
Secret Love Affair Episode 12 Recap — 53 Comments

    • This fascinates me. I read both parties can be sentenced to up to 2 years in prison!!

      He doesn’t divorce her, but takes her back after she gets out?
      And if he does press charges for adultery and she does do time, does the law say she has to live with him after? Couldn’t she run away?

      • If he does threaten with jail time and they end up serving time, then the marriage will automatically be dissolved per law.

      • Since the husband is so protective of HIS image, how is gathering evidence helping his cause? It’s highly unlikely that he would want to be known as a cuckold to his peers. Also, if the affair is known publicly, how would he keep SJ as his student?

      • @aafa83
        I am starting to see a fuller or clearer picture of why HW is so confident right now with where she stands.

        JH is no threat, and never will be. Like you said JH’s image is more important than his life. If he feels like he is losing SJ to Jo, he can throw all the temper tantrums he wants to no avail. He never had any power in his relationship with HW; she only let him think that.

        None of the Seo clan can hurt her, either. They don’t care if she has a lover. It was unusual in their circle that she didn’t. Plus, as Amastris said in the last recap, HW knows where all the bodies are buried. If they make a move on her, perhaps threatening to charge her with adultery with SJ (Their golden child so not likely) or her family, she can turn State’s evidence as a plea bargain to lessen her jail time.
        She prolly also has some stash of cash somewhere, but I would rather she start anew with SJ and only the piano on their back.

        Boyohboyohboy – so many things can happen…

  1. i actually liked the more recent episodes, mainly because i like assertive/confident SJ better than the teen/puppyish one from before, him standing up to Hye Won is v sexy (and she agrees with me…)

    • Be sure, I still LOVE the show, no question about it. It is amazing.
      And assertive SJ, who appeared in HW’s garage kissing her because that is what a man does, OY! He just gets better with each episode.

      It is cool how with her being the Alpha female that it isn’t Beta tendencies that make her go “hmmmmm” but when she feels like she has met her match. His apparent innocence and naivte actually make him strong in front of her because he goes for it, no fear of being rejected. How hot is that?

      • I love this show so very much. I think I see past this part. I really think you have to go and carefully watch every scene from the beginning. Its subtlety is so endearing to me. This writer has a story to tell. I can see by the little details that the direction has most likely already been confirmed.

        Again, to point out one of the subtle details, Sun Jae has much experience taming the Alpha female, least we forget about Da Mi’s past. I truly believe that relationship is the precursor to this relationship and what essentially makes him know so much, plus be so assured, and mature.

        There really is so much more under the surface of each character that you cannot approach this like a traditional K-Drama. This drama is supreme all on its own if you can get past your sensibilities about the topic. I hope this opens the eyes of many more writers in the future.

      • @Amastris
        I just rewatched the beginning of ep 4 where HW does that 180 on him as far as the kiss. With unimaginable strength, he has to swallow the bitterness of her denial and walk out of her house pride intact. He’s like “You wanna play that game with me, fine.” No falling apart, no yelling.
        I remember being impressed then by how much stronger he was than I had given him credit for.

  2. Here are my embarrassingly long random thoughts.

    Can it even get worse for our couple? To see the agony both are in is devastating. (And confirms my steady believe, that they will make it out as a couple. Like you said, there HAS to be a light at the end of the tunnel.)

    In the beginning we get this funny scene, when Mde. Han hums the Lily Marleen song to her husband in jail. A subtle threat not to reveal business details, because the last time she sang it, she kicked him in his groin. This woman is cunning and manipulative to the core, but I’m in awe of her Chuzpa. Later she pretends to think of a reward for Sun Jae and to care for some relaxing time for Hye Won so she suggests for both of them to eat lunch together. Only, I’m sure, to create an opportunity for her spy to collect evidence. The Rat wants the evidence to blackmail Sun Jae into staying (so telling, that he demands a conversation from his wife to talk about Sun Jae and then asks about Professor Jo stealing ‘his’ asset. This man is unbelievable in all his vanity and self-centeredness). Mde. Han on the other hand wants the evidence to get the secret money of her step-daughter. Seems as if she has won the race to get the proof. Da Mi will become her instrument to blackmail Hye Won. (Will the necklace play a role again?!)

