
Joseon Gunman Releases Crackling Sword v. Gun Battle Teaser as Lee Jun Ki Films Guerilla Date on the Seoul Streets — 10 Comments

  1. This looks promising!! Very good. An action-packed sageuk and Lee Jun Ki! Please be good and has high ratings! *pray*

  2. Am not into sageuks but good Lord is that an awesome teaser!! I hope LJK is resting well and loading up on nutritious food!

  3. this teaser remembering me to the old western film, what with those music style in the background…..but YAY…looooves it.
    as for his jacket, why there is some comment about it? uhm…maybe my taste of fashion are bad or maybe Im to biaas, that whatever Joon Gi wore, I just go with it…..qe qe qe

    • Well, because it does look fugly. Just because Jun Ki makes it somewhat work doesn’t make it look good.

      Of course, in response to koala’s comment, I’m pretty sure the fans were much more interested in Jun Ki than his jacket (though maybe they were more interested in removing the jacket than the jacket itself).

      Also, looking forward to the drama as it looks awesome.

      Not a big fan of the music choice in the teaser as I don’t like the singer’s voice (I think he was in the finale of Monstar?), but as long as it’s not blaringly bad, I can take most music in dramas.

  4. Can’t wait to see this Drama, JG have big Fans base, I would not worry about his Jacket, actually jacket is fine looking, give JG a big hug wish him a huge success.

  5. Koala! I saw Lee Jun Ki in Gangnam last week on this date! I recognize the jacket. He was walking into what looked like a furniture store underneath a coffee shop. The ahjummas were pretty aggressive though and were in the front blocking everyone else from getting a good shot of him. My pix are a bit blurry but the jacket is unmistakable. He is even more handsome in real life. 🙂

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