jia En. Unfortunately Jia En is not at the point where she is ready to reciprocate his feelings. They are very cute as they dance around each other….I hope this drags out for another episode or two. So sweet.

    Think the Classic Prof is a douche bag but so is Xiao Hui. She clearly lacks moral courage and it seems like a waste of Jia En’s time helping her. She could at least come round to stop Jia En – if she even cared that Jia En could get into trouble. I really don’t care if she flunks out or disappear from the drama. Her story could have been more interesting but not really at this point – I suppose her only role here is to show Jia En’s sense of justice.

    Can’t wait for next week.

    • Quote:”She could at least come round to stop Jia En – if she even cared that Jia En could get into trouble”.

      I disagree with you on this point. Xiao Wei does care about Jia En. Right after their second confrontation with the Prof, Xiao Wei insisted that Jia En apologise to the Prof because she did not want Jia En to be implicated by her and flunk in the finals.

      Xiao Wei did try to stop Jia En from protesting, just that she did it indirectly. Thinking about Xiao Wei’s character as someone who wants to have a peaceful university life, it would be out of character for her to march up to Jia En right then and there and attract the attention of the onlookers.So, instead of stopping Jia En herself, she went to the club activities room to ask for Bai Xue (but found Liu Chuan instead, yay!).

    • I disagree about Xiao Wei. Standing up for a friend can be a LOT easier than standing up for oneself, especially when your future hangs in the balance. Jia En is not in danger of getting kicked out of school, nor is being on the prof’s bad side the end of the world for her. For Xiao Wei, the stakes are so much higher. This is her life and possibly the future for both herself and her family. Of course she’s reluctant to make waves when she has no safety net behind her. The girl is working part time in addition to going to school just so she can send home half of her scholarship money to her family. She’s hardly a douchebag, or even in the same ballpark as the skeezy prof.

      Furthermore, I love Jia En for standing up to the asshole prof, but make no mistake that her primary concern is justice, not Xiao Wei’s feelings. Xiao Wei did not ask for help, and if she did, she certainly wouldn’t have asked for it in this manner. How mortifying to have the thing she is most ashamed of–financial strife–be paraded around campus after she made it clear that she wanted JE to butt out. Again, I love that Jia En’s got such a strong sense of justice and courage, but I wouldn’t blame Xiao Wei for getting angry at JE for again refusing to honor her wishes, and in such a public way.

      • THANK YOU! I’ve tried to write the same thing on episode 11 preview’s post, but my poor english just messed everything. So, thanks again for your comment.

      • Thanks! For what it’s worth, I read your comment on the preview post and loved it. Couldn’t even tell you’re not a native English speaker. You’re absolutely right about Jia En forcing her sense of justice and morality on Xiao Wei. Jia En is looking at this from an outsider’s perspective, getting fired up at the injustice and making an impulsive decision to do something about it. It’s great to see her take action against a man who’s abusing his power, but it’s not a completely selfless act on her part. I love that this conflict is so well-developed and nuanced, with different characters voicing different opinions on Jia En’s actions. Nobody is all right or all wrong, which makes for a great, rich conflict.

        It’s also nice to see the idea of “freedom” being explored on both a political and a personal level here. Jia En is taking a stand against the professor to fight for justice, Liu Chuan is supporting her to fight for the student’s freedom to protest, while Xiao Wei is fighting for her freedom to handle the situation as best she sees fit. It’s a great expansion of the theme that’s been running through the show from day one.

  12. Is it me – but I think this drama is dragging???? Maybe because I thought by eps 10 we would finally have a couple… I admit that I tend to watch more Kdramas but some of the magic from the initial eps seems to be waning.

    • i think it’s because IAGW emphasize on the friendship than dating & its progress to dating relationship. I went to collage during the same period of time, it’s pretty much the same as IAGW. Friendship & dating back then was slower pace than it is now…at least that’s what i feel comparing what i experienced with the current collage life.

    • the pacing for me is fine..although of course i would like more je-lc skinship..but it’s not draggy to me because they tackle issues besides the love angle….friendship, injustice, living the college life etc there are so many topics that got me engaged since it’s more like a slice of life drama than heavily focused romcom..and since this is a tw drama and it may run up to 20+ episodes so having the otp get together now may be too quick in dramaland..well patience is a virtue and i think it will be so worth it when LC and JE get together.

  13. I liked this episode a lot. Everyone is growing in their own ways and I love comparing JE now to how she was in the first few episodes. SUCH a difference.

    does anyone know how many episodes IAGW is suppose to have? Viki says 33 but I haven’t see numbers anywhere else.

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