    Amanda / Outside Seoul quoted the Korean adultery law on tumblr. The husband will get punished, too, if he knew about the affair. That is a VERY interesting facet.

    About the file. I think it’s the other way around. The clever Dean knows, that Hye Won has a file hidden away and warns Han about it. In fact, we saw it already lying in her safe under her jewelry.

    Hye Won walking down the steps after the chat with hubby. It is the third time in the last episodes we see her having difficulties to use them, she needs to support herself with the help of the wall. Another hint, that she can’t stay in this house and job any longer and she knows it. What a difference to the first episode, when she came down to listen to Sun Jae for the first time!

    Hye Won’s attempts to get Sun Jae to go to Germany. Her favorite food? German bread (so true!). Pass. German sausages and Sauerkraut. Lol. Being German this was extra funny to me, but, please, don’t eat it with rice, eat it with (mashed) potatoes and much finer minced onions. 😉

    The choice to show roughly six minutes of Billy Joel’s song without Korean subtitles! A gutsy decision and a special scene with some wonderful acting by Kim Hee Ae. Sun Jae with his limited English knowledge must be pretty oblivious to the meaning of the song and how close it relates to Hye Won though.

    The ‘hungry ghost’ inside of her – is she really pregnant? The preview at the end of ep 11 showed her fainting, possibly after the confrontation with Da Mi. Another hint? Will it be her ticket out of the marriage, as the Rat doesn’t want a divorce good Christian that he is. It’s all about keeping up appearances. For him and his family. *eyes roll* Or is it just so, that she is only able to eat, sleep, and breathe close to Sun Jae, that she now needs more than a stick of cucumber?

    Loved the food scenes, because both were so in tune, couply, familiar, and simply right for each other. She allowed him to hold her hand on the street and demonstrate their affection to the curious ahjumma. So cute. This trip manifested, that they belong together, he felt like being on a honeymoon, in his heart he is already married to her. The viewers needed this episode to fully grasp, that Hye Won is as much in love with him as he is with her.

    She has worn his clothes several times now, even outside. She gets closer to him. Hopefully it also means, that she adopts his values. One doesn’t need much money to live, but it is very important, that you are able to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror every morning. We know she is practicing.

    In the beginning there were some doubters around, who said Hye Won would drop him like a hot potato, but especially the end of the last and this episode showed us, she is just as emotionally involved in this relationship as he is. She is trying to find a way for them without sacrificing his career, because she was just as talented and she knows, what it means for a musician’s soul and life to lose this opportunity. She can’t allow that to happen to him.

    As I guessed in my comment on ep 11, we got our daylight scenes between our couple and of course these are the moments the evidence for the adultery is collected. At the same time it’s the first day in the daylight for both, he sits outside of the house, she sits close to him, almost outside (the meta!) and they are holding hands. She’ll follow him well as always.

    Sun Jae suffers a lot in this episode. He is paralyzed, powerless and doesn’t know enough of all the Hannam-dong matters to act on them. Still he does what he can do. He contacts different schools to find a safe haven for him and Hye Won, and he is there, when she needs him… his relieved look when he discovers her in the soup kitchen! Them going away and his grieve that he has to let her go again. They missed each other so much during these couple of days of separation, how are they going to make it, if he really goes to Germany without her?! They grew together over time and now really belong to each other, they need each other, a separation is not an option in my opinion (= no time jump writer-nim, please! Be bold, let them be together without punishment. They are tormented enough as it is).

    Hye Won’s friends, Professor Jo and his wife, are wonderful. That’s so great to see. Ji Soo last saw Hye Won’s hubby at the 100 days celebration of her oldest child? That are years considering, she got four of them! How she reprimanded the Rat to carry the grocery bags. Lol. Yeah, this ‘Christian’ doesn’t know anything about altruism, kindness and doing something for another person. But his marriage is sacred. Of course. *irony mode off*

    • Newbie you’re a damn good writer! Next to Koala and Jomo I count you one with the beautiful brains here.

