
Dr. Stranger Episode 5 Recap — 13 Comments

  1. If they find out about Park Hoon’s whereabouts when he was in North Korea I bet they won’t question his medical abilities.

    I like this episode because Jae Hee is already here. Well for me she is not a doppelganger she is merely Jae Hee trying her own way to escape North Korea.

    I believe that Jae Hee loves Park Hoon as much as Park Hoon’s love Jae Hee… We just need time to establish Jae Hee’s aka Seung Hee’s character. This is getting more and more exciting…

    Hoon’s and So Hyun’s acting is daebak
    Jae Joon’s character is so full of mystery and he is having a substance now, and we now know that he is capable to fall in love.

    And also for Chang Yi she is starting to show her selfish side see the fist over there, I bet its not because her mother told her that Jae Hee is dead, but because she like Hoon a lot and wont lose him merely because of Jae Hee…

    Episode 6 is full of fun can wait…

    Sorry for my bad english..

  2. Theory!!! (Kinda) jae hee and seung hee are twins separated at birth. Seung hee was initially presumed dead and taken by the North Korean government to become a spy.

    I think I watch too much tv involving espionage and murder plots and politics..

  3. Seung Hee is Jae Hee, I don’t doubt that for one moment, she has no choice but to work for the NK to lure him!

    Jae Joon does not really love Soo hyun, he’s only using her to gain the hospital Chairman seat!

    Soo Hyun trust and believes in Park Hoon integrity as a Dr and friend, because his life seems more shittier than hers, shes willing to help him find his love!

    Why does everyone from the PM and commade Cha want Park hoon at Myung hospital and why choode him to operate? what is so important about this plot line.

  4. Thanks Koala!

    In my opinion, Park Hoon is who he presents himself to be, there is no 2nd guessing his thoughts and intentions.

    But Jae Joon seems complex, and we are just beginning to see the layers that he have. Is he genuine? Is he bad? Or is he both? Does he have a backstory which drives him?

    I’m very intrigued by Jae Joon and find him very compelling, even more than than Park Hoon as a character. I also hope that his character will be fleshed out more. And I think credit must be given to PHJ who portrays him perfectly with nuance such that audience is still left unsure which direction his character will go.

    LJS is also doing a good job as Park Hoon, I love Park Hoon to bits for who he is.

  5. Minihaha:

    I thinks its clear why PM Jang wants Hoon in the hospital, he is the most skilled in his speciality in both Koreas and Jang is selfish prick that wants only the best for him. He wants that for his ego and best chances for good operation. Maybe bribe Hoon with alot of money because he knows he needs it for Jae Hee. Must why they are keeping track on if the real Jae Hee is alive as Seung Hee.

    Comrade Cha isnt after revenge for Hoon as we see it, the tast is using Hoon as tool, weapon to hurt PM Jang/South Korean politics. Political,cold war spy stuff.

    • @Mohammed,
      Thanks for your thought, I think you maybe right. PM is such a bastard in my opinion, if only Park Hoon saves him then he is put away in jail for betraying Hoon and his dad.

      • hi both..there is a certain reason as to why he wants park hoon to lead the surgery on him but we dont know yet..but jang knows park hoon wont do the surgery for him for an obvious reason that park hoon hates him.. this is just my wild guess if hoon decline persistently they might use jae hee/seung hee as a hostage just like what he did to hoon while he was a kid when his father is doing the surgery on the north korean leader.

      • Aliez, wow I didn’t think along that line, but very good thought using Jae Hee as hostage for successful op. but I think that Hoon being the man he is, will operate and save all lives, regardless of his hate/feelings for that person. He made a promise to his dad and has shown throughout the series that he will always treat those that need it, remembering that he is first a Doctor.

  6. I’m confused, who’s the leading lady? jin se yeon or kang so ra? I really want kang so ra to end up with park hae jin and lee jong suk to end up with jin se yeon…

  7. I think she is Jae hee and she doesn’t lose her memory. She does all this spy thing in order to get out of North Korea and to protect Hoon somehow. While manipulating the north. .

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