
Bride of the Century Episode 7 Recap — 45 Comments

  1. So the drama is just skipping over the angsty part where he realises he’s fallen for his sister’s double? BotC is so confidently written in all other aspects I’m a bit puzzled about the way his storyline is playing out.

    • I find that REALLY weird as well. I think that even an acknowledgment about him finding it a little squicky would go a LONG way to alleviating the overall creepiness of his character. I still don’t buy that he’d fall so fast and hard for someone who he barely knows, who looks exactly like his sister, without either 1) experiencing some inner turmoil, confusion, or at the very least weirdness, or 2) being super emotionally messed up & in need of lots of therapy. With a mom like his, I wouldn’t blame him for being a little messed in the head, but since we literally do not see anything of him beyond his adoration of Doo-rim, it’s impossible to know. WTF, writers/director? Literally all it would take for me to be more on board with his character would be like five seconds of screen time (if that) where he’s a little angsty/conflicted about his feelings.

      I’m convinced that there’s a birth secret in there somewhere (esp given Yi-kyung’s reaction to him maybe having a girlfriend), that he’s not biologically related to YK and has harbored feelings for YK for a while, then transferred those feelings to Doo-rim. But if they are not bio-siblings, it all still hinges on whether he and Yi-kyung know it. Because if they don’t know & still feel inappropriate things for each other while thinking that they’re related (and most importantly, aren’t at all conflicted about or confused by their feelings), it’s still all kinds of messed up.

      This is the one glaring mishandled plot element of this show for me, but it’s a doozy. Mostly because It doesn’t make logical sense to me at all, has the squick factor, and would be SO EASY to fix.

      • They know that they are half siblings. In the previous episodes when Yi Hyun had birthday, he cried to Doo Rim about his loss, when he was a child, his mother threw him a birthday party and invited all his friends but had forgotten to buy candles for him to blow, so he created havoc and demanded candles, so his mother went out and had an accident, died on the spot with candles in her hands. So they both know, that they don’t have the same mother. Maybe they also don’t have the same father, who knows? This maybe my addition to the plot point: maybe Yi Kyung’s father was a very generous man, he had a partner in business, they were very loyal to each other and co-founded the business. When Yi Hyun’s mother died and maybe after a while his father also passed for some reason, Yi Kyung’s father felt the responsibility of taking him in and raising him for his late friend’s sake. As he had no sons to leave the business to, Yi Hyun was a good option for that, too. This is my take at their relationship. I guess, we’ll find about it sooner than later, as we’ve seen that this series proceeds really fast 🙂

      • That’s what I mean–I know they think of each other as siblings, but the only way Yi-hyun’s trajectory in falling for Doo-rim makes sense to me is if he has known that he and Yi-kyung are not biologically related. Otherwise, I don’t buy that a man in his right mind would have NO conflicting feelings over becoming infatuated with a woman who looks exactly like his biological sister.

        If that were the case, though, I’d find it super hard to believe that Yi-kyung’s evil momma would care for Yi-hyun like her own child without resenting him. So that would definitely be something that would need some more character justification to be logical.

      • I agree with everything that you have said. I hope there is a birth secret revealed which would go a long way in helping his character find some redemption as a second lead love interest.

        I’m glad that you picked up on the YK’s reaction to HY’s “girlfriend.” It was a bit too intense for it to be just curiosity….

    • There is so much discussion about this aspect of the show that it really puzzles me.

      I don’t think the writers meant for the maybehalfmaybenot brother falling for his sister’s doppleganger story line to be anything other than heartbreaking. It is just another version of the second lead boy not having a snowball’s chance in hell with the first lead.

      His character is sad and lonely. His character fell for a sweet girl. His character will have to watch her be in love with another man. His character will eventually give up.
      Whether there is blood shared or not with his sister doesn’t even matter, really. For him to walk about town with who everyone else thinks is HIS SISTER as a wife is impossible.
      He hasn’t thought through it because he fell in love and the heart wants what the heart wants.

      I am betting the writers are sorry they even started this part of the story. It would have been a lot cleaner if the second lead was, say, a work Oppa or a absolutely NOT related neighborhood Oppa who just happens to spend a lot of time over at their chip.

    • The acting is great, so, I can see how the brother can fall for the girl that looks like his sister. They appear to be two separate people who only happen to look alike. Kang Joo fell for her not knowing she is another person. The brother knows Doo Rim is not is sister. She is kind, nurturing, funny and open! His sister is high maintenance, picky, selfish, greedy and stuck up! She is a self centered as her mother. Doo Rim is a breath of fresh air in all their lives. It’s creapy that she looks like his sister. I believe he does not see an ounce of his sister in her when he looks at her. I can see him falling for her. I can’t see him at the engagement ring stage especially when he has not confessed his feelings. I hope he confesses soon so she can put that to bed!

