
In A Good Way Episode 16 Recap — 36 Comments

  1. omigoshhhhh!! The screencap of the two of them snuggling is perfection!! Him rubbing his head against hers made me purrrrr!!

    Thanks yet again for this speedy recap!!^^

  2. thanks for the fast recap…looks like the main focus is getting RW mature a bit…his dad conflict and liking JE are going to be major points to get him opened up his mind…and he is lucky to have JE and BX to give their side of POVs..and thank you BX for giving him that talk…hopefully RW will be happy for JE-LC and give his blessings..he should not nest on a crush but instead move on and not waste his youth..i want to see him genuinely build a friendship between LC and be the big bro for JE..i know it’s hard for him to do that but like BX said it’s nice to be happy for two happy couple in love..

    hehehe i guess episode 16 gave us less couple scenes perhaps preparing us for the next episode 17 since epi 15 left us almost dead on the ground..and LC gawd you are such a sweet talker hahaha you really know how to keep me happy hahaha i mean JE…loving her the way she is and not being tired as long as you are with her..gawddd deadddzz 🙂

  3. Thank you Ms Koala! I managed to watch today’s episode ‘live’ for the first time and I was dying to chat with someone abt it. Kept refreshing your page until voila!

    LC’s stares at JE in this entire episode killed me. I wished some computer savvy fan can compile a screen shot of all his stares. He’s really nailing his role right down to the tiniest detail. That last scene when he moves his head so that his cheek rubs against her forehead? That was so spot on and EXACTLY what a couple in love would do.

    I have to say that I was pretty disappointed with RW in this episode. And it wasn’t cos he tried to sabotage their date. It was cos he was growing on me and I could see that he was starting to mature. But in this episode, he seemed to have slipped back all the way to his childish glory in the very first episode. Conversely, BX really impressed me with her maturity. I was actually rooting for the RW-BX pairing to happen but after seeing RW’s immaturity in this episode, I’m having second thoughts. Let’s hope he’ll really grow up for real by the end of the show.

    I have an axe to grind with the producers though. How on earth do they expect us to function as normal beings for the rest of the week when they show us such a tantalizing preview of ep 17???? I thought I could go back to normal once ep 16 rolled around but noooooo…… I’m back to being a walking dead all over again!!! And if I understand the preview correctly, the toilet in their room had a see through window correct???

    I have to be honest though. Although I’m a rabid LC-JE fan, I kind of hope that they won’t actually hit a home run so soon. That would be out of character for the both of them. They just started dated not too long ago and it would be too awkward if they get intimate so fast. I still want to enjoy all their shy smiles if you know what I mean. I’ll be utterly satisfied if they just end up hugging each other to sleep the whole night. Of course, a couple of kisses here and there won’t hurt one bit either…

    Talking about kisses, the back hug and the train snuggle scene were perfect for one to have taken place! Why didn’t LC kiss her??? I’m not even asking for a mouth to mouth. A kiss on the forehead would have been very appropriate for the moment and totally in line with their character. Why was there no kiss??? Why? Why? Why???

    Sorry…. I’m going a bit nuts here. This is what the show has reduced me to…..

    • This show is making all of us teethering.

      I enjoyed this week’s episode a lot, even Ren Wei rebelling towards his father. He really wants to prove himself and his dad seems to have a poor opinion of him. Ren Wei is a risk taker but tends to be extreme. You would worry for him because he bought too much Tamagotchis after his initial success of selling 800.

      The wisest word of advice came from Bai Xue where she says that she wasted years waiting for someone who would never happen and it was good for her that she walked out of it. I wish that a friend like Bai Xue said that to me at the right time, because I too can relate how I wasted years waiting for my first love which never materialize and only realize when it was too long and too late.

      Liu Chuan and Jia En are very sweet. Like. Tracy says, the feeling of starting a relationship is always the best. From my experience, one can get addicted to the heady feeling of falling in love and not so much the person.

      I love their science museum date. Liu Chuan is such a perfect boyfriend. He is a man yet decent. It was fun the way Ah Qing jibbed him, “Your face is red when I abuse Momo, tell me, what are you thinking in your mind right now?”

      No complains about Kirsten’s acting this episode. I like the way she retracted her steps shyly when she saw the couple kissing at the science museum and nearly collided with Liu Chuan. And yes, I am like her, stuffing my haversack with snacks for a day’s trip out. I tell you, the writers must have lived these experiences and write them in the drama, thus everything in the drama feels so low key, organic and relatable.

      This drama is a breath of fresh air from those dramas with crazy story lines and elevated angst for viewership.

    • I agree that they are not on the cusp of the having of zex. They need a long runway before they take off on that adventure – for the reasons you mentioned.

  4. Kyaaaaahhhh! Ahhh, Ms. Koala, you are the best, best, best!!! I just had to let that out in response to your lightning-quick, awesome recap before I expire from the fantastic feeling I’ve got just seeing your recap. Ok, off to read, then watch, and I’ll be back to comment more. Lub you!

