
Miss Korea Episode 15 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. I wonder who really won Miss Korea in 1997 and is she watching this drama thinking` It wasn`t that big of deal, calm down dramaland` lol.

  2. I watched this ep a couple of hours ago, skimming parts (one of these days I should really sit down and marathon a drama in its entirety with the subs it’s been so long since I’ve done so). This drama is actually crack. The OST the characters the story are all amazing. Very satisfying to watch even if I don’t understand all of it (YFAS is rather entertaining but it’s doesn’t really satisfy my thirst for a good storyline; IG is actually pretty good but it’s still your usual revenge-love thing going on) Miss Korea is both refreshing and original; so many kdrama these days are just focused on romance (don’t get me wrong, I love romance dramas but having gone through a whole slog of them my standards have upgraded and I find myself increasingly wanting better plot and a refreshing story idea of which romance can be allowed to flourish) Miss Korea does have its romance but it is a refreshing kind of romance that I haven’t seen yet in kdrama (it’s usually cheery-stoic, rich-poor, kindhearted-badass dynamics). That is so hard to find these days. Really wish miss Korea could have gotten better ratings and more attention. It deserves better recognition. I pretty much only started watching pieces from ep 12 and up and ep15 towards the end made my cry. I felt so sorry for the vivi gang and Hyunjoon. My heart went out to jiyoung who wanted to win so badly. Am impressed. Wonder what will happen in future eps. Thanks koala.

  3. Thank you so much for the fast recap!:) Oh god, I’m blown away by this episode. I was so emotional as well when Ji Young won but at the same time, the looks of hopelessness and despair on the Vivi team’s faces crushed me. I need tomorrow’s episode to come faster so that I can find out what happens to them next!

  4. Thank you!
    I watched without subs but the acting was so good, pacing and directing was fantastic, I’m overcome with emotion even if I don’t understand most of the dialogue. I swear my heart swell when JY was announced Jin.
    Now reading your recap, I teared again.

    I fervently hope ViVi will overcome the adversity and crush Yoon and Bada cosmetics. This drama is abdolute crack.

    • It is crack. Many people who gave this drama a chance seem to grow to like it, but unfortunately not that many even consider watching it. What a shame for all the actors and production team involved. Does anyone know if this drama is domestically well acknowledged even with the low ratings?

  5. Thank you again for this speedy recap. Like usual, I would like to watch after all subs are out tonight and without being overly spoiled, although it is mighty hard resisting reading your recap.

  6. My heart was in my mouth watching the ending clip you posted even though I have read the recap. OmG Oh Ji Young !!!
    But watching Hyung Joon’s face, :'(((

    Hope there Vivi cosmetics can be saved ! Really can’t wait for the next episode. Am so glad you are recapping this Ms Koala, thank you!

    • Ji Young, remember your promise to be awfully good to him after you win. Please don’t disappoint us. Don’t let this win get into your head.

  7. I’ve dropped this series up to ep 5, please anyone can comment if I should continue watch the series? I was watching prime minister and I, and very upset with the ending. so now not sure if I should continue watch Miss Korea

    • Please please please go watch it!

      Why made you drop this drama by the way?
      At least for me it was crack from the get go starting ep 3!

    • I also agree – you should continue with this series – you will not be disappointed with the eps up to 15 – the love story is solid with plenty of kissing, Ji Young’s family are the most adorable male supporters in the world, there are several folks who you will love to hate, and the heart of the stories deals with folks who are pursuing their dreams despite numerous setbacks – with integrity, honor, love, and passion.

      • Thank you for the advise, okay I will continue then, I ran out of time, watching I need Romance 3, Prime minister and I, and specially You who came from the star, also Running Man, so I decided to drop Miss Korea, I even haven’t get a change to watch Empress Ki, Omg, sounds like I’m a korean drama addict.
        Funfare, ha ha you’re funny, plenty of kiss..

    • Definitely continue. The pace picks up quite a bit from episode 6 so if it was the pacing that led to your dropping it, this should no longer be a problem. If you enjoy a mature romance you’d enjoy this. But romance is not the only thing featured, there are some melo elements but also plenty of comedy. And yes, plenty of hugging and skinship. And the leads have excellent chemistry that get better and better with each episode.

      • Celia, you’re right, yes the pace also a bit slow… probably that’s the other reason why I drop it. Thank you all for the advise. ๐Ÿ™‚ :).

    • I’m disappointed Ji young didn’t win…but like you said before, i’m sure Ji Young will gain a lot from this journey, than if she had actually won.

      It was really bittersweet to see Ji young smile through her obvious sadness, and even worse to see Hyung joon watch that from afar.


      • Oh god. I was wrong. Verified with subs…

        Ji young did win!
        (Sorry Ms. Koala for doubting you!)

    • Gooddrama uploaded the wrong translation and stole my feels. (it said Ji Young took 2nd place) Now i want to punch someone.

  8. It’s a true testament to the story that I could imagine the story continuing with Jiyoung losing anyway!

    oh god, so happy now for being so dumb

    Ji Young, you deserve it!

  9. Wonderful insight, Ms. Koala. Because of what you said now I am really worried about how Ji Young’s new celebrity status would affect her relationship with Hyung Joon. I don’t want to sit through three episodes of angst and separation. Big kudos to the writer for such unpredictable turn of events. So Ji Young is shedding both tears of joy and sadness tonight. Have to give it to her for keeping her composure throughout the whole night knowing her support team must be under a heavy stress.

  10. Totally agree with you. It was perfect. All of it.
    I watched this in the bright wide open atrium cafeteria at work.
    Laughing out loud, goosebumps in anticipation, BIG smiling to encourage these poor contestants as they are tortured waiting…tears brimming and, yes, the tell tale gasp of breath at the end.

    What is the emotion called where you are SOOOOOOO happy for one person and devastated knowing how quickly her happiness will evaporate once she finds out the truth about Vivi?

    The acting, writing and music are fab fab fab, but, really, what is making this all work together is the directing or maybe the editing? There isn’t a note out of place. The story’s heartbeat is exactly the tempo it should be. Every actor’s performance is assured.

    Kwon Suk Jang who is directing this also did WUF and Pasta and My Princess director. Hmmm…Those and this production vary so much.

    Thanks for the recap and your thoughts!

  11. I’m late I know but O.O. She won! At first, I was like – wait, does that mean she won? Then I was screaming(inside ofc lol). It’s real, right?

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