
Lee Seung Gi Injured on the Set of You’re All Surrounded and SBS Preempts Wednesday Episode — 10 Comments

  1. ouch….Hope he’s ok.
    well, not everyone cut out for an action drama, anyway it’s not even a real action drama right ? SO, why bother use the knife ? even it’s a prop knife….a knife still a knife right ? How bout rubber knife ?

    haiish…Seung Gi yaa….just back become the King, and let the bodyguard do all the work.

  2. And the knife is blurred anyway so why bother using real knife?
    This similar accident also happened to MGY last year and her eye was swollen for 1-2 weeks.

  3. I’m glad he’s ok and getting lots of TLC from Yoona. But, I’m also glad I’m not watching this turkey. I’m a CSW fan and so disappointed…

  4. Umm I’m worried about LSG’s health and safety and all that…

    BUTTT koala, m surprised that u didn’t comment on the fact that they haven’t filmed enough footage to air episode 10!!!! I mean i know live-shooting is crazy and all but to not even have enough footage for the next episode to be shown….SMH Korea and ur crazy shooting schedule!

    • oh whoops! I thought they didn’t have enough footage for episode 10….but still this crazy live-shooting schedules have got to get better!!

    • The Korea drama production is operating like a fast food joint. Thus the standard of each drama is getting worst not better. You can tell when the drama are well produced, dramas in the past are what made the industry so popular worldwide. But if they continue not changing and improving. China, Japan will slowly takeover.
      Live shooting meaning= no time for editing and improve on some scenes. I guess, very short filming time means less budget and more revenue for the Big Boss.

  5. Really I am sorry for him bcz the injury in the cornea with intraocular haemorrhage I hope the injury didn’t reach the retina .

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