
Prime Minister and I Episode 12 Recap — 37 Comments

    • I hope we get to see the spunky DJ from earlier and I hope she uses her smarts and scandal news team to help Yul overcome all the foreseeable antagonists in this drama. So Yul is still married because his ex-wife is alive…or is 7 years a statue of limitation for a supposedly dead spouse? How is she alive when everyone said she’s dead? Who did they bury then?
      In Ho’s gonna sulk in his revenge mode for a little longer. Preview doesn’t seem like he has resolved his issues. I hope I’m wrong. Too many obstacles for this OTP! Can they just make out?

      Isn’t Man Se 7y/o? Why is he still in kindergarten? If “not dead” ex-wife “died” 7 years ago…shouldn’t Man Se be older? Did she give birth while in hiding? While “dead”?

  1. Thank you for the recap, Ms Koala! Love reading your insights.

    I just love the Da Jung effect on the Kwon family. She’s just the therapy (or the happy pill) that this family needed. Loved the conversation between Woori and Yul- what a stark difference from their combative relationship from the first few episodes. And, of course, that scene where Nara said Da Jung’s her mom to those 3 mean girls – I swear I almost did a happy dance!

    That ending scene – kyaaa! I can’t wait to see Yul’s reaction, too! I just want to sleep and wake up when it’s time to watch episode 13.

  2. oh my. the wife’s return make me worried not because of her become a threat that wanted to comeback and claimed her position but Dj had just confess and if yul’s kinda except her feeling add the awesomeness he also confess that he do have a feeling for her also.if DJ learn that the wife indeed alive then she will think that she have no right to stay beside him and the kids because of her. cannot compete with their memories.and I can see the signal in the preview tonight. so I think tonight will reveal what is going to happen next and how they resolve the ex-wife problem and not to mention from previous preview HJ is being introduced to yul as JK’s aide. I just hope that in episode 14 all problem will be sorted as like previous episode where all the problem quickly being solved and we can have 3 episode all boating the romance for the OTP and cute happy family with the kids. btw did yul did not know that his ex-wife still alive because if I’m not mistaken he said something to in ho about finding someone that is suppose to be dead if that person is indeed not dead. I could be mistaken though.

  3. Seriously, farting? Lol… Anyway, I thought the episode was excellent and the confession at the end was wonderfully expressed. It has definitely up the pace again compared to the previous 2 episodes. It’s unfortunate that korea prefers absurd plots and the ever self repeating storyline that they forever complain but still loves to watch. This may not be the greatest drama written but you can never say it was bad. I’m glad that it’s better received overseas where people are not absorbed by the SM tag and also the age gap. I see countless age gap jabs and why YSY isnt the first lead in Knetz comments. Is it so hard to accept that not every drama couple has to be beautiful visually? I guess korean creepiness over ahjussi love is hard to overcome.

    • And yet they’re perfectly willing to swallow Go Hyun Jung and Kim Sun Ah cavorting with much younger leading men (though not 20 years, I grant you) even though they’d probably get their knickers in a twist over anyone who actually did that in real life. Curious indeed.

      • Older women are the main audience for dramas in Korea. Which may be why soapy elements (makjang) is liked. So young pretty men would be preferred to manly (and therefore reminding them of the type of men they associate with tough behavior) ajeossis. Given there is still so much inequality between the sexes there, the Prince Charming with soft features type would be well liked, I assume. People mistakenly associate soft features with a caring and loving character, after all.

        But back to the drama, I love it that they are sticking to their guns with everything and if they are going where I think they are going with Na Young’s character, then I might even be glad they did it.

      • @rhinodino, for all we know it’s just a bunch of mouth breathing losers who are insecure because they know that most women with pulses would pick powerful and experienced men over them any day. Noona relationships are so uncommon that I guess they’re not worth getting worked up over and the young guys who star in them aren’t exactly high quality or sexually threatening men. Just my guess, any way… you’d think this most basic of male fantasies would appeal to at least some segments of the online crowd!