  5. This episode was a little RW heavy, but I really didn’t mind at all. Almost everyone else has made some progress and growth, so it’s about time he did too. Besides, how could I quibble with an episode where every JE/LC scene was absolute utter perfection? I love how natural their skinship has become. The train snuggle scene was soooooo sweet and I nearly went into a diabetic coma, but then the preview came on and killed me! Where is trotwood with the defibrillators? I need help stat! off to watch my favorite scenes again because once is not enough!

  6. I can’t get past the first screen shot to even read anything Ms Koala. That’s a really contented and looking in love couple. I can’t get over how compatible they look.

    • Me too! I was just staring at it for a long time even though I can’t wait to read the recaps all day (thanks koala for the speedy recaps…you’re as awesome as this drama!)

      This couple exudes so much love! Yup, they can defintely burn up my screen!

  7. Sometimes reading your recaps keeps me in hysterics!! And this episode, if I wasn’t hollowing at your comments, I was beaming at their cute.
    Ah…what is a girl to do?

  8. Lego and RongRong just make everything feel and look much chemistry…i can totally feel all the LOVE between LC-JE just by watching them onscreen.I think this is one rare drama that shows the after getting together moments..usually when a couple gets together-you will expect angst and separation…but with IAGW, we watched JE-LC blossomed their relationship from friendship to love..and it’s refreshing to watch “normal” moments between the OTP…gawwwddd i can watch episodes of JE-LC doing couple things and i won’t get bored…and really really LOVE the skinship..from intertwined hands to backhugging…hahaha i don’t know what am i going to do when they start KISSING!!??

    • I would watch them do pretty much anything. They make mundane things–studying at the library, having a hamburger, riding the train–seem like some glorious warm-blanket covered adventure. I would so watch episodes titled “LC an JE buy groceries,” “LC and JE go to the post office,” LC and JE go apartment,” “LC and JE make breakfast.”

      I know that everyone is waiting for a kiss, but I am going to be honest. I don’t think my blood pressure can take it. How come I feel more when these two hold hands than when other drama couples are rolling around on a bed? Even the scenes when they are not together and Ah Quing and Tracy are doing their “sex education classes had me dying, thinking about the two of them thinking about each other. Just THINKING.

      • hahaha i don’t even know what my reaction is going to be when LC-JE finally kiss.I think i have already reached the maximum feels that i have felt and they haven’t kissed yet.and with IAGW they keep giving us more dosage of fluttering and squeal worthy moments consecutively so i haven’t gotten a break to get back to being sane..

  9. Thanks again Ms Koala for the speedy recaps!!!!!!! I wouldn’t know how to survive without your recaps, they get me through Saturday while waiting for the subs. 🙂

    This episode once again proved just how special this couple is to me. I really commend the writer/s for making us viewers feel as if we are together with LC and JE’s journey. We’ve seen them through their “infancy”, all those little details of their evolving relationship and now the simple joys of dating is being played wonderfully, if I may say, by Lego and Rongrong. And as someone commented, I could just totally watch LC/JE’s relationship progression wherein they do these totally mundane stuffs like grocery shopping, cleaning the house or even more serious commitment like getting married, sending their kids to school, etc. They just make it work, the chemistry is really the driving force here.

    I need to get out of bed and be a productive human being, but I just can’t seem to tear myself off the screen. :/

  10. Like everyone else, I can’t stop staring at the top photo..
    LC & JE snuggling, backhugging, little glances and nods of understanding at each other..adorably awkward phone calls..everything they do together or for each other has such meaning and it just brings me back to my own college days. I could just watch them forever.

    I know this ep was a bit heavily focused on RW but let’s face it…he needs to figure out his life and grow more. He’s dealing with not only his family but his newfound feelings for his best friend. I really hope that he takes BX’s words to heart and sees how much she’s grown from being in love with LC to being completely 100% happy for LC & JE being together. I loved watching her grow into herself and be a better person for it. RW is a passionate guy but very hot tempered which he looks to have inherited from his dad. He needs to learn how to channel his passion in order to keep growing otherwise JE is going to leave him in the dust with her growth.

    I feel as if my words have jumbled up all in my head so I have no idea if what I just typed makes any sense..I think I’m too hyped up from LC’s smoldering eyes sparks at JE and too giggly from the love lessons from today (poor BX and Momo XDDD)..and next week’s preview is NOT helping hahahaha…

  11. I think what makes the show great are all the little moments that evokes emotions from all of us. When Liu Chuan looked at Jia En’s excited face when the train was coming out from the tunnel, it just gives such a fuzzy feel to everything. Chemistry between the two leads is fantabulous but iit is also the camaraderie amongst all the actors that lifts the show up so much more.
    I really do agree with Ms Koala though, they really should bottle the sizzling chemistry Lego Li and Kristen Ren has. It is just so natural, so right and so ‘pink’ and really makes me wait like mad every Friday just to get a dose of it!

  12. I’m so happy I found another T-drama that I love besides ITWY. The otp gives me butterflies whenever they are on screen together. This drama is so much better than any of the kdramas airing right now imo.

