
In A Good Way Episode 15 Recap — 45 Comments

  1. The defribulator did not come soon enough. Good thing the family knows CPR! I am flailing my arms just reading the recap. My cheeks hurt from grinning like a loon. If these two get any cuter, my teeth will fall out from the second-hand sugary decay that is happening to me. It is all so delicious.

    • me too, me too! I need a defibrillator stat! Gah, this drama just gets better and better and I’m totally abusing the replay button! Thanks, Ms. Koala for such an awesome and lightning-quick recap. Lub you!

      • Captain Koala asked before if I could order the defribulators in bulk. Maybe we should all just make sure we do not watch this show without a buddy. Remember how they told us to make sure we had a buddy when we went swimming when we were little or when we were on class trips?
        Perhaps we should have a roll call each Friday, making sure everyone checks in so we know everyone is still breathing. Nauna? check. Saima? check. MikanSakura? check? ilikemangos? check. ck1Oz? check. Jomo? Jomo? Jomo? Hmm. does anyone know where Jomo is? We should probably check on her. She has been Chuanned!

      • …………………………………………….….

      • I’ll add you to my roll call:)

        Yup, I’m back rereading the recap to put me in a good mood before grading papers all Saturday. My students should write thank you notes to the cast of IAGW.

  2. gahhhhhh!! Smiling ear to ear!! That bit about him ‘asking’ her if she’d be his gf – yeah, I was positively glowing with feels!! Hope this episode gets subbed quick!!

    Thanks for the recap!

  3. Awww. This episode makes me giddy! The FEELS! ;))) This couple owns me body and soul. After all the waiting, finally they hit it off! Their slow-burn romance makes me appreciate every single details of their story. I can’t believe the pay-off would be overwhelmingly rewarding. I’m like a little girl right now grinning from ear-to-ear. Thanks a bunch for this recap Ms.Koala! You don’t have any idea how many times I refreshed your blog. Till next week! 😉

  4. I was watching outside when the ” hug me ” came out of the blue. Embarrassed myself by squealing too loudly. Oh goodness this episode waa adorable. Those 2 giddy in love is adorable. If LC shoots anymore of those laser bean gazes at her, can’t guarantee my heart is not going to quit on me.

    By the way, what is the song that was playing while LC was waiting for that guy? It was really nice and had great lyrics.

    Thank you for the recap. I know I am going to be watching it again on viki anyway.

  5. Omg!!!! Love the two love birds! Too cute! I’m smiling like a fool as well! Really appreciate all your hard work Koala! I love love all you’re side notes everywhere! They make the storyline even better!!!! ~hugs~

  6. So I just watched the raw episode after reading the recap, (which I never do with TW dramas), but I just couldn’t wait for subs. Awww…the feels, the feels! I just want to hug somebody! Where’s the hubby? I’m about to make his day.

  7. The title really fits this drama because it’s making us all crazy addicts In A Good Way! Like all of you, I’m just grinning, laughing, grinning again, squeeling, flailing, grinning again and the cycle goes on and on through the preview scenes. Love the feeling!!!

  8. the candy bar scene. wordless in all its squealworthy moments, is by far the best scene ever. those two are as cute as bunny rabbits. usually lego trumps rongrong’s acting but i think they both hit it out the park here.

    • You got it right! I also have to commend Rongrong for growing so much as an actress during the drama’s run. Lego has from the start been on point with his acting, while Rongrong gifted with a natural screen presence would still have awkward moments, but she has been hitting the emotions, voice and expressions the past couple of episodes. And she was really on point in this episode, I did love the small gestures and actions she incorporates to elevate the scene further, like during the phone conversation she’d have moments where she was doodling with her finger and just her voice intonation and pauses are so much more natural.

      On another note, the chemistry of Lego and Rongrong is really something to write about. Most of the time, simple and organic interactions like these would need a crazy amount of chemistry or a plot with been-through-hell-and-now-the-viewers-are-just-thankful-for-simple-skinships, to sell it. But in this case, just their chemistry elevates all these hugs and hand holding, brings about great satisfaction and slaying of the viewers.

      • I was especially thinking that Rongrong was nailing the voice and intonation. i know that’s such a subtle thing to notice but i think she’s finally learned the nuances of voice acting and that she can expressed so much more emotion through her pace and volume level. it really complements Lego’s style of restrained acting and it’s such a pleasure to watch. and im so glad she no longer has to act confused and bewildered anymore. take-charge giddy school girl is fine with me.

  9. I’ve rewatched all aired episodes too death. If these were still the video tape days, the tapes would have snapped from being worn down thin.
    I started rewatching this episode even before I finished it…and just melted at every LC JE interaction. And when he said 抱我 my insides exploded!
    Oh to be young again…

  10. can we also give a shout out to how awesome the senior girls are in this drama? they could so easily be the jealous, bitter second leads but BX and Ting Ting are super supportive of their ‘jimaes’ even though they lost on the guys. and rather than being the other complete extreme of noble idiot, both of them grew up and became a better person for getting over their feelings. great character development all around. i’m going to be so sad to see these kids graduate.

    ps also love the moment right before JE gets on LC’s motorcycle where she’s about to put her hands on LC’s shoulders but spazzes and just jumps on herself. And then next moment LC is telling her to hold him. Love the little moments in this show. It’s so natural and lovely.

