First Official Look at the Cute and Silly Cunning Single Lady with Lee Min Jung and Joo Sang Wook
I’m so glad Miss Korea turned out to be a 20-episode drama otherwise I’d be suffering a double dose of withdrawal symptoms if it wrapped up last week at the same time as Prime Minister and I. Miss Korea’s follow up drama Cunning Single Lady with Joo Sang Wook and Lee Min Jung is gearing up for a premiere in three weeks time and dropped a lot of new official stills last week. This drama comes from the PD of Me Too, Flower! and Queen of Housewives, two dramas that were surprisingly entertaining and wonderfully directed, though the writing here will be a big what-if since I haven’t heard of the screenwriter before. I initially wanted to bypass yet another divorced couple getting back together drama because the entire set-up is anathema to me and this cast is relatively thin on actors and actresses I love. With that said, I thought the stills all looked interesting with a relaxed and goofy charm to it. I guess the set up of a cunning former wife who tries to win back her ex-husband after he becomes hot and rich years later only works if the whole thing is rendered outlandishly absurd, otherwise she’d just look like a gold digger. The stills of Joo Sang Wook in his dorky IT nerd look is hilarious and totally sells his comedic side, plus its high time a leading man gets saddled with the dreaded bowl cut that so many K-drama heroines have sported for roles that call for them to be dorky. Lee Min Jung manages to look cute and sneaky which is a feat to walk that fine line. Rounding out the cast is cool and aloof Kim Gyu Ri, fresh-faced charismatic Seo Kang Joon, the dreadful at acting L, perpetual best friend Hwang Bo Ra, and Wang Bit Na making a cameo appearance. Section TV did a short segment on the drama when it visited the cast for the poster shooting and I’m finding my interest warming up slowly. Who knows, this might turn out to be an unexpected surprise.
Cunning Single Lady Set Visit from Section TV:
[youtube id=”6M3AlSOnTNo” w=”625″ h=”445″]
awww love the boat, remind me to Lie to Me lolol. sigh you still mention pmai.
i think i will check this drama.
I can’t get past the hair. I mean… It’s so distracting I can’t even say he’s good looking. Gosh… that is an amazingly silky looking bowl cut.
same here, that bowl cut is funny, it doesn’t suit him; but what can I say I like him as an actor.
I was like…. Where have I seen that Gorgeous looking Korean man!? Oooohhh yeah in the GOOD DOC!! I’m watching just for him!!
His hairstyle is similar to Da Lang in Hi My Sweetheart!