      Nice job guys! (applause)

  3. Thank you Jomo. Been waiting. I love the Piano Man scene. So many inferences for HW. I heart her here. Her years of waiting on the royal family, her wasted youth, her ‘self-imposed’ restriction of what she can do with her lot in life… And most important of all being next to her lover whom she misses to bits and not able to hold him…

  4. Here are my embarrassingly long random thoughts.

    Part 1
    Can it even get worse for our couple? To see the agony both are in is devastating. (And confirms my steady believe, that they will make it out as a couple. Like you said, there HAS to be a light at the end of the tunnel.)

    In the beginning we get this funny scene, when Mde. Han hums the Lily Marleen song to her husband in jail. A subtle threat not to reveal business details, because the last time she sang it, she kicked him in his groin. This woman is cunning and manipulative to the core, but I’m in awe of her Chuzpa. Later she pretends to think of a reward for Sun Jae and to care for some relaxing time for Hye Won so she suggests for both of them to eat lunch together. Only, I’m sure, to create an opportunity for her spy to collect evidence. The Rat wants the evidence to blackmail Sun Jae into staying (so telling, that he demands a conversation from his wife to talk about Sun Jae and then asks about Professor Jo stealing ‘his’ asset. This man is unbelievable in all his vanity and self-centeredness). Mde. Han on the other hand wants the evidence to get the secret money of her step-daughter. Seems as if she has won the race to get the proof. Da Mi will become her instrument to blackmail Hye Won. (Will the necklace play a role again?!)

    Amanda / Outside Seoul quoted the Korean adultery law on tumblr. The husband will get punished, too, if he knew about the affair. That is a VERY interesting facet.

    About the file. I think it’s the other way around. The clever Dean knows, that Hye Won has a file hidden away and warns Han about it. In fact, we saw it already lying in her safe under her jewelry.

    Hye Won walking down the steps after the chat with hubby. It is the third time in the last episodes we see her having difficulties to use them, she needs to support herself with the help of the wall. Another hint, that she can’t stay in this house and job any longer and she knows it. What a difference to the first episode, when she came down to listen to Sun Jae for the first time!

    Hye Won’s attempts to get Sun Jae to go to Germany. Her favorite food? German bread (so true!). Pass. German sausages and Sauerkraut. Lol. Being German this was extra funny to me, but, please, don’t eat it with rice, eat it with (mashed) potatoes and much finer minced onions. 😉

    The choice to show roughly six minutes of Billy Joel’s song without Korean subtitles! A gutsy decision and a special scene with some wonderful acting by Kim Hee Ae. Sun Jae with his limited English knowledge must be pretty oblivious to the meaning of the song and how close it relates to Hye Won though.

    The ‘hungry ghost’ inside of her – is she really pregnant? The preview at the end of ep 11 showed her fainting, possibly after the confrontation with Da Mi. Another hint? Will it be her ticket out of the marriage, as the Rat doesn’t want a divorce good Christian that he is. It’s all about keeping up appearances. For him and his family. *eyes roll* Or is it just so, that she is only able to eat, sleep, and breathe close to Sun Jae, that she now needs more than a stick of cucumber?

    • Part 3

      As I guessed in my comment on ep 11, we got our daylight scenes between our couple and of course these are the moments the evidence for the adultery is collected. At the same time it’s the first day in the daylight for both, he sits outside of the house, she sits close to him, almost outside (the meta!) and they are holding hands. She’ll follow him well as always.

