Cantabile Romance Expands Cast to Include Go Kyung Pyo, Park Bo Gum, and Miss Korea 2012 Kim Yu Mi
The production of the K-version of Nodame Cantabile is coming along at a nice pace in securing the cast. Called Cantabile Romance, the casting of leads Joo Won and Shim Eun Kyung have gotten all the attention since their characters are central to and anchors the entire story. I’m not a Joo Won fan but he’s been the leading man KBS wanted for this drama since the get go so I’ll keep an open mind about it. He is starting to look very Chiaki-senpai in looks and aura most notably at a movie premiere last week wearing a white button down and a classic mature hairstyle. Two new supporting male leads have just been lined up and both are positive additions in looks and talent. Go Kyung Pyo (Flower Boy Next Door) has signed on to play the Mine character, a brash talented violinist in the orchestra who has more attitude than discipline. If Joo Won has big shoes to fill in his character being played by Tamaki Hiroshi in the J-version, then Go Kyung Pyo will need to show that he’s got the same charisma as Eita who played Mine in the original.
Another promising addition is rising young actor Park Bo Gum (Gaksital, Wonderful Days) who will be playing a new character who is a cello player and finds himself growing curious about the odd duck piano player that is the leading lady. I’m sensing he’s supposed to be in a love triangle with the OTP but much as I like Park Bo Gum and find him quite promising a talent, not sure he’s ready to be wooing Shim Eun Kyung or throwