
Dr. Stranger Episode 11 Recap — 14 Comments

  1. I was afraid that you are stop recapping miss @ockoala
    Because you are the only one who is neutral in recapping this drama.
    Thank you for your hard work 🙂

  2. I thought you were going to give up on this drama already lol.

    This episode was like a reset button for all the characters, and it was obviously an episode to deal with fans’ complaints. Tonally weird (but this entire show has been having a lot of jarring tonal shifts anyway) but I’d say it was an entertaining episode and I had fun watching it. I don’t care about the story anymore so just let me at least enjoy watching it.

  3. I don’t know if its official, but maybe we already are, is this free for all now? Just throw crap and see what sticks in the wall. I don’t know if I should be glad that the writer is listening tonthe audience, because appeasing the customer is always best right? But maybe the audience themselves have short circuited and not to be trusted either? Y’know, because without the audience pandering (or is it writer intentionally on crack to begin with?) then I could have hazard a guess that there could’ve been a more streamlined plot and much straightforward story to tell. All these fanservice made me even more curious and intrigued tonreading the novel itself. Perhaps the writer himself could lift an inspirationor two by sticking to the source material? Or was the book just as whacky as the show? Someone better translate it, palli!

  4. I’m waiting your recap for tonight’s episode Koala because I’m totally mad with today’s repetitive plot. Today is another Hoon’s rollercoaster with do the surgery… not do the surgery… back to do the surgery… then NOT DO the surgery… in the end… doing the surgery in the last minutes.

    I feel like I’m going crazy with this all weird plot. I don’t know anymore which is fact which is only trolling cause verything seems to bumping each other.

    And AGREE. There is no consistency on the character right now. its like the randomly thrown just like that.

  5. This drama has become so, how to say it, tiresome. I just want it to end andwant the next drama following it to be better.

  6. I’m finally dropping this crazy drama like a hot potato. After watching this episode, it became clear to me that DS is sooo desperate that they resorted to POINTLESS fanservices that DID NOT contribute the plot. I don’t even know what the plot IS all about since DS doesn’t seem to care. I’ll just wait for LJK’s Joseon Shooter.

  7. All right, after watching episode 12, it should be safe to say that the story line would start improving next week. Episode 12 definitely an episode for character development, especially for Han Jae Joon. That’s all I’m going to say just so I don’t leave spoilers.

  8. I had such high hopes for this drama. It could have been so epic and it was giving off the K2H vibes in the beginning. But the fun crazy was replaced by the plain WTF crazy last week, and this week’s intended fun crazy is now just stupid crazy. I do intend to see it through the end, but so so disappointed. The one good thing to come out of this mess is that I can appreciate how good K2H and BotC were, for all their faults.

  9. To those who are on the verge of giving up this drama, trust me on this (yeap, i know how you feel aft seeing Hoon losing all his senses and values just bcos of his girl),watch Ep 12 first before making your decision cos there’s really some major turn in events which obviously get me hooked to this drama again. What im just hoping is that they’ll continue in that storyline and not back to the previous ones

  10. I hope the PD will not change the female lead to kang sora …I know JSY character is a bit off now…but I hope her role gets better…m really rooting for LJS n JSY .

  11. I just have to vent all my confusion about who the first female lead is. If Jae Hee is the heroine, please give her more screen time and I’d like to make sense her role in the plot. I’m kinda tired of Soo Hyun’s appearance in the drama. Just too much for a 2nd lead and pointless with so many cute scenes with Hoon without any indication that she’s going to end up with him. I’m actually fed up with her face even she’s a good actress. I also hate drama changes OTP in the middle of the plot from the original script. Idk, just not so much appealed to Soo Hyun’s role. She cannot protect Hoon from any adverse schemes from N. Korea or Prime Minister. So much more screen time for her than for Jae Hee doesn’t make any sense and is really annoying.

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