    • Yup, I find Yi Hyun’s love for Doo Rim very out of place. For goodness sakes if everyone passes her for his sister (be it half or not) that means they are nearly identical in appearance which makes his love for her so very creepy. He has to be delusional to be already thinking about marrying her. I can suspend disbelief for other aspects of the story, but this one is too strange for me swallow. Since Yi Hyun’s one-sided love is not believable enough for me, I can’t seem to care at all whenever he shows up. It’s a pity, really.

  2. Thank you soo much for the recanp.. has been hoping and waiting for it for some time.. thank you soo much for coming out with this recap so soon.. cant wait to read you ep 8 recap which seems to be a awesome ep..

  3. Was it confirmed that Granny was the one behind dad’s first wife’s accident? Because if she were, why would she be unhappy of her daughter’s marriage with dad? Wouldn’t that have been her motive to get rid of the first wife? But if she didn’t wish her daughter to marry dad after dad had chosen another, there’s no motive, is there?

    • My two cents: I think that grandmother knew about the curse and warned her daughter, but she loved dad so much, she still wanted to marry the guy. So grandmothers of both sides made a deal and let dad marry his first love, then after the air was cleared mom stepped in married dad. It is just like Roo Mi, who loves Kang Joo and wants to marry him but is scared of the curse, so is waiting for the sacrifice to be done, so she can marry him. As long as she gets to be with him, that would be enough for her because she hopes that one day she can win Kang Joo over and because she doesn’t think that he loves Yi Kyung/ Doo Rim hence his heart is empty, she is confident that she make him love her. I think, the same happened with Kang Joo’s mom, that’s why his maternal grandmother didn’t wish such a marriage for her daughter but Kang Joo’s mom insisted, so her mother had no choice but to collaborate with Kang Joo’s paternal grandmother and scheme this. That’s why she is unhappy with her daughter’s marriage, because she is the one who loves more and loses in love life, as they say, the one who loves more is the one who loses.

      • Your last sentence is what I recently hear in Emergency Couple…Am I wrong..?
        off of Topic

      • @ Wertb
        Actually, you can hear my last sentence coming out of every other drama character’s mouth out there, especially in Kdramaland. However, in Emergency Couple, the female Professor doctor told the leading guy that the one who loves most, may lose the game but would also be the happiest in the relationship. I didn’t add that part in my comment, as that would apply in a relationship where interest on both sides would be reciprocated, but in dad’s and mom’s case in this series, dad doesn’t show her even an ounce of interest, much not love, so this is lose-lose case scenario for mom. She has lost the heart of her beloved to his first love, this is her first time losing, and she loves him and tells her mother to sooth her that she is satisfied with just being his shadow and doesn’t care about being loved back even though her facial expression and behavior suggest otherwise, which makes her lose for the second time. That’s why I think, she has willingly chosen to get the shorter stick and decided to be stuck in a lose-lose relationship just because she selfishly/ selflessly loved Kang Joo’s father. She is expecting the same from Roo Mi. Kang Joo’s mom may be a selfish lover, because she knew about the curse or let’s say, she believed in it and made plans according to it, even though she loved Kang Joo’s father, she didn’t push their marriage first, which she could have done, so she would have sacrificed herself to be the first bride and die for him, so Kang Joo’s father would marry his first love as the send bride and be happy with her, nor did she warn him of the curse, so he could protect his bride somehow. Kang Joo’s mom could also be a selfless lover, because she believed in the curse and fate, that she would be powerless against those metaphysical forces, so she knew that Kang Joo’s father would be brokenhearted sooner or later, which was inevitable, that’s why she waited her turn on the side, since she wanted to accompany him through his loss and aid him by not leaving him drown in his pain, misery and loneliness caused by the death of his beloved one. May be I am reading too much between the lines, and as you can see, I can’t quite make my mind on this stage yet, whether or not Kang Joo’s mom selfish, Yi Hyun is twisted for falling for someone who is a dead ringer of his sister, but I really enjoy this drama, I think this is my guilty pleasure.
        Last, but not least, I want to thank you our dearest KOALA, for your wonderful and quick recaps with your comments which serve as food for thought, and I would also like to thank the readers and commenters of this beautiful blog for making this ride even more enjoyable and lovable.

      • I think you have drawn an interesting scenario regarding the death of Kang Ju’s Dad’s first wife and the culprits behind it..can’t wait to see what happens next.