  11. oh how i loved the handholding. from him reaching out for her and her tentatively meeting his hands halfway; the mutual clasp and him looking at their hands and replying “like it very much” when she asked him about how he like the treasure hunt he designed; to their intertwined fingers by the time they reached her house to her letting go of his hand then grabbing it back again…. so much words unsaid but so much feeeeeeels

  12. I say, we got the IAGW fever! I was watching on my phone and my husband was beside me, I squealed when the “hug me” part came. My hubby thinks I’m crazy now. Good thing he can’t divorce me. Haha. I ammmm sooooo loooking forward to next week episode…more squeal-worthy scenes to come!

  13. I am smiling the whole time I am watching this episode 15. I kept thinking if the title is intended for the story line or because it makes you feel good every time. I so love this drama.. And the “hug me” part, kyaahhh.. I still have same reaction <> even I have watched it a couple of times today. Ha! I can’t wait for next week’s episode.
    I am looking forward to both families spending vacation on a hot spring, and LC and RW jealous moments in the coming episodes.

  14. I nearly died when LC said 抱我! I couldn’t believe my ears. And the way he wrapped her arms around him was so manly. I re-watched that scene alone more than 20 times…. I want to see more of this side of LC. And the preview where he back hugged her… I paused my screen and zoomed in, trying to see his expression more clearly. I love that he’s the one initiating all the lovey dovey moves. Like what Ms Koala said, he’s been ‘repressed’ for so long and now it’s all finally coming out!

  15. Thanks for the recap!

    First of all “Liu Chuan’s patented speech of awesomeness” YES!!!! This is why we fell in love with him. He’s so smart and so smooth and so Liu Chuan I just want to grab him out of my screen and steal and keep him for myself.

    What thrills me about him is his confidence with JE, which could read as macho-ness. I don’t want to add something that makes it sound less good. He never asks her to do something, he tells her to. Again, it sounds rude when I describe it. The impression I get is her agreement and willingness is included in his statement because he understands her so well. He’s simply stating the obvius with her.

    Iroke: “Hug me”

    “Ji-en, sweetheart, you have been riding on my bike now for two years. Every time you get on, you sort of struggle with what to do with your hands, don’t you? I can feel the tension in your body behind me, and for two years, that feeling has kept me company when I am alone thinking about you. We have been through so much together over those years, haven’t we? You see so clearly into my heart like nobody ever has, and I love how I am with you. I love how you are with me. Finally, I think we both know that this this that we have is special but fragile. Whatever happens in the future, I will treasure these moments we have alone. I know you feel the same way. Let’s put an end to the distance between us now and forever. Grab onto me and don’t let go, Ji-en. You are the most important thing that has ever happened to me. Let’s enjoy each other like there is no tomorrow.”

    • I went back and watched the scene again because of your post, Jomo (like I needed another excuse to do this). Good to see that you checked in with us. I love them together so much I want to adopt them.

    • He’s manly but not controlling. Yup, he tells her to go ahead and do what she’s always wanted to know and he knows it. Dating Liu Chuan is ruining chances for all the men out there.

      • I’m in line at the grocery store reading this smiling like a loon and the cashier says sign here ma’am and I’m like whatever I’m reading about Liu Chuan.

    • hehehe i remember the motorcycle scene to the concert when JE accidentally hugged LC and when she let go LC got disappointed hahaha..just seeing his face and his frustration wanting her to physically touch him made me really wish back then that the writers will reward us a motorcycle scene with JE finally hugging LC…i thought it will never happen since finding out Lego having back pains.I mentioned it before this episode air..and i got a surprise that the writers didn’t forget another epic motorcycle scene…ahhhh i just love motorcycle OTP’s sooo romantic on TV hahaha

  16. Why does the sidelong glance and simple “Hold onto me,” from Liu Chuan to Jia En work so well? In attempting to analyze Lego Li’s acting, I can only surmise that he reminds me of a few actors whose expressions alone can convey emotions to the audience. A handful of actors have such ability e.g. Tony Leung Hong Kong actor, Yoon Shi Yoon in Me Too Flower and Leonardo Dicaprio. Look at their eyes, it speaks volumes even if they did not utter a single word.

    Everything about Liu Chuan is low key. He is low key, confident and subtle, thus his matter of fact, “Hold onto me,” works, his sidelong glance conveys a casual sensuousness. There is nothing put on or “acting cool” about him.

    It’s not even whether he is handsome or not but the actor can convey the vulnerability of the character and connect with the audience effortlessly.

  17. I’ve been waiting four months for this episode, and it is absolutely worth the wait. I knew I would be happy once they finally got together, but their cuteness is beyond my expectations. I was squealing from all the sweetness. Give me mooarrrr! Episode 16 looks so good.

  18. OMG I love this drama so much. It is so good to watch a drama from the beginning to end and completely get caught up in everything. There is never a dull moment with our cute couples. It just show us how communication and understanding each other is the key towards having a successful relationship. I am hoping that their love keeps growing and their friends and family continue to support them 100%.
    Cannot wait to see this week episode. I have recommended this drama to a bunch of people and hopefully they will join us and experience an awesome drama.

  19. Okay, I wasn’t squeeing that much about the motorcycle hug me scene, but then I read the comments and everyone’s so excited, and now I’m so excited, and this emotion is just welling up and up and up. lol

  20. my next door neighbor must have had a sleepless night last friday night debating whether to call someone to take me away. i swear, my sudden burst of giggles were disturbing, not to mention embarassing. huh. i should’ve been warned that episode 15 is gonna be this crazy awesome.

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