
Secret Love Affair Episode 11 Recap — 31 Comments

  1. The two episodes this week were painful. The intensity of just watching was stressful. I kept yelling at the screen, “hurry. Stop. Don’t. They’re watching.” I needed that week off to decompress but then it all came back, even more tightly wound. Your right, it does make you nauseous.

    I’ve started watching Witch’s Romance. I find watching an episode of that after each episode of SLA really helpful. The juxtaposition of the two is amazing.

    • I did the same thing, even though I have My Queen memorized!
      The lighter side of noonah-dongsang, which really is the least of HW/SJ’s problems right now!

  2. My random thoughts pinned down, before I watched ep 12:

    This show is really going to be the end of me. Ep 11 is told so quietly and yet it is more unnerving and captivating than a thriller. Everything comes together and things get darker and darker. But at the same time things start to brighten up. It was the first time we repeatedly saw Sun Jae’s home so well-lit. Or is it my imagination? Red microwave and rice cooker, large green box, multicolored bowls, colorful bento box, an orange shirt, and a yellow towel. We never before saw so many bright colors for Sun Jae’s personal stuff, did we? I’m determined to take this as a good sign.

    By the look of the spoiler pics from the shoot, we’ll even get treated to a couple of HW/SJ scenes in broad daylight in the next episodes. I have a hard time remembering when we saw them outside in daylight before except maybe during the drives to work. Wasn’t it always night or gloomy? First really bright scenes that come to my mind are the sunny beginning with Sun Jae looking out of his window and then the frank talk between Hye Won and her friend in the car at the end of this episode. Everything is out in the open now. Sun Jae’s understanding of how dangerous the world really is Hye Won is involved in, their affair and Hye Won’s realization how much she loves Sun Jae and his humble home. I felt sorry for her, that Ji Soo didn’t hug her for comfort, but she is too shocked to see Hye Won like this after all those years she knew her as a rational, unemotional person adjusted to the rules of the world she chose.

    Hye Won’s reaction to her old picture. She saw the hopeful person she once was and knows the cunning person she now is. This brought tears to her eyes so fast.

    Young Woo contacting the shaman she recommended to the Rat is hilarious. She uses her network to gain information against Hye Won (what a friend!), the others use theirs. I’m sure, we all know who got the better spies.

    Interesting to see that the juicy scandal of Hye Won’s two-timing is of more importance for the bloodthirsty, gossipy audience than the illegal money business. Criminal behavior is not what brings you down in these circles. Real emotions are. Significant, too, to see Sun Jae worry more about the illegal stuff Hye Won is involved in than the possible consequences of the affair for him. Love him and his overall sensible intuition. He knew, he could trust Professor Jo, this wise mentor. And when Hye Won wondered about being crazy at the beginning of their secret meeting he knew, he had to kiss her to remind her why exactly she was acting like this.

    I really liked the execution of this meeting. Hye Won follows Sun Jae’s guidance, is protected by him, and even if the terrain is difficult and she has to climb through fences on high heels, she still smiles doing so. Awesome!

    Is Hye Won cunning and smart enough to escape all traps? My biggest fear is the account in the name of her parents. Is the Singapore stock holder Oh Chang Seo her dad? Now, that the affair is basically known, what could be the worst thing happening to her because of it? Mde. Han would have gained an ace, but she is very interested in Hye Won’s abilities, so could the affair really destroy Hye Won? Everybody else has affairs, too. They are even, although Hye Won would be weakened, be less superior.

    I’m so curious what papers are waiting in her safe for further use! Because when she puts her jewelry into the safe we can see some official Seohan Art Foundation papers with the logo on top. It’s her weapon waiting to get used.

    Attack is the best defense. Hye Won directly addressing the blackmailing was a brave and skilled reaction. This woman is so cold-blooded when needed. Wow. (Btw the blackmailing SMS was written by Driver Choi who tried to get into the business he witnesses every day. The secretary for sure didn’t give him any information. Maybe he followed HW/SJ because Mde. Han ordered him to do so or did it on his own account and thought he’d make a few bucks along the way.)

    It was really an episode for the actresses. The men were side-kicks this time except for Sun Jae. Yoo Ah In’s acting continues to shine. The pain Sun Jae is going through is palpable. Crying in his sleep next to the two phones, slowly waking up and realizing, that nothing changed, sighing. Apparently his acting gets a lot of recognition in Korea. His fans collected and translated some interesting articles:

    As I understood it, the intention of the makers was to question the in unison condemnation of extra marital affairs. They are really making a good job, because as viewers we start to question the sanctity of the whole marriage system, don’t we? The only functioning marriage in this show is the one of Professor Jo and his wife Ji Soo. Every other pairing doesn’t represent what a marriage should be. It’s a world full of snakes.