      • I found your comments regarding Kang Ju’s mother interesting. Some thoughts to consider on whether her love for Kang Ju’s father is selfish or unselfish. I think actions speak louder than words. We learned from Kang Ju (when he was with Doo Rim at the mansion when she followed him to spy on him with Roo Min) that “she was the same as others who coveted the role of daughter-in-law instead of his wife.” So, that being said, she would rather for her own reasons hide the curse and her own part in it from the father and son. Manipulate the situation in such a way that an innocent woman would die so that she could replace her with someone that is just like her. Maintain that house according to her Mother-in-laws will instead of knocking it down like her husband wants. Reading her husbands first love’s diary and keeping it from him. Having a history with the shaman…her interaction with Lee Roo Mi during tea meaning her comments on the fork and her thoughts about waiting for things to p,ay out and getting everything she wished for. If she is truly unselfish, she would not want her son to experience a loveless marriage like her husband has for the past 30 years.

    • Yep, Maternal granny did it, she ran over Dad’s first wife and left her there to die!!! She’ll probably do the same to DR because she like her daughter wants RM to marry KJ.

      • It would be hilarious if the old lady was controlling everyone one’s fate for decades and her grandson is the one to end her control.

  4. Thanks for the recap and filling in where I missed dialog.

    I have a Korean language question that the google couldn’t help me with.

    What is the word that sounds like “Pao-un” I tried cancel, break, stop, cut the engagement, but I only found words that I already knew.

    I will have more to say once I can watch it and understand!!

    • Hi jomo! From my understanding, it is used when breaking off an engagement from the groom’s side.(I think there’s a different word if the break-up is initiated from the bride’s side). I think it was a more common term in Chosun times, and from what I’ve learned from my kdrama-watching, it seems to be used in modern times if the guy is a chaebol (vs an regular joe).

  5. I always watch the subbed episodes on dramafever, but does anyone know where I could stream the raws in the meantime?

  6. Ohh love the bride of the century headers … I hate waiting until Monday to watch with subs so thanks for the recap it helps the cravings

  7. Hi, this is totally random but I can recommend a terrific website for Chinese-fluent drama lovers. literally links you to every single drama there is on this world, from Chinese to Taiwanese to Korean to Japanese to HK to Singaporean, etc. It also updates extremely quickly, so if you can read and understand Chinese you get to watch at least a day earlier than those who have to wait for English subs. Enjoy the website but don’t get too addicted! There are also movies, variety shows, and anime.

    • Ooooh! I’ll have to give that site a try! May I add to the list? Their video quality isn’t quite impressive, but it definitely is a lot more user-friendly for English speakers.

  8. Thank you for the subs, Ms. Koala =)

    I’m so in LOVE with this OTP because of their undeniable chemistry. I mean look at this BTS/interview <3<3<3
    LHK is too cute and says he can tell the difference between the DooRim & YiKyung…. but, it's a drama afterall teeheehee They're so awedorbs!

    All the Korean drama clichés (including incest, secrets, ghosts!) in one amazing, faster-paced, no nonsense pure enjoyment several previous faves have missed (liked in Coffee Prince/Goong/Playful Kiss/Substitute Princessetc. The glee & "sweet potato sweetness" reminds me of Just You. I'm sincerely hoping for a BETTER ending than Prime Minister is Dating/My Love from the star/My Fair Lady. A fan service glimpse of the future like on Secret Garden.

    I've never watched a drama so many times before. Teeheehee =D

    Am I the only one who's noticed the colors/fashion they use in this daebak drama? The EBIL mothers are very tradition Kdrama plotting mothers, where one is wearing a hanbok, maybe even representing the "old/distasteful ways," and the other, so 80-90's rendition from the make-up, hairstyle, and attitude. Although nostalgic and the plot is quite a throwback, I feel like the OTP are in tune to the present day Korea. I love seeing a strong female lead =) who's genuinely but not naively nice. She's not super rich, but relatable & someone I totally would share SoJu & Bulgoki or Bibimbap at our rooftop apartment LOL I mean, they're playing dub-step during sexy-wig DooRim's fight scene!

    Sorry, I seem to have an essay here, but each time I watch it and read Koala's recap, I'm learning something else. I'm super EXCITED and I paid for a subscription for HD. Thank you LG for allowing it to play on our big screen TV =] happy dances to all

  9. I’m guessing this is going to end with KJ stepping down as head of the business. The curse follows the head of family, he has to sacrifice something to get what he wants. His business seems to be because it’s expected, he’s surprised he gave his heart to her…what else can he do but give it up for her?

