
Bride of the Century Episode 4 Recap — 40 Comments

  1. thanks for the recap, i’m hooked with this show…can’t wait for the next ep <3
    KJ is oh so smitten, but who wouldn't? Doo Rim is too cute, i love her

  2. I’m with you Koala. Let the Drama Kissing Record be shattered! It’s totally cracking me up. Each episode has one failed attempt that ends with a battered Kang Joo, but the boy must have a short memory cause then it’s lip contact achieved! He’s quickly devolving into one of my favorite type of K-drama heros: the flipped-his-lid-over love guy. I bet it won’t be long before we see him following Doo Rim around and being hilariously out of his mind with jealousy.

  3. Thanks for recapping! Otherwise I would have missed out on this gem! I don’t know how the show does it, but it’s so cute and silly and fun. And I’m so impressed by the pace of the show – episode 4 and our characters are already well on their way to falling for each other! And skinship! So much skinship!

  4. That slip in bathroom with bath-towel was so my girl.

    The sismance in this episode made me very happy. I wonder if the actresses offscreen are friends in real life. K-dramaland always has that friend for our heroine but the chemistry between the two gals in this particular show is SO natural. The way they deliver their lines and squee is like friends who have known each other for a lifetime.

  5. They kiss before even they sat down for their 1st official family lunch…he was head butt on the shoulder but was rewarded with a public kiss at the showcase..he was bitten on the arm but claim a sweet cake kiss…wouldn’t be surprise if he says it is to lick off the cream on her lip he can’t stand…Plus all the touchy touchy while helping her to cover up for the hospital visit…….hee hee..Love the way DR steal the heel away from RM and only rtn to her when the rest are gone. She is claiming KJ in a v subtle way and just put RM in her place… She has a nice character..even for her frenermy….I think RM forgotten that when KI gave her the hair pin, JinJoo was around too..she even rudely pass on the pin to her….I hope Kang In just see her as a very nice Noona since she is a very close family friend..pls no more love triangle..nice series

  6. the ghost lost her scary factor in this episode, LOL.. methinks she’s actaully a matchmaker and will only be in peace when bride & groom loves each other. i hope JinJoo friend didnot cracked under Roo Mi’s interogation.. funny when u realized Kang Joo comes running everytime, cant wait when he realized he loves her. i do not hv any issues abt Yi Hyun liking Doo Rim. omg i was laughing my head off during the bathroom scene like it’s ‘my girl’ redux but somehow funnier..

    • I think it is two ghosts, the main scary one and the deceased wife of the Dad. Maybe she is trying to break the curse. And I totally agree about the set down with the high heel. I love this drama so far.

  7. Is there 2 ghost? One dress in white and one dress in black? Are they being played by the same actress? If so then what is deal with that?

    • I think they’re the same ghost. Different outfits because she’s a busy ghost and can’t wear the same outfit all the time. Lol, she’s everywhere!

  8. I want to know the Ghost’s end game…seriously

    I’m looking forward to this weekend as I’m expecting the switching between the two to begin soon since everyone has gotten used to this Yi Kyung

  9. yay! so happy that ep4 is up! 🙂
    *dance in glee*
    i haven’t downloaded this yet so i am very happy that i can read the recaps and really glad that you are loving and recapping this baby cuz i love it soooo much.

    thank you koala sis!

  10. First bride’s fate really made me guessing. When Kang Joo’s dad first brought up that he thought his wife might have been involved, I expected her to be enraged. Isn’t that how an innocent person would react when accused of something so horrible? Especially considering how she has had to put up with him missing his first love and ignoring her for 30 years. But she wasn’t angry at all, she was totally calm and admittedly it did make me suspicious: maybe she really DID have something to do with the accident!

    On the other hand, she may have gotten so used with dad’s ignorance that a accusation like that doesn’t stick so much anymore. Her pushing the wedding seems to confer her innocence because she really does seem to believe in the curse. IF she had killed the first wife, she would of course know that the curse is bullshit and so wouldn’t need Yi-Kyung as a sacrificial lamb. On the other hand, if she IS a murdered, she might kill again and do it in the same way as previously, using the curse as a smoke screen. This might be motivated by her wish to get Roo Mi for a daughter-in-law but her being forcibly thwarted by dad. That would be stupid, of course, but hey, drama logic.

