
Miss Korea Episode 12 Recap — 37 Comments

  1. I already spoiled myself silly watching the kiss from the video clip but no, I am not going to look at the other things or read this recap. I am not, I am not.

  2. I have absurdedly been refreshing this site looking for this recap since 9am. Knowing there is no human way it could be there but still.
    What an awesome episode. This is totally my k drama crack right now. Thanks for being so rock!

  3. Yeeees! I haven’t watched the end yet, but everytime they do something affectionate, I get nervous thinking someone will catch it and use it to disqualify her by having a boyfriend.

    • Me too! I was on edge this entire episode and the end of the last one hoping that no one would catch them! As soon as they announced that guys were against the rules I started worrying. It’s perfect ammo to kill Ji Young with if Sun Young found out since she wouldn’t even be making anything up and they’d defend her, she would just be tattling on real rule breaking.
      I’m predicting that Sun Young might find out but they will have bonded so much over the threat against them that she lets it go or something. That’d be good for Sun Young development if they’re going there, but if not then SOMEONE will probably find out. D: it’s a danger zone.

      • Except that HJ is also JY’s handler, so unless they are caught kissing it shouldn’t be too obvious. But I agree that this is too good a plot point to pass up.

  4. Thank you, thank you. With the show only partially subbed this helped a lot. It is soooo good! I cannot believe more people don’t watch it, but then again …. it is their loss. WATCH IT!!!!!

  5. I’m in a different time zone and the first thing I did after I woke up is to check my phone for this recap! So thank you!

    I wonder why Yoon has to go to the extent of making ViVi bankrupt?

    • I think Yoon wants to ruin any chance Hyung Joon has with Ji Young. If his company is bankrupt then he really would think he’s not worthy of her. It’s win-win for Yoon, Vivi is taken down and he gets the IP for the Vivi cream to either sell or develop himself. He doesn’t need Vivi to succeed for him to get his investment back.

      • Oh dear, I actually like Yoon. Hope he will realise (sooner rather than later) that no matter what he does, JY will not be with him. Even better, I hope HJ will use his smarts and find a way to counter his moves, with Dr. Ko and Teacher Jang helping since they obviously know what is going on.

      • I like Yoon, too, and am disappointed he is going that route. My only consolation is that his machinations all seem to have opposite effect as it just forces the OTP to acknowledge how much they love each other.

  6. Wow thanks for the recap Koala…we all know how awesome this drama is..i know we need not pay much attention to ratings but still it is a great pity that MK has Stars as a competitor..if not for that drama im sure MK would have hit the roof with the is indeed a real pity.more than the drama itself i feel that more people cant see the revelation that is Lee yeon hee.even if not for the drama i think its more than worth it to check out how amazing LYH is.shes fantastic.

  7. I’m so scared to start watching this drama, because I think I’ll end up spending too much time on it. Thanks for the recaps Captain K! Now I can have my cake and eat it too.

  8. I put off starting to watch this because I didn’t think it would be a show that I would like. It has turned out to be one of my favorite current dramas. I think the show is very well cast. I even like the antagonists who have to be there for the subplots. Now I’m caught up and I look forward to the new episodes every week.

  9. Whew!! What a whirlwind of an episode. Things are happening fast and resolved rather fast, too. It’s so like Ji Young to not be able to hide how mad she is at Oppa for breaking up with her. I am quite surprised at how little the drama exploits the noble idiocy element and the consequences of that. Instead feelings are expressed and decisions are made quickly and I like that. No prolonged misunderstanding due to not talking.

    Jae Hee and Ji Young’s start of a friendship is also touching. There are enough enemies out there so a little support from one who understands best is welcome at this point. The women in this drama about a beauty pageant are definitely no dummies. Look at how fast Dr. Ko put two and two together regarding HJ’s situation. And Director Ma. Even Jae Hee.

    Anyways, I am rambling, but I just love all the characters in this drama. And LSK!! Reading some viewers’ reactions, looks like they are not used to that kind of kiss on the small screen.

  10. I’m with you in awe at the build up for the kiss. Soliloquy indeed. It could have been more contrived and deeper, but its intense simplicity reflects Ji Young actually. The kiss really reflected the depth of the build up and Ji Young’s grasping of Yoon’s back the strength of her resolve to hold for both of them. Yay. Utterly satisfying. Ji Young, you rule!

  11. for intense scenes, my recommendation is re-watch (after the eng subbed ones) with no subs. There, you can really be with it.

  12. I just caught up with Miss Korea within the last few days and I love it. I never expected to like it and wasn’t planning to watch it but I gave in and here I am a bumbling mess. This show makes me laugh and cry at the same time and I’m so rooting for both Ji Young and Hyung Jung (I swoon everytime he looks at her, so much love). I also love the secondary characters like Dr. Ko, Ja Hee, Teacher, Madam Ma, Mom, Grumps, I kinda liked Yoon but bro you are too late. Underhanded means wont get you anywhere. The only people I dont like are Ja Hee’s dad and the Bada guy.

  13. There are so many things that pop into mind as I think about this show. I came into this as a big fan of Lee Seon Kyun and he has not disappointed, but I was annoyed at how many side characters there are in this drama and they seemed to be taking screen time away from the OTP. But I don’t know how today I came to care about the story of each one of these characters. And the amazing thing is, even with so many fleshed out supporting characters it does not feel like the OTP is not given enough OTP moments. Or maybe we have had more of those moments in the last few episodes?

    And I have to say again, for a drama about a beauty pageant, this show has definitely given us gutsy female characters by the boatloads. Ji Yong is gutsy, Director Ma is gutsy, so are Director Yang, Dr. Ko, Jae Hee, and even the girl out to destroy Ji Young.

    One more thing, isn’t LSK the dreamiest leading man in dramaland? Just agree with me, please.

  14. Just watched the first 15 mins and i already feel my heart aching sweetly from the loveliness of the feelings the otp has for each other. I disnt like epi 11 because the behind the scenes of the pageant seems unbelievable to me, although the otp scenes were just as achingly beautiful but epi 12 starts off perfect. Cant wait for the rest of the epi. Had to cone and squee a little first

    • Well, the whacky behind the scenes is not exactly over in this episode but I just let it roll off me and focus instead on the OTP, which I am sure you do, too. Please come back and squee some more.

  15. I don’t remember if I’ve commented before in your Miss Korea recaps, but I just want to say I’m so thankful you picked up this show. I had high expectations for it since I liked this team’s previous works, and it hasn’t dissapointed. It keeps getting better and better each week. I liked how they resolved the ‘Noble Idiocy’ thing so fast (well not really resolved but at least it’s out in the open)

  16. well!! even knowing what to expect, the ending of epi 12 still was an emotional ride. found myself bawling. love both OTP. they so deserve to be together and if somehow, show screws THAT up, i dont think i can buy it.

  17. Its my drama crack. I have been lost steam during the first 1-4 episdoe and busy by the real life but promise to come back for this and how I glad. The character growth and her acting is really visible and finally a woman character who are very realistic and wonderful. Not dumb-witted, not candylike nor villian. Human.

    Eventough i hope they focus more on the process of the beauty pagent and less politic/plots around those higher up but i can accept that. It just i hope they focus more on how the candidates prepare for the beauty pagents, i.e make-up, dresess, general knowledge, social works etc so that the beauty pagent is just not a plot device for this drama.

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