
Oguri Shun and Yamada Yu Reportedly Expecting a Baby According to Japanese Tabloid — 15 Comments

  1. It must be so tiring to read about all those silly rumous about oneself every other day. The life of a celeb.

  2. Congratulation to both, that baby is going to be fill with love 🙂

    Stupid money hungry tabloids… That’s the worst you can do when a woman is pregnant… Start rumors about the spous having an affair. Ugh :/

      • If those are true than she’s stupid for having a baby with a person she can’t trust. Stupid women always piss me off that think they can hold a man by having their babies! :/

  3. Most of the time, ugly looking parents have the cutest looking kid and vice versa so we shall see how their kid will turn out, but I do hope for the best

  4. So happy for them, sure they’ll make lovely parents. Here’s wishing Yu a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby <3

  5. Apparently Leehom and his wife are expecting now too. I remember a few months ago you made a post about some c-netizens who still thought that he was gay and using his wife as cover-up or something like that. Do they still believe that?

  6. Well…Oguri Shun has had numerous cheating scandals, which I’m not sure whether or not to believe. If it is true, I just hope that he remains loyal, because cheating on your pregnant wife is an a-hole move. According to Japanese news, Yu insisted on Shun having a GPS-tracked phone to keep an eye on him. There was one time where he deliberately left behind his GPS-tracked phone at a Yakitoriya, so that Yu wouldn’t detect that he was going to Gotanda with other women. Hm, kinda suggests that he’s not to be trusted really, even after marriage…On another note, congrats and I hope pregnancy will be successful this time round~

  7. If the rumors are true, then congratulations to them!

    Am watching Border as well and I too find it awesome with well placed humor..Hope after it’s over that you’ll write a mini review of it and share your thoughts!

  8. why in the world would oguri want to cheat on his wife. she hot as hell.
    well if the rumor true about them having another baby then congrats to them.

  9. What the heck is wrong wid women. They knew the man cheated yet kept on clinging on them. Thats not love but stupidity and possessiveness. And worse she is carrying the child of a cheater.

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