  13. This episode centering mostly to RW is what this show is so good at. They try to highlight other characters’ life and development without losing focus on our OTP. I really like it as everyone contributes to the overall feel/vibe of college life. RW showing stubbornness with wanting to prove himself to his parents is something relatable. I feel for him but at the same time I want to smack him as he’s being silly proud. I hope he gets to sort it out soon though.

  14. Thanks for the recap!
    I finally watched the episode when it was fully subbed.

    There are about a million reasons why this show is so good. The fact that I care so much about RW is one of them. Credit must be given to the actor, most of all, for creating a second lead with no chance at all interested in his development as a person. Not as JE’s love. Not BX’s love. I am glad we have been able to spend time with him.

    As far as the perfect OTP. Well, they are perfect.
    None of the dialog between them from the beginning is going to be wasted. Everything is adding up to them having quite a hot romance.
    JE is safe in LC’s hands, I think. Not parents version of safe, mind you. Their seemingly throw away dialog when he was tending to her ankle – she tells him it hurts, and he promises, “I’ll be gentle.” I just about died there.

    Loved, too, how LC quashed the “No still means yes” myth from his buddy. Love how he seems to understand that JE is certainly not the type of girl to pretend. Loved when JE caught RW in his double standard of how chaste SHE is supposed to behave while dating, vs his desire to go beyond hugging.

    When Tracy explained that boys expect matching undies/bra because that is all they have seen in ads, I laughed at how true that is. Maybe those with sisters know better, though.

    • I am just watching it now, too, and I do love that Ren Wei is starting to develop as a character and someone we care about and not because we feel sorry for him as a second lead.

      And the looks of Liu Chuan. PLEASE add the look that he gives Jia En when he is outed as her boyfriend a screen cap/shot (I don’t know what they are called) of its very own in the “looks of Liu Chuan” section in your “I Love Liu Chuan because I Breathe” post. I thought I felt all the air get sucked out the room when he looked at her then–no embarrassment only pride. He was practically burning ozone there! I cannot tell you how many time I replayed that look. I lost count when my retinas became inflamed from the heat.

      • I just made it the lead photo. LOL.
        It isn’t just the look, it’s the affirmative nod, “Damn straight, I am!”

      • @jomo. I should be studying Korean and grading freshmen essays, but that look is like a drug and I am an addict. I have gone back to watch the beginning of the episode again. . .(okay three times). Yup, it is an affirmative nod but also reassuring JE that he does not mind being outed. I also like the way LC is the ONLY person in the room who is not embarrassed throughout the scene.

      • Oohhhh…. Didn’t realized that our Jomo has her own blog too! And with so many delicious photos of our OTP to boot. I’m off to drool over the photos…. Tada!

  15. This couple is really beyond adorable. I swoon and gush just looking at them. I’m so glad that the episodes keep getting better and better. It seems like more fun will be rolling along next week. Can’t wait!

  16. Note to self: Even though the show is an hour and a half, set aside an extra half hour or 45 minutes to accommodate the number of times I need to stop and replay cute scenes.

    • OMG, I do the same thing LOL! And I’ve never done this with other dramas before. That scene of LC rubbing his head on JE’s head oh so lovingly just shot through to my heart. Kyah, the feels, the feels! This just keeps getting better and better and I keep on telling myself to lay off on my addiction, but I can’t just help myself 😛

      • Really, the show makes me positively giddy. I don’t think I could watch it with someone else–unless it was one of you guys–because I stop so much. I did that with the train snuggle scene as well, also the back hug scene, also the making Jia En look in the mirror because it is only her outfits he like scene. Really Ah Qing, LC does NOT need any advice at all.

      • Totally agree! That whole advice about girls meaning “yes” when they say “no” is really cringe-worthy. That’s how rapists justify their actions. I’m so glad that our man on campus has such a strong mindset of his own and man, that just added so much to his hotness! JE is so damn lucky! LC is too, since JE is friggin awesome herself LOL. I think I killed the rewind button :/

    • Wahahaha….. I’ve been replaying the train snuggle scene EVERYNIGHT before I sleep. I typically take abt 3 hours to finish one episode.

      • That scene and the back hug scenes get heart aflutter…gah, these two are gonna kill me with their cuteness overload!

  17. I loved your recap, but you were very much more generous toward Ren Wei than I. With ever more awesome Bai Xue giving him outstanding advice, his continued pigheaded, self-absorbed stubbornness just made me want to smack him. I see little or no difference between the RW trying feverishly to sabotage JE/LC and the RW who callously threw JE under the bus without a moment’s hesitation in the “overnight stay” fiasco. I’m pleased someone had some sympathy for him, I had absolutely none.

  18. I hope RW would REALLY grow up soon… I can understand his desire to be independant from daddy but there is a way to do it. He is refusing dad money (good enough) but what did he do during his (2?) years at universtity: playing, having loosy grades and… spending dad money. And this is just the same with friends: sleeping while the other two Men of Steel sell his tamagochi and now that he knows JE is in love with LC he realizes that he loves her!!!! Just like a 2 years old who wants what others have…
    Grow up Ren Wei!

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