    (Btw Jang Hyung-sung, who cameos as Young Woo’s husband always gives me the heebie-jeebies with his roles, but I started to watch The Return Of Superman and was pleasantly surprised to see what a wonderful and loving father he is. And I started to outright adore Sarang’s dad Choo Seung-hoon. But that’s another looooong story.)

    • Actually Hye Won’s affair isn’t more important to any of these people over the illegal money. Everyone knows there is a Slush Fund. Everyone know that Hye Won is Seo’s confidant. She knows where the money is hidden. If Seo’s gonna stay in jail a long time, everyone wants to get control of the Slush Fund. All of them, every single one of them, is having her tailed and waiting to get evidence. The Common Wisdom amongst them is, he who gets the goods on Oh Hye Won gets to control the Slush Fund.

      I’m actually soothed by her comment that she’s much more stealth & capable than Lee Sun Jae knows and she wants to keep him away from that knowledge. That she knows all the people who have their eyes on her and she’s not worried about them. She’s held her spot being the side-kick of all 3 family members (daughter, father, step-mother) for many, many years for a reason. She knows where the bodies lie and they’ve never forced her to use that before, and if they think this affair is gonna impact that, they’re mistaken.

      I hold her at her word. Eating ramyan rooftop. Saying she thinks Sun Jae’s house is a real home. Telling him she’s “practicing”. By that account, I won’t spoil it here, but Sun Jae has some qualities like her about him as well. He handles his friends quite easily and gets what he wants effectively as well. As he says, “I do what I can.” If this love is powerful enough, she can leave with him. She could go anywhere in the world with him. She’s “practicing” to see if that’s really what she wants to do. In the end, we’ll see the results.

      • Nice, I did NOT understand the practicing dialog. OMG, I sure hope you are right about her cleverness.

      • I agree, the money is most important to the triumvirate, but the rest of the school universe is weirdly untouched by the arrest of the old man, they prefer to gossip about the lost hour.

    • Also, Jang plays a Prosecutor in Vampire Prosecutor. I can’t shake that image of him!

      I loved the not-so-secret meeting at the construction site, too. It had all the elements of a quest – climbing mountains, avoiding traps, protecting each other from peril – and spies! They keep showing us how this pair can overcome any obstacle – together.

      • Yes. We get this image often in the show. The stairs to his apartment, the stairs down from the construction site. They do it together.

        Back in ep 9 he takes her for the surprise spin on his scooter. They drive away from her home and the traffic light changes to green. I always took this as a good sign, too. Desperate much?

    • YAI is doing a really great job for his role. I think this is his best performance. He’s got the talent, he just needs the right script and PD to be all out.

      I wonder if the writer uses psychological approach in writing this drama. It seems that in this story we are put to be one of the gossipers and peeking tom. However she managed to bring us to question about marital affairs and the society hypocrisy.

    • Hi newbie! Your disambiguation is very infectious made me read more backwards on the previous episodes to see your other comments)to me. You dug into the depth of each scene and conveyed your intelligent analysis which are very helpful on my part to understand more the story. Thanks for your thoughts!

    • Jang Hyung-sung always seem to play the creepy bastards, that my mom joked that he was probably a really sweet guy in real life. Nice to know she was right!

  3. Thanks for the recap. I have to admit that all the cryptic dialog had me scratching my head in this episode. Secret accounts and unspoken accusations. I know I am supposed to be in the dark about these dealings, but I still don’t like it!

    I felt SJ’s misery down to my bones. When he woke up with tears in his eyes, I gulped. He is direct about everything – all of this subterfuge must be driving him nutty, and HW sobbing in front of her friend. It hurts.

    Loved the scene where SJ played for his friends. I think the same thing would happen to me if suddenly one of my alleged normal friends turned into some artiste. He really isn’t part of their world anymore and they know it. Like Eliza Doolittle once she could stop dropping her “Haches.” He is somewhere in the middle and it is lonely there. 🙁

    Does anyone know for sure if it is 16 or 20 episodes? A Wife’s Credentials had a pretty thorough wrap up in 16, so I could almost see this one finishing in four, but it would have to skip a lot of stuff.

