
Ultimate Bromance: Lee Hong Ki Posts Selca with Him and “Girlfriend” Yong Jun Hyung of Beast — 25 Comments

  1. I am not familiar with the other leg of the bromance but I can totally see LHK skipping down the corridor, flapping his arms and while sing song-ing nonsense..

    • Yussss!
      Isn’t Jang Geun Suk also in Chocoball?! You can actually pin point the similar type of crazy/fenimity back to Chocoball. Harhar.
      Wonder if Chocoball is guys only? Because Park Shin Hey is awfully close with a handful or two of them. Heck, she may be one of them! Cute, cute, cute!

      • chocoball also has girls too. chocoball is basically for people with ab blood type. heechul is the first to gather people. n yeah, they do seem to have the same characteristics lol

  2. I love Hong Ki & Jun Hyung’s twin-ness/matchiness in most of the selcas above. <3

    omg, I remember Kame & Pi's Shuui to Akira's "Seishun Amigo". My friends from D-Addicts and I were so obsessed with Nobuta wa Produce when it aired that we ALL bought replicas of their bookbags/handbags that were used in the drama. There was a Shuji version and an Akira version. πŸ˜€

    "Bye-bicycle!" Does anyone else remember that? Or the cute way Pi would flap his arms when he ran down the stairs? LOL!

  3. ‘Akira Shock’ made me a forever fan of YamaPi. And HongKi would do a good job as the Korean Akira. I think. A Korean remake of Nobuta wo Produce… I don’t know whether they can capture that zany humor though. But I’d like to see them try. πŸ˜‰

  4. This one shows Hong Ki and Heechul, and it totally makes my day to watch how Heechul has Hong Ki in that perfect spot where nothing bothers Heechul but he’s got Hong Ki right where he wants him lol.

  5. What a great idea! Amigo is on my every day playlist. It always makes me smiling listening and remembering the drama.

    I love the breathy delivery and lack of any harmonic nuance – like two guys singing Karaoke. The video of them is priceless.

  6. Shuuuuji~ β™‘ StA made me a huge kame’s fan β™₯. After BotC am sure am going to check Hong ki’s future work.

  7. I feel fuzzies when I see their selcas. They are so adorable together. Epic bromance!! Just like Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk.

  8. Well, it seems that junhyung hangs out a lot with heechul these days coz they areneighbours and both like drinking and talking. But i love that radio show where hong ki talks about their perfect couple date πŸ™‚

  9. I also love Hong Ki’s bromance with Taka from J-rock band One OK Rock!! They go for acupuncture together and HK even called him up on WGM!

  10. Really sad but I just don’t get the same vibe I do from him acting as Kang Joo….

    He looks nothing like Kang Joo!!

  11. Ockoala u sure have the same interest as me ! I am glad I found u !! πŸ˜€ I begin love Super Junior especially 4D Kim Heechul around No Other era and fall in love with him more and more, day by day..

    as for Hongki of course from Jeremy character on You’re Beautiful which I can’t forget any of his funny scenes in there.. Jeremy is such alovable character which make I love Hongki in real life too..

    as for Junhyung, I know him from Close Ur Mouth MV by M&D which consist of Heechul & TRAX Jungmo. Hongki appear on that MV as well which make me wonder why I only know Junhyung properly after Monstar.

  12. Ockoala u sure have the same interest as me ! I am glad I found u !! πŸ˜€ I begin love Super Junior especially 4D Kim Heechul around No Other era and fall in love with him more and more, day by day..

    as for Hongki of course from Jeremy character on You’re Beautiful which I can’t forget any of his funny scenes in there.. Jeremy is such alovable character which make I love Hongki in real life too..

    as for Junhyung, I know him from Close Ur Mouth MV by M&D which consist of Heechul & TRAX Jungmo. Hongki appear on that MV as well which make me wonder why I only know Junhyung properly after Monstar. I know Heechul besties through that MV and I’m not too concern about Junhyung until I watch Monstar. and right now, Junhyung is my first bias followed by Heechul and Hongki in kpop arena. Hahaa.. πŸ˜€

  13. Hong ki my baby. I really love his husky voice when he is shouting in botc. I can’t believe he is finally become a lead actor. He is so adorable it’s hard not to love him. I find him sexy. Maybe because he was so passionate when he is singing. Hong ki is so my type. Love him!

  14. I’ve loved this bromance since forever! I’m more Junhyung biased (I’m a b2uty), but while watching BotC, I can feel myself shifting~ Lee Hongki jjang!

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