      • @Orion, I figured something like that was at play – the young guys are less threatening and appeal to maternal instincts. But again, it seems like people only support it in theory and abhor it in real life whereas the converse is so mundane.

      • You guys are right, it is always Prince Charming, isn’t it?

        Not King or President or Prime Minister Charming.
        Maybe it means the young ones are unspoiled, pure hearted and ready to give said pure heart to the most deserving woman. Just like old(er) guys want to be the first love of younger ladies.

        The Ahjussis would have been around the block a few times, dented hubcaps and all. LOL.

  4. Awesome episode. Seriously Hye Joo is my favorite second female lead in a LONG TIME. She’s so bada** and accepting that Yul doesn’t love her in a romantic way. I love how this drama hits the right notes between emotional angst and humor. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode.

  5. Btw, does anyone know the OST that has been playing in the last few episodes. KBS media does such a horrendously bad job in previewing the drama and giving info when compared to mbc or sbs.

  6. I was hoping the first wife stayed dead. But it is not really something that happened out of the blue. The news report Nam Da Jung read about Park Na Young in the earlier episodes clearly stated the word “missing” or something to that effect.

    And thinking about it, is that what I really want for the OTP? That the main reason Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung are together is because the first wife is conveniently dead? What if she didn’t die? So Park Na Young being alive might be a good thing. Because now, Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung will make a CHOICE to be together.

    I think. This drama is still ending with a Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung OTP, right?!

  7. why a helpless cluelesss ajushi always look smexy?
    when a control freak, most organized an powerfull man admit his weakness it’s a candy in my mind?
    i can’t comment about the drama now it hit wrong button on me. but i will compliment lee beom soo’s facial acting, he’s rock. i love how he changes his expression/acting. happy, mesmerize, sad face. all excellent to me.

  8. I am not worry about Yul’s first wife coming back. Maybe she comeback to explain everything since In Ho thinks Yul is to blame for his brother’s accident. And hopefully she explains what happened. Hopefully Yul admits his feelings for Da Jung in the next episode.

  9. I agree with all of it, this drama is so endearing and adorable I am surprised how much I loved it. I really HOPE HOPE that NaYoung is not alive because what kind of mom does that make her? Seriously she goes to visit her lover but not her kids?? Even if her marriage was a sucky one she had 3 kids to look after that just makes her in my book one of the worst moms ever..And even then who helped her staged the whole thing? Thanks so much for recapping this drama.

  10. I assume that Yul doesn’t know his wife is alive. So who did Yul bury all those years ago thinking that he was burying his wife?

    • The article on her death said ‘missing’. They probably assumed her body was taken away by the river that was at the accident site.

      Or maybe Yool knew and decided to let her go because she wanted it. And rather than telling everyone she could not cope and ran away, making her a cheater and bad mother in everyone’s eyes, from her brother to his kids to the entire country, he chose to hide it to preserve the good memories and thoughts people had of her.

      They could go either way here.

  11. Like many other fans I was hoping that perceived dead wife was going to stay dead but after my initial reaction this development will help move the store forward. We are heading into the home stretch of the drama and one of the main plot points has been “dead” wife, In Ho’s brother, In Ho’s revenge and what really happened in the accident, so I think if she is back (which all signs point that she is) we will hopefully be getting more details on what happened. Furthermore, it will help In Ho and Joon Ki realize that they had things wrong and they can move. This development will also make our OTP take action and make decisions. I think that the ep tomorrow will help us see where the story is headed. So, far I really love this drama and all its characters so I have high hopes that the writer as a clear vision of where the story is headed.
    Thanks, Ms. Koala for the recap 🙂

  12. They never said Na Young was dead. So I’m not sure everyone assumed she was. The headline in ep2 or 3 said she was missing so I don’t think you can say it’s going into the same old kdrama style.

    My bet is he knows she is alive but they both agree that she should stay away. I mean she was seeing a psychiatrist (KIH’S bro) so it wasn’t just about love but she obviously had other issues. Her staying as missing maybe allows him not to destroy her image to the kids and also allow her to repent for her sin that cause her lover to be in a coma.