      Sun Jae suffers a lot in this episode. He is paralyzed, powerless and doesn’t know enough of all the Hannam-dong matters to act on them. Still he does what he can do. He contacts different schools to find a safe haven for him and Hye Won, and he is there, when she needs him… his relieved look when he discovers her in the soup kitchen! Them going away and his grieve that he has to let her go again. They missed each other so much during these couple of days of separation, how are they going to make it, if he really goes to Germany without her?! They grew together over time and now really belong to each other, they need each other, a separation is not an option in my opinion (= no time jump writer-nim, please! Be bold, let them be together without punishment. They are tormented enough as it is).

      Hye Won’s friends, Professor Jo and his wife, are wonderful. That is so great to see. Ji Soo last saw Hye Won’s hubby at the 100 days celebration of her oldest child? That are years considering, she got four of them! How she reprimanded the Rat to carry the grocery bags. Lol. Yeah, this ‘Christian’ doesn’t know anything about altruism, kindness and doing something for another person. But his marriage is sacred. Of course. *irony mode off*

    • Part 3

      As I guessed in my comment on ep 11, we got our daylight scenes between our couple and of course these are the moments the evidence for the adultery is collected. At the same time it’s the first day in the daylight for both, he sits outside of the house, she sits close to him, almost outside (the meta!) and they are holding hands. She’ll follow him well as always.

      Hye Won’s friends, Professor Jo and his wife, are wonderful. That is so great to see. Ji Soo last saw Hye Won’s hubby at the 100 days celebration of her oldest child? That are years considering, she got four of them! How she reprimanded the Rat to carry the grocery bags. Lol. Yeah, this ‘Christian’ doesn’t know anything about altruism, kindness and doing something for another person. But his marriage is sacred. Of course. *irony mode off*

      • @newbie -great insights! totally agree with the meta abt her eventually following him. SJ sitting outside and HW sitting close to him inside but with him holding her hand outside.
        @jomo – THANK YOU – praying for a good ending for this OTP

  5. thanks for the recap Jomo. I love
    this episode and I still can’t predict which reality the writer will choose for the ending. I too want them together and for that love to last, if not forever, for a very long time and with the same passion as when they started. the worst would be for them to be together and have their love die from the grind of daily life instead, which you know is entirely possible.

    in any case, she CANNOT JUST CANNOT possibly continue with the marriage. for me, it’s two separate questions that she needs to address. with or without SJ, is this marriage what she wants anymore?? surely no. so with or without SJ, she needs to leave. and then , she needs to ask herself is that future with SJ possible and what she wants as well. I truly think it’s wrong to think that another person will
    be the answer to what is wrongin your current relationship.

    for me the BEST scene this episode is when SJ sees her at the restaurant and the reaction he had. that amazed disbelief and happiness and then he looks down and when he looked up again ( so unexpected the reaction for me!) he had this expressionif exquisite pain. ahhhh my heart then!!

    and when they just sat down, so matter of factly, after the prolonged separation. no
    I love yous or I miss yous. maintaining normal talk. left unsaid, that scene spoke more of jhe heartache of their separation than if they had cried and wailed.

    I sooo love that whole

    • I love what you said about their love and passion lasting, because it is so obvious to me that HW + SJ will be that rare couple who stays romantic until the end. I can see them 80 and 60 walking on the beach holding hands and kissing.
      Two kids, maybe? Telling them to stop being sooooo corny as they cuddle and play duets in their modest but warm home.

      That restaurant scene was perfect. The director has shown us so many perfect scenes, it is hard to choose the most touching.

      • I think so too. the many references to simlar real life couples in this drama gives me hope.

  6. Part 2

    Loved the food scenes, because both were so in tune, couply, familiar, and simply right for each other. She allowed him to hold her hand on the street and demonstrate their affection to the curious ahjumma. So cute. This trip manifested, that they belong together, he felt like being on a honeymoon, in his heart he is already married to her. The viewers needed this episode to fully grasp, that Hye Won is as much in love with him as he is with her.

