
Dr. Stranger Episode 3 Recap — 22 Comments

    • I like Park Hoon. I remain vastly indifferent and even weirded out by Lee Jong Seok. But Park Hoon is nnnnggg so darling!

      • One does not have to like the actor to appreciate the character he plays. LJS makes it easy for me to like both, and his ability to have chemistry with every acting partner is such a great asset to his dramas as well as a joy to watch.

      • I see what you mean, Koala.

        There are actors/actresses who can make me like a drama character that sucks, and drama character who are written so well that any actor/actress who plays the character will likely end up likeable.

        In the case of LJS, I’m ok with him in general but I think mostly, its the drama characters that he plays that make him so likeable. Just my personal opinion.

      • I couldnt agree more about Park Hoon, the emotional draw of his carries the show to be much more despite all the over the top silly things happening in the series. His personal story, the OTP story and the fact he can be goofy, normal and still be sad for losing his love makes it work so well.

        I like the hero so much for the reason too in that myself, other people from horrible life situations like war refugees can be still normal and emotionally scarred. There is no typical K-drama historinics that colors his present time life despite all the horrible things that have happened to him.

      • I concur. LJS is okay, but his chracters (and script) are what makes him shine.

      • No no no called him …”eye candy”!!! Lol (nothing to do with acting) everything to do with looks 😉

  1. I like Dr. Stranger and am very intrigued by the Jae Hee doppleganger storyline.

    I also like that Jae Joon is, at least for now, a gray character. I do hope that the story develops such that there are layers to him, rather than him being a out-an-out baddie or baddie-turned angel.

  2. Okay is it just me or did anyone else find those slaps and Park Hoon’s reaction to it Hot and Cute at the same time.
    Oh it’s just me ****slinks back to my corner****.

  3. Okay! is it just me or did anyone else find those slaps and Park Hoon’s reaction to it Hot and Cute at the same time.
    Oh it’s just me ****slinks back to my corner****.

  4. Okay I wandered round to ep 3 after reading your opening. This drama is insane plot- wise. And also the medical parts. It made me stop and think, hang on, what’s wrong with the medical parts here.

    The little girl made me cry she’s the best actor for this episode. I basically laughed my way through the medical scenes. Kang Sora’s character has come off as stronger willed than I thought. However the kiss in the car was totally random and pure fan service. Any man who thinks it’s okay to stop nagging or a different opinion by kissing? Okay for the fan girls yes. Not okay as a character-wise part.

    It’s crazy and I am not sure LSJ has sold his acting skills but the character Hoon is just plain ? different.

    Thanks for the recap. I might start skimming through this as ep 4’s preview was a hoot.

  5. yay! finally i could post! i can’t still find the right vid format to download but OMG i so love how you recap this. i feel like i am watching DS.

    on top of that i am so happy that LJS is doing well with Hoon that he’s remain in the pages of your blog!

  6. It’s so impt for actors to get good scripts and characters to play. I am also with Koala on the LJS indifferent (plus weird looking, what’s the fuss) front, but his PH character is great. Loving this dram so far!

  7. lol kang sora acting in this drama is better then JSY. pd must be drank or something when he cast JSY as lead in the drama. just kno kang sora going to out shine JSY in the drama.

    • Why are you mentioning in almost every post about DS that JSY sucks and KSR is so much better? You seem almost desperate to me to prove that point..

      Why can’t people just talk about the drama and it’s characters?
      I’m tired about reading comments like “this actor/actress sucks, this other actor/actress is so much better”..

      In every drama I watch, people are fighting for such reasons instead of enjoying the drama..

    • are you that so desperate?? change your username to desperateU..JSY doesnt even have a significant dialogue in this episode and your all over the place saying nasty here are busy saying stuff about the drama and your soo busy gossiping about JSY and is actually very annoying you know..for me i know what you are tyring to do..ok your case is already taken your desperation is already acknowledge so just stop..let the rest of us enjoy the drama..

  8. This is the best drama for me this year. Typically i do something else while watching korean dramas. This one, i stop everything. 🙂 i even like commenting on this post so you will be more inspired to recap this drama koala. Thanks again. 🙂

  9. I don’t know if I could love park hoon as much as now if it’s not played by Lee Jong Suk. He just have all the emotions and priceless expression that make me root for him (despite his endearing character). And esp. He is tall so when he spoke with KSR, he kinda bent down his head a bit to look at her in the eyes..and the wink he gave her was just too cute! At this point he can end up with either KSR or JSY and I would be happy! He just have chemistry with both!

  10. i know it a very long shot but i want LJS to end up with kang sora. with that little scene they have in ep 3. already have me falling in love with them.

  11. OH MY GOD. PLEASE TELL ME EPISODE 5 PREVIEW.. i cant get it!!! ive been trying hard to get the spoiler of ep 5 but still cant get it….. Im sobbing hard now ㅠ.ㅠ but i love i love this drama.ㅠ.ㅠ

  12. All of LJS’s characters so far have had me hooked. I loved his char on I Hear Your Voice too. He was just such a puppy in that one too.

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