  10. Thanks for the recap, Ms Koala! This drama rocks though I wished there was more of the OTP in this episode – I just love their intereactions! btw did any one else find Doo Rim’s new shop familiar looking? It looks like the one in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.

  11. Thanks Koala!it’s so weird how i wish Doo Rim was back as Yi Kyung while they were a same person. I really can’t stand Yi Kyung around Kang Ju. I want Kang Ju to get married asap to Doo Rim, but i believe that it will be more hurtful if he is marrying somebody who is deceiving him. There will be fight after the revelation. I don”t want Doo Rim to get hurt. So does Kang Ju. Poor babies

  12. Did anyone notice that the shop lot that do rim and oppa went to was the same shop in the drama flower boy ramyun shop? Hehehe

  13. Well I find it definitely strange how the writers are not addressing YH inner feelings and projecting him falling for DR as completely normal. Are they ignoring the fact that DR and his sister look like identical twins?! I mean, it’s just weird to fall for someone with his sisters face if he hasn’t had some kind of romantic feelings for his sister before. Hope he doesn’t end up remaining lonely as the typical second lead.

    Also if you think about it YK and KJ are really the same – they are both cold and seemingly heartless because of their manipulating mothers that only use their children. I find it kind of unfair KJ to be given a chance but YK to be hated by viewers because the only difference between them is that KJ got DR in his life that slowly makes him start to care and open his heart.

    I hope both moms will get it in the end.. and not their children, who has become like this because of them.

    I wonder if its only me thinking that way….

    • I agree actually. I thought the exact same thing… Yi Kyung but for her mother, could be a better person. She is trapped and has decided to cut herself off from her emotions. She needs a male version of Doo Rim to come along and help her see things differently, like Kang Joo….

  14. First of all, thank you so much for your work!!! It’s really killing me to wait for the subs several days!!!!!
    I really love this drama, the actors are all great! The storyline is really cool, and i love the chemistry between the leading actors, and most of all i love to read your comments, it’s good to see so many person around the world sharing the same “passion”!!!

  15. I totally agree with you all, that KH loving DR is a bit weird! But I can see why he would, because she is sooo sweet and loveable, DR has been there to comfort him, show compassion for his pains, so why wouldn’t he fall for her, even though she looks like KY, he knows she isn’t his half-sister. As for the two scheming mothers, each with their evil plans, why is it OK for them to sacrifice someone else’s life for their own gains!!! I like dad, he at least his sensible, thinks straight, can see the benefit of having DR as a daughter in-law, how amazing she would be as a wife for KJ. DR needs to stop pretending to be KY and tell KJ who she really is….otherwise the painful love they will be experiencing will have such a massive impact for their future relationship. As for RM is is calculating, she doesn’t really love KJ, she wants the status of being his wife, otherwise why wouldn’t she jump at the chance of marrying him (because she doesn’t love him enough to die for her love for him). I wish JJ and secretary Kim get together. Thanks Koala for the recaps, I get the gist of the story when watching raw, because I can’t wait for the subs, but you fill in the missing links, great job, thanks again.

  16. Thanks for your recap Koala! I read your recap as soon as I finish watching an episode, and it feels like I’m watching it again with a friend 😀

    Off to watch episode 8!!

    Btw, love the new OST! Both LHK’s and Choa’s versions!

  17. In previous episodes we learned that Kang Ju is very sensitive to betrayal. From his childhood kidnapping by his trusted tutor to Secretary Kim’s assumed ring robbery. He doesn’t let people close and those that do get close are held to higher standards. I worry for how he will react when he finds out that he loves Na Doo Rim and not YK. What might help him get over it more quickly will be the realization that the mothers want her dead either by supernatural or man made causes.

    Is anyone surprised that neither Na Doo Rim or YH are concerned that the curse could be real? Why hasn’t Kang Ju noticed that Na Doo Rim’s bracelet is the same as the ghosts? The ghost I. White always has it on when she is with him.

    One of the best scenes in episode 7 is when Kang Ju asks Roo Mi to marry him! Her expression was priceless! I’m glad he caught on to her true motives.

    What puzzles me is that no one at this point seems concerned about Kang Ju’s love for Na Doo Rim and vice versa. You would think that perhaps YK would exhibit some jealousy of Na Doo Rim since her fiancé and half brother love someone else other than her. After all she is self centered and egotistical.

    Lastly, I will be interested to see how the Shaman gets involved in the plot next week. He certainly was “drawn” there by supernatural means (flying advertisement of new restaurant our friendly ghost) as well as the recognition of the bead bracelet. We may learn more about what the bracelet means in regards to the ghosts intentions and for Na Doo Rims future and if the Shaman will share the information with the prospective evil Mothers in Law….

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