    She’s worn his clothes several times now, even outside. She gets closer to him. Hopefully it also means, that she adopts his values. One doesn’t need much money to live, but it is very important, that you are able to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror every morning. We know she is practicing.
    In the beginning there were some doubters around, who said Hye Won would drop him like a hot potato, but especially the end of the last and this episode showed us, she is just as emotionally involved in this relationship as he is. She is trying to find a way for them without sacrificing his career, because she was just as talented and she knows, what it means for a musician’s soul and life to lose this opportunity. She can’t allow that to happen to him.

    As I guessed in my comment on ep 11, we got our daylight scenes between our couple and of course these are the moments the evidence for the adultery is collected. At the same time it’s the first day in the daylight for both, he sits outside of the house, she sits close to him, almost outside (the meta!) and they are holding hands. She’ll follow him well as always.

    Sun Jae suffers a lot in this episode. He is paralyzed, powerless and doesn’t know enough of all the Hannam-dong matters to act on them. Still he does what he can do. He contacts different schools to find a safe haven for him and Hye Won, and he is there, when she needs him… his relieved look when he discovers her in the soup kitchen! Them going away and his grieve that he has to let her go again. They missed each other so much during these couple of days of separation, how are they going to make it, if he really goes to Germany without her?! They grew together over time and now really belong to each other, they need each other, a separation is not an option in my opinion (= no time jump writer-nim, please! Be bold, let them be together without punishment. They are tormented enough as it is).

    Hye Won’s friends, Professor Jo and his wife, are wonderful. That is so great to see. Ji Soo last saw Hye Won’s hubby at the 100 days celebration of her oldest child? That are years considering, she got four of them! How she reprimanded the Rat to carry the grocery bags. Lol. Yeah, this ‘Christian’ doesn’t know anything about altruism, kindness and doing something for another person. But his marriage is sacred. Of course. *irony mode off*

  7. I love this episode because they both finally “runaway” outside Seoul and have fun in daylight! Billy Joel’s The Piano Man perfectly captures HW’s lost youth and missing freedom. And I love love love the scene when they’re holding hands in that inn and outside that restaurant. Well, basically I love everything they do in their getaway! Thanks for the recap, Jomo!

  8. Thanks a lot, reading ur recap is very revealing. I am not worried about their affair being expose, like she said in espisode 11.others have a lot to loss. Imagine the numbers of dirty secret she has over everyone of them.they should bring it on .She is ever ready. She seem to be the only person that does not worship money and power. I will say she is the only good person in their world. I just hope the story will end with her leaving it with him and he being sensible enough to get another scholarship elsewhere .This might give them time to be together without anyone monitoring there movement. What a husband! being concerned over business to his wife having an affair .He need the most worst tragic incident to happen to him. Looking at every one of their dirty things I will say her affair is the only sensible thing going on. I wish it will serve as an eye opener to her,that it is the lesser of all the bad things going on in her world. She should hold hard to it by removing herself from such world and sticking to her love side

    • Hahahaha! I love your very honest response which I am dying to say out loud but dare not, for fear of being deemed idealistic, lovesick, etc – especially at my age (42) plus married!
      Oh my goodness me! I think this show just brings out the young girl in us, dreaming of the perfect prince charming coming into our lives and sweeping us off our feet onto his gallant white horse and the 2 of us galloping into the sunset of eternal happiness.
      At the age of 42, we now know that life is much more complicated than this beautiful simplistic idealism of love that we had in our youths, and we have over time become hardened and cynical. So from time to time we need a show/movie like this that brings us back to the time of our innocent, idealistic youth and even for a brief moment, to relive those days, those feelings and those hopes of love….oh…!

      • Yes! I would love to have a Seon Jae in my life but feel silly to think it at my age! Is that why we’re so drawn to this show? Reminding us of our dreams? Maybe one of many reasons! Haha!

  9. HyeWon needs to divorce her husband. I can’t figure out their relationship. I know it’s a marriage of convenience but were they platonic all these years? Seems like he needs her more than she needs him.

    • Their relationship has puzzled me as well. Everyone acknowledges that their marriage is one of convenience and always has been. I think that most of their friends assume it was because he wanted career help and she just…wanted a husband? All of her friends seemed to think she was incapable of romance or love.