    So possibilities are endless!

  11. Thanks for your recaps Ms. Koala, otherwise would not have watched this wonderful gem… Just loving this drama with a great bunch of cute actors/actresses. Cannot wait for the next episode.

  12. Holy Sh^t. This kissing can keep on coming, Koala.
    I have to run but I wanted to hug this entire episode with its in your face we-know-cliches-work-that’s-why-they-are-so-popular-we-are-giving-you-what-you-want-even-if-would-never-admit-it style.

    Would it work so well without the laws of physics acting between these two actors?

    This is from wiki, of course:

    When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into heat. This property can have dramatic consequences, as illustrated by the use of friction created by rubbing pieces of wood together to start a fire.

    By the way, in that last scene, *I* would have kissed her.

  13. I love this drama to bits and am rewatching whole episodes while waiting for Monday, and I love each and every kiss. But I do feel a little sqwicky about the forced skinship, you know the throwing on the bed and pressing Doo Rim against the wall with his elbow in episode 2. Granted Doo Rim doesn’t just take any of these, she fights back, even bites back.

    • I get the why somebody would see these actions problematic but… Yeah, can’t help it, I find them very hot and sexy. He can corner me any time…

  14. I have no problem with Yi Hyun falling for Doo Rim. She may be similar in looks to his half-sister, but her personality is totally different. She’s warm, loving, caring, playful, cheerful – all the things Yi Kyung is NOT.

    No wonder both men are falling for Doo Rim because they seem to be surrounded by women who lack DR’s qualities. The mothers, YK, RM, come off as cold, calculating, status conscious, rigid in outlook. How sad was it, when DR and KJ’s dad were playing and the mom was horrified at their “improper” conduct.

    Enjoying this show! I love a spunky heroine and I hope DR doesn’t go limp, but stays her awesome little self throughout. And, writer, keep up the cute with the ghost.

  15. Did anyone else see the short clip at the end of ep 4 showing the face of the worker who kicked bricks from the scaffolding at the work site?

  16. Thanks Koala for the drama recommendation and awesome recaps! I went to marathon it and now I’m so worried about the next episode with previews of perhaps a fall out from Jin Joo’s posting about Roo Mi and Kang In? Boooo! I want more happy times for the two main leads and less angst. I basically just fast forward all the makjang family parts and only watch the moments between Kang Joo and Doo Rim — gold gold gold! I want more kisses 🙂

  17. thank you so much for your recap,really loved it! i have allready watched ep 5 raw,lol, couldnt control myself, i’m totally addicted!
    i guess the ghost finally found the bride who won’t be afraid of her , when she visits them on the wedding night.

  18. Uber ♡ your recommendation to d extent everyone around me is tunedd in to my newfound lurve….to think my mei used to think of HK as d fat one in WGM… thanks for changing our minds to d fact that hes actuallly cute in certain roles

    • Yes I did. In fact, the red ear got me distracted from the kiss. But I actually thought it was because he felt hawt and not because of the cold. 🙂

  19. I am mot sure if you notice but there is a white ghost and a black ghost who look the same. Are they twins too? Hmmmm nonetheless the ghost is very funny.

  20. Just finish epi 5 raw it’s really a funny but with a heart drama. Doo rim is so nice a person and very sexy in her own way. i also like her oppa what a lonely character… i’m just wondering if the real HK will come to the rescue when Doo Rim will suppose play the piano… patiently waiting for epi 6…

  21. just finished the first four episodes in one sitting.

    a lot of elephants are out of the bag by the 4th episode that i can’t wait to see the next episodes to see how they will be resolved and there is this excitement built on the negativities that pull Kang Joo and Doo Rim together…

    oh well, need to be patient AGAIN…

  22. thanks for recapping…the leads are just so darn sweet together…and i can’t there have been so many attempted/actual kisses in this drama…i mean usually you get 1 big one at the end of a drama…And why do i have a feeling that there will be a dry spell for a while?

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