    Btw, instead of finishing the recap like a good non-procrastinator would have done, I read Aimez-Vous Brahms? last night. It is a quick read and helped me see what the writers want to do with Hye Won. Something, strike that, everything tells me she won’t be married in the end.

  4. I so agree with you that the timing for HW and SJ is really bad. Not only do they have to tackle the vast age difference stressor, and HW’s complicated work relatioinship with the Seo Han Group, it is also so hard to belong to someone else when the right one comes along. To me, Seo Han Group presents the least threat as I have utmost confidence that HW is very skillful in handling such people. I do believe she keeps a record of every conversation and can use it to her advantage. I am hoping it will be growing process for her where she learns that she is better off without all these trappings and go back to her passion in music.

    Once again, thanks for the insightful recap.

  5. There are 2 scenes that got me here: When SJ lays two cellsphones on his bed; the “cheating” cellphone (HW’s cellphone that she always used to call/text SJ) and his own cellphone. He checks the “cheating” cellphone’s contact list and only finds one number marked as “home”. When he calls “home”, it’s his own cellphone that rings. To HW, SJ is home. I wish HW won’t “practice” too long in giving up all the things that she has now to come “home”.
    The 2nd scene is the conversation between HW and her best friend in the car. It’s a one single scene, without any cut, like one take scene. And it’s done so right. The emotions, the gestures, and their natural conversation is so believable. That’s the real friendship right there. You don’t have to hug her or cry together to show how much you care, instead you listen without judging, worry about your bestie, take her cup so she can cover her face with both hands. And give her tissues!

    • Absolutely true about that last scene. It really ripped my heart open, as SJ said in an earlier scene with hisfriends.

      For me, all the scenes with SJ by himself, going through the motions of living really made me ache. You KNOW you have to do what you have to do to live and even succeed, in his case but you really feel his aloneness in those scenes.

  6. that secne of HW crying to her friend in the car broke my heart. she should just leave everything and go live with SJ.seem like the only time she look happy is when she with SJ.

  7. Thanks for the recap Koala! Particularly on your “Thoughts of Mine” you’ve written it really refined. 🙂

  8. I rewatched this one just now; it hurts more with repeated viewings.

    Some questions-
    SJ just found out that HW frequents the same salon where DM works. That appeared to surprise him. How will that fact, and that HW is hiding behind the Online Hyung identity affect his trust in her later?

    If she has money put in her father’s name, will she be glad that he gets into trouble? Did she do that for revenge? If he is the cause of her hell when she was home, would it be justice that he gets punished by being framed for embezzlement?

    Check this photo:
    Do you think THAT security camera caught THAT kiss?

  9. My favorite moment in episode 11 was when Seon Jae discovers Hye Won has saved him in her contacts as “home”. The look on his face, of grief and love for her combined. 

    Other scenes that were moving were SJ’s tears, calling between her phone and his, his listless lack of appetite on the first morning when he can’t contact her, and her crying in her car. It’s comforting that they both have prof Jo and his wife as people they can trust and go to for support. 

    SJ centers HW. When she is feeling crazy and off balance he kisses her and she calms. SJ has an instinct for what she needs. And another scene in this drama with SJ helping HW to navigate obstacles: literally when entering the abandoned building. SJ is her savior, an angel helping her to find a way through a dangerous path to where they can be safe and together. 

    Her comment about practicing. Was this a clue that she is already making plans to leave her world of money and lies to join him in poverty and joy? Role playing with SJ to feel more comfortable without her luxurious trappings? If yes, for how long has she been planning her escape? Since the floor cleaning moment? 

    So many stairs in SLA! Do they symbolize climbing toward a happier place or out of hell? Probably both. 

    His friends’ speechless wonder at his piano playing. This is when they realize he has moved into another world that they can’t reach. He tells them in this way that he will continue to see Hye Won because this is how talented he is and she shares this with him. Jomo made a great point that Seon Jae is in the middle between his old life and his new, and he doesn’t truly fit into either now. SJ is consistent throughout SLA in how he speaks through his music. There are several times that he stops talking with people and begins to play the piano. He shares his thoughts and feelings with his music, and it’s very effective. 

    At the start of this episode Seon Jae notes how small his window is. It looks like there are only two small windows in his home, over his desk and over his sink. The rest of the walls are solid. With Hye Won’s fishbowl existence, I can see how his home would feel like a safe haven away from prying eyes. And of course the main draw being Seon Jae himself, her angel who loves her and is always honest and caring. And sekshi. Did I mention yet in this comment that YAI is sekshi? Gotta fit that in somewhere.

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