
Moon Geun Young in Marie Claire and Courted to Play Yoo Ah In’s Wife in Sageuk Movie Sah Do — 26 Comments

  1. Yessss I so want her to take this project, I need to see her in a good sageuk to wipe out the memory of the little of GoF that is left in my brain.

    Also, that photoshoot is GORGEOUS, this is her best look ever imo. Who knew the Nation’s Little Sister could smolder so sexily?

  2. Wait, I thought Yoo Ah In had to go in the Army this summer. I don’t see how he can get another movie in before then.

  3. OMG! She’s looking so gorgeous, mature and chic!! I hope she accepts both offers. And I hope Yoo Ah In accepts the role of Pronce Sado. I read a bit about him, and from what I read he was mentally ill acussed for being a rapist and a murderer. Also he didn’t had a good relationship with his wife so I assume no love-lines. His story is pretty dark, but is really interesting. I have great hopes in this, since the Director is the one who made “The King and the Clown”.
    Misaeng also sounds interesting. MGY rocks with mature roles. So there are two potential amazing roles.

      • Oh yes! Prince Sado loved his son Jeongjo very much. It was his pride. Even the King (Sado’s father) liked him.
        I really don’t know if he was nice with Lady Hyegyeong, his wife but he cheated her a lot and what I understood is that it never was like a romantic relationship. There are so many different versions. And from the memoirs Lady Hyegyeong wrote, she even blamed herself for the illness her husband suffered and complimented him a lot. But I can’t tell you for sure. It’s just what I’ve investigated from the Internet.
        Research about him. It’s very interesting his story and quite disturbing. He did lots of crazy stuff and you can’t help but feel pity for him and his wife, who had to endure everything.

  4. She always looks so stunning in her photoshoots! Not sure why it doesn’t transfer to her dramas…she tends to look like a little kid in her dramas, she can have such an edgy look, I wish she had a role where she can be all woman and not so innocent/kid looking. Anyways, she is an amazing actress! Want to see her back on the screen!

    • You must’ve hi-jacked my mind – because that’s word-by-word what I feel. She’s definitely picking up the wrong roles and I haven’t seen her in anything compelling for a long long time. She’ll probably do great in a thriller but until she picks up a good project, I think I’ll just get her updates through great photoshoots like this one.

  5. Nice to see that also in the BTS she is sporting a healthy look…at least in her way. She still looks kind of child but sometimes she the woman shines through. I like that very much.

  6. Yay! More sageuks for Moonie..I’m glad she’s doing a movie next and not a drama…she’s have a dull streak in dramaland right now

  7. Moonie is so lovely here. I miss her so much. Both project sounds great, I hope she takes up on the offers, especially the sageuk movie.

    By the way, anybody knows what happened to Kim Bum?

  8. If I really liked her when she was young… Now I always feel she’s croos-eyed. And the characters she playes were not so interesting. I don’t really like Alice, GoF, Cinderella…

    • Look here, Kurama, If you do not like MGY, please don’t waste our time reading your comments. Either keep it to your self or swallow it. Most of all, don’t waste the space here.

      Welcome back Moonie, we are all waiting for your return.

    • i wonder, if you don’t really like Moon Geun Young at all, just as you stated, but how come you keep on watching her shows? And you are here reading the latest news about her, obviously updating yourself and then commenting negatively about her? Sorry, but can’t seem to get your point for doing this…

  9. Thanks for this awesome news Captain Koala! Ever since I finished watching “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” years ago, I held a secret wish that Yoo Ah-In will work with Moon Geun-Young in a drama or any project. Somehow I feel that Yoo Ah-In’s acting style would complement Moon Geun-Young’s. Now my wish is about to come true! 🙂 Here’s to hoping this movie with all 3 actors will push through and be successful!

  10. @lei mendoza Because I used to like her in her movies Innocent Steps or Love Me Not but I didn’t like her last characters in her dramas. I have nothing against her, she was funny in Running man for example. She’s in the best actress category for long now and everybody acts like she’s a goddess and for me, it’s been a long time she didn’t pick a good project. And I don’t undersand people we cannot accept opinion of the others

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