
Poster and First Drama Preview for It’s Okay, It’s Love Hints at a Sexy Flirty Romantic Vibe — 13 Comments

  1. Lol. This is going to be fun. My mind is going nuts already. Will he be treated for sex addiction? And stuck with a conservative shrink? We are not on cable but… Rawr indeed!

  2. whoa, now I realized how much I miss JIS. I love rom-com JIS WAY more than melo JIS. I had to skip TWTWB…he needs to do more rom-coms!

  3. She is my favorite Korean actress so I’ve watched everything she has done so I was planning on watching this no matter what but the more I see from the posters and now teaser I really can’t wait for this

  4. I can’t wait for this drama to air, i’ve been waiting 1 year for another project of GHJ. She’s my favourite actress, very talented with awesome personality. GHJ, fighting!

  5. True that she’s a good actress but she rarely reciprocates in kissing scenes except in “biscuit teacher star candy” (hello my teacher). How is she going to perform here or are those scenes going to be glossed over!

    • I think you have missed the kisses from the drama ‘The greatest love’.Go watch it.
      As for Master Sun, from what I remember, SJS was the one who wanted the kisses in the last episodes to be sweet. There was more action in their kisses, but all that camera moving ruined it+ they cut a lot of it.

      • I beg your pardon
        but I only remember one scene where Cha seung wo kissed her with the half of his long and sexy body out of his car and she looked like a terrified nun in the interim…. I am sorry but she nerds learn something ABOUT THE MATTER AT LEAST IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA
        Kim sun ah its the best actress comedy drama kissing scenes

      • And don’t forget the ending scene of Pasta. Lee Seon Kyun had to work so hard to get that kissing scene going.

    • Gong Hyo Jin has zero problems during kiss and love scenes. I’ve never even seen a complaint about that until this comment. lol She has perfectly fine kiss scenes. Pasta, Greatest Love, Biscuit Teacher…all good kisses.

      Also watch her movies. She has some nice kisses in those. My favorite movie kiss of hers is from “A Bizarre Love Triangle” with Jo Eun Ji. That was an R-rated movie in which she played a lesbian who falls for her best friend who’s married to a man. They have some very nice kisses and a couple love scenes too.

      • Maybe she does well in movies since I have never seen any of her movies, but I have seen her dramas and I stand by what I said on those. Apart from biscuit teacher, pasta, masters sun and greatest love were all camera work and let’s not even get into that drama she did with Jang Hyuk.

  6. And believe me, I love her too and I wouldn’t care much whether she does her kiss scenes with conviction or not if it wasn’t because of the subject matter of this drama.

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