      I suspect that there is more to it than that. For a while I thought that she might be a beard, but he doesn’t even seem to care about her as a friend. He seems to think of her only for what she can do for him in his career. It’s possible that she was a victim of abuse as a child, hence her reaction to him throwing things and her friends thinking she was never going to have a real relationship. She’s clearly from a fairly poor background, but we don’t know how impoverished based on the face she made when her husband said he couldn’t figure Sun Jae out because he’d never met someone of that class.

      She’s indebted to the Seo family for their scholarship help and support, even though she essentially worked for them chaperoning Young Woo. (No wonder Young Woo resents her – they are “friends” because her parents hired her)

      That’s one puzzling relationship.

      • Do you think her husband might be gay?
        Anyway he seems totally asexual in the movie – someone with completely no sexual urges at all.

  10. Funny how little scenes make you feel emotional. I cried seeing SJ and HW eating together in the eatery downstairs. Now that HW’s with him, at last SJ was able to eat properly after losing appetite from missing her so much. Same goes for HW.

    • How come HW can be so damn slim when she was seen on a few occasions to be consuming carbs (rice etc).
      That scene where she took one stick of celery her ajhumma offered her might be more realistic for a woman in her 40s with that kind of girlish figure.

  11. Thank you, jomo, for the recap and analysis. This episode affected me emotionally, because, my own toy boy is giving a lot of angst. So I will watch again this weekend while he is playing with his band. I am hoping for a happy ending, even if HW ends up in jail. SJ will bring her tofu when she gets out. Hope nothing happens to his hands. Yikes! I hate the thoughts this drama gives me…but love the drama.

  12. I hope for a happy ending and not necessarily an ending where HW and SJ end up together. I want HW to free herself from these horrible horrible people and SJ to be a successful musician.
    I think Da Mi is the wild card here. Because the others HW knows. What they want, what they can do… She has ammunition against them and -except Madam Han- they are not smart enemies.
    But Da Mi doesn’t know anything, and in her mind she is trying to help SJ, but at the end she might be the one who will hurt SJ and/or HW.
    And the husband is just ROTTEN! I mean I seriously don’t understand why HW is married to him… Why she got married to him and why she continued to be married to him??? Because of status?
    I’m just so happy that at least Jo and his wife supports HW.
    And SJ might suprise anyone at the end. He’s no kid.

  13. I think the last eps have been both sad, beautiful with their scenes. and among the best eps in the series so far.

    Their love not being a secret anymore gives me hope for a good ending. I liked seeing how much in love Hye Won is with SJ we didnt know that before. Her loser husband, her horrible rich bosses is showing her clearly how much of her life she has wasted for pointless things like money, power.

    I have hope for a happy ending for Hye Won herself and for her love for SJ.

  14. Not a spammer. Just intrigued with Kdrama and glad to find a site that shares and highlights this fascination.

  15. Thank you very muchie for the beautiful recap. With each departure from HW, SJ looked thinner and more devastated. I don’t think he can take it anymore. Please… we call need happier times…

  16. I’m with the other posters that hope for a happy ending for SJ and HW. Maybe the plans for a move to Germany are hints that the writer intends to use an ending similar to Tokyo Tower.I’m hoping, anyway.

  17. For me, this is the very best episode to date. It kills me to my core in both good & bad ways. That, in and of itself, is why I think this series is fantastic.

    On an additional note, I absolutely <3 jomo's prologue to this episode! 100%! It was so beautiful how you captured *all* the little details of actions & words of Sun Jae and there are even more. This is why, I believe, this will be a series I will watch over, and over — though I will hold out for the conclusion before I completely confirm. **Folks, please catch the comments of all those who think they know what's going on between Hye Won & Sun Jae. They, to a man, confirm how much alike in personality and style Sun Jae & Hye Won seem to be that the attraction, teacher/student, lover/companion is understandable. Now, after those words, tell me how *innocent* & *over-his-head* Sun Jae is in this environment. I'll say, "NO!" …you caught that fact when he went and got the cameras shut-off before, and now, in this episode, goes around to the Secretary & TA & Prof. Jo acting all demure while he is plotting his escape with his lady love. He's just as stealth and scheming as Hye Won. Don't count him out!

    • I believe so Amastris. These are SJ’s manifestations of love for HW, so selfless! He didn’t mind at all whether he’ll succeed in pursuing piano via the scholarship as he deemed it useless if he and HW can’t be together.

      Again, thanks Jomo for your thoroughly laid recap and brilliant insights! (claps)

  18. Someone on soompi translated analysis of Billy Joel’s song Piano Man tha was originally posted on DC. She said all the characters in Piano Man describe all (most of) the characters in SLA! And I think it’s true! Such a brilliant drama!

  19. Goodness me, Jomo. Your comments at the beginning of the recap are so insighful and eloquent. They are a joy to read. Cheers!

  20. Thank you for the wonderful recap, Jomo. I feel nervous with the next 2 episodes this week. And I have to prepare my mental for the finale that will arrive in 2 weeks. I say yes to Germany!

  21. I am so so with you,Koala right at your opening comment. This story gave me so much emotion, I can’t say right and wrong…I suppose there’s no right or wrong when it comes to things of the heart..and I just find a new idol in YAI…very talented artist.

  22. YAI is one of the actors I enjoy most for their emotive acting. Yoo Ah In excels at expressing the emotions of his characters and bringing us right there with him. Gong Yoo is another one who is awesome at this. The scene where Seon Jae first sees Hye Won at the snack shop is a perfect example. His immediate joy at seeing her, then pain at realizing how much distress she must be in to have risked coming to him. I wonder did the snack shop woman call him? Or did HW know he usually stopped in at that time of day? They both finally eat in this scene. When they are together they have all they need to breathe, eat, be.

    His “I’m an animal” jokes made me grin. He lets her know that he’s not cowed by her. No more hesitant stuttering when he talks with her. His confidence is alluring to her, and me! SJ has always had that confidence, even early on when he was nervous. He told her he wanted her to be his teacher, it was fate, she awakened his soul. He went in for that first kiss. Hugged her when she started to leave the practice room, and again at his place. Even earlier he did not back down in DM’s story about how she threatened him and threw things at him. He stood firm to get paid and to have the camera turned off. And he doesn’t back down from HW even after all of what she’s put him through. He gets her, knows her soul loves his. 

    We learn how very very long she has been working for the Seo family and he is as horrified as we are. I love his expression when he corrects the restaurant ajumma!! Just try to criticize us…! Seeing them outside together in the daylight, holding hands, hopefully a foreshadowing for their future!! HW’s astonishment and love for him when she learns that SJ is making plans to leave with her to another country. Their natural conversations, playful at times, are wonderful. He has been trying to teach her, so why won’t she learn?!!

    As others have mentioned I appreciated the symbolism of SJ outside in the light and HW still inside but in the doorway, holding his hand, moving closer to following him out of the darkness.

    Seon Jae’s tears always get to me. Leaving his bride with another man. I wish Hye Won would tell him what her relationship with JH is really like so he doesn’t feel so awful. He shared the truth of his relationship with DM. It’s difficult enough not being with her but imagining her with her husband has got to be so much worse. She ought to be able to sympathize given her imagination of him with DM!!

    It struck me during their Billy Joel conversation that despite HW being 20 years older than SJ, she hasn’t really lived during those years, so it’s like they’re at a similar point in their lives. Dating is as new to her as it is to him because she had never taken time for herself. The question about why she would have married the childish little man? My guess is that this was proposed by the Seo family as a condition for living in that expensive house and for their well paid employment. Seo would want their people to be beholden to them to keep them on their side and do as instructed. JH to teach and help in acquiring wealthy families for their admission scheme, and HW of course to manage all the dirty work and hide the money trails. They both agreed to this arrangement. I really wonder if they ever had a physical relationship? 

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