    Honestly, I won’t even be surprised that we may not get OTP ending together and I’m actually fine with that.

    • I agree with everything but the OTP not getting together. The series is still romcom, the family is formed and the entire point if finding happiness, redemption and a place to belong together, happy and healed, so I see nothing but a happy ending for them.

    • I think you are right about the ex-wife feeling unable to take care of the family. Whatever mental or emotional illness caused her to see a psychiatrist would have led to her leaving on her own anyway.

      The car accident gave her a clean break.

      I have no idea how a mom could stay away from her children unless she is really really ill. We can only hope (not really) she either 1. amnesia or 2. a terminal illness – whatever it takes for her NOT to be re-introduced to the family and cause everyone heartache.

      In Rebecca and Jane Eyre didn’t both of the ex and crazy wives show up at the end, too?

  13. What is its Na Young (Car Accident Amnesia), everyone might feel the need to reintroduce her back in and take er rightfully place, and they won’t know the right back story that it was her trying to leave. Her brother Joon Ki will ensure that, her eldest will stand on her side despite warming up to Da Jung, and Yul will be conflicted, and the media will go crazy. I hope she doesn’t have amnesia 🙁

    • why would she be visiting her lover if she had amnesia, and the PM would not of left her if that was the case. And what they have shown us is that she gave up her life, so she has no rightful place.

  14. I’m surprised no one is talking about how involved Hye Joo might be in the accident and disappearance of Yul’s 1st wife. That was definitely her at the hospital with Chief Kang’s brother in the Ep 13 preview.

  15. First of all, all your opening paragraphs have made me LOL today.
    Sometimes when I read all your insightful and deep stuff, I forget how funny you are, too.

    I love the fact that the PM told DJ that girls shouldn’t confess first, but she did anyway. I totally expected, bad me, that she would go the demur route and wait patiently for Grumpy Pants to reveal his true heart. Lucky for her I am not writing this script.

    When the words came out of her mouth, I gasped. SHE ROCKS. I just kinda sat there and blinked a few times. She actually confessed! Did you see that? SHE DID IT. In the history of drama time, I can count on one hand the number of times someone was this honest this early in the game.

    LIU CHUAN, are you looking in your crystal ball and watching this?

  16. I love that PMAI continues to surprise me with its awesomeness. The show continues to pile on all around character growth for everyone, even the supposed bad guys, and it made me realize just how much I’m enjoying cheering everyone in this story. My favorite character in this episode is undoubtedly Hye Joo. It’s true that us audience may look down on her carrying a torch for PM the past 20 years, but maybe she really did love him that much, which made her too afraid to confess (and be rejected). I can definitely see where she’s coming from, and i hurt with her when she finally told Yul.

    Gosh, there’s so many good things happened in this episode, and Dajung finally confessing? (i nearly fell off my chair!). To be honest, i’m no longer too concerned if Na Young is indeed still alive. At this point, i can’t tell where the story would go, but the writers had been surprisng me for the past 12 episodes, and i guess i’m more than content to wait to be entertained for the remainder of this wonderful series. So, on to the next episode! – dongwookie

  17. I just love the way he looked at her .. with affection. I see love in his eyes he he .. every episode in this drama never failed me. I’m so in love with this drama. Maybe Yul also knew that his wife is still alive ? Maybe that way Na Young can be reunited with In Ho’s brother .. I hate to see her alive, but I believe the writer will make a reasonable reason why she’s alive. Can’t wait for ep 13

  18. I’m not worried on the OTP front, imo it’s pretty much a given that Yul and DJ will get together, but I really wish the first wife had stayed dead. I hate Not Dead former LI plots.

  19. Why, why, why do Kdramas always have to gild the lily?! Or should I say, rub it in makjang pig shit?! So many dramas start off beautifully with simple and wonderfully told stories only to go crazy. There is no reason for Na Young to be alive other than to take a wonderful story and make it batshit crazy. ARGH! I am so mad!

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