
You’re All Surrounded Episode 2 Recap — 21 Comments

    • I do not care for her either, but so long as they keep her annoying personality from her teen yrs down to a minimum maybe I can warm up to her a bit. I am determined not to let this female lead ruin a LSG drama for me like the last one did.

    • Right now, she’s just comedic. I was puzzled by the walk she had when she went back to her desk after showing the test results that she had not placed the paper cutter on the desk. It was awkward and I’m not sure if it was for comedic effect.

    • The fact that she doesn’t majorly suck is already a relief for me. I have low standards now when it comes to a leading lady for my Seung Gi.

      • Only the last one(Suzy) was not stellar, but before that he had pretty good female counterparts (Han Hyo-joo, Shin Min-a and Ha Ji-won). Let’s hope Go Ara has improved, so far her character is not to difficult to act out (I think).

      • me too!!! she doesn’t suck or turn ppl off is enough for me. seung gi did have steller co stars before though. as knets say correctly how did out seung gi end up from ha ji won , shin mina , han hyo joo moon chea won to suzy ?

        comparatively go ara is okay . her charatctor has flaws but that’s for the sake of the story .

        and agree with the rest aswell . i can’t stand psh and mgy acting though personaly i like them . even suzy is damn likable . but lmh ksh deosn’t getting the hate is prety sexist . even seung gi if we are going there though he is a better actor than them

    • Disagree. I think she’s alright. She doesn’t annoy me and I like her. She has a spunky character that’s so natural. I personally don’t like MGY or PSH ir LYH acting but others do.

      • I like her too. And I think she did a great job in AM1994. Check out the proposal scene: If that isn’t good acting, I don’t know what is.

        In my opinion people are generally too harsh on actresses. Talentless hotties like KSH or LMH are widely idolized, while most girls are considered “not good enough” for their male partners…

      • Me too, I dislike those three. I have watched them way too much that their acting has become repetive for me. I think everyone has their own flaws, it just depends on whether you like them or not. Like HJW always does her wide eye stare – especially for empress ki, and PSH likes to do her evil stare to diss other girl when she doesn’t need that, lol, it’s pretty funny if you start to notice.

      • @melcia Uhm…I wouldn’t say KSH is talentless, though he is overrated. I am replying because I am irritated with all these sexist views some netizens seemed to believe most viewers have. I am sure it is only a minority? What do you have to say to support your opinion? Nothing rly. Go Ara’s not a good actress, let’s call a spade a spade. Obv she can improve and is improving, but she doesn’t have the nuances yet in her acting a good actress has. She’s serviceable here, but it’s not because she’s ‘not good enough’ for Lee Seung Gi…

      • Just to clarify. I don’t mean, Go Ara the actress. I just find her character comedic. I think she’s a pretty good actress but I somehow don’t find a connection with her character. Hopefully I will later.

  1. Another solid episode. I don’t love anyone yet, but I do like everyone. I’m itching for Dae Gu to have more interaction with the rookies. I know there is more to his character than has been shown so far since we saw how he once was. Seunggi does totally make it work though and on a shallow note he’s looking pretty hot lately tbh. Surprisingly the rookies actually do seem to work together well.

    I’m hoping PS chills out before he has stroke. Can’t be healthy to scream all the time. I do like him chewing them out, but I’d like other interaction between the 5 as well. I’m going to guess Dae Gu figures out a way to get out the mess at the end. No way everything gets out in the open so early.

    As for romance, I’m going to guess it’s coming since they are partners hanging out alone. The problem is Dae Gu just doesn’t feel much at all other than anger and pain, so I’m really having a hard time even imaging him softening up enough to begin to care anytime soon.

  2. Thanks for the racap Koala! Love the interactions beyween the rookies especially as they seem to be coming together now as a team. Looking forward to more excellent episodes

  3. dont underestimate her before you watch the whole drama. She used to do whatever for the success of her drama. Cut off her hair, gained weight, get injured, learned english, dance, dialect and etc. She’s the best

  4. the writer need to get the two lead together already. it just boring when there no romance between the two. hopefully ep 3 will have some romance. it boring watching drama without romance for me.

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