
Tang Dynasty Flower Cultivation C_drama Flourished Peony with Yang Zi and Li Xian Release New Character Posters — 8 Comments

  1. Off topic. Koala, have you seen the latest news? ZLS fell sick and there are some really scary photos of her with breathing tubes attached out there. Hope she will be okay.

      • The fat comments have gotten into her head. It’s reported she was trying to lose another 12 lbs to drop to 72 lbs. The body starts getting sick easily when one becomes anorexic. I hope her doctors and friends will make her listen.

      • @Gennita
        72 lbs is crazy… she might needs to get a break, she must be too stressed. I hope the gambling agreement that was rumored back then already ended so she can take a break

    • I’ve taken a break from X and Weibo so I did not know about this. I went to search more and found the pics. She looks very sick in the pics. The public statatements of her people make it seem like it’s not serious. Maybe the pics are staged to gather sympathy for her? I’ve known stars who have done it.

      • It’s definitely a staged show to gather sympathy. The studio releases nothing worth of serious worry and claims she is doing fine. We gotta believe it because ZLS is working very much after the hospital’s days so we can say she is doing really fine. Then the pictures of ZLS in the hospital got leaked and suddenly people are coming up with all sorts of theories and the studio is so quiet. The pics shows a severely ill and weak ZLS who needs oxygen tubes to breathe maybe even tubes for feeding sitting in a wheelchair enable to move an inch. The fandom is going crazy with worry drowning in theories of what’s going on and the studio is still quiet. It so smells like a publicity campaign.

  2. The last pic does feel a little more authentic then what they will willingly do for dramas… I believe the drama Brocade Odyssey had a female villain that had some semi acurate makeup too even though that drama was a mess in story direction. Though their hair pieces does seem hard to function so it would be interesting to watch just to see how it all looks in the end.

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