
A New Leaf Starts Filming with Kim Myung Min, Park Min Young, Kim Sang Joong, and Chae Jung Ahn — 10 Comments

  1. The Choi Hee-ra who bad mouthed her actors to a reporter friend and pretty much soured the memory of her great drama?! That scribe?
    Pfft. This cast better be careful.

  2. I am happy happy to see KMM back; I am cautious to see PMY who can dazzle with her adequacy. It just could happen that KMM with pull a deeper PMY out of her that we haven’t see yet.

    • LOL….he is Kim Myung Min’s character’s name in his last show King Of Dramas…a very popular character and the drama is awesome as well 😀

    • King of Dramas showed a humorous take and somewhat accurate take on what actually happens behind the scenes.
      It isn’t gospel, but it explains how important ratings, product placement, star power are to a show.

      It was really good, and KMM’s portrayal of the head of a production company made it better.

  3. The photos with three ladies next to each other, they all look soooo similar. We like when there is more a natural look so you can actually tell people apart… Nothing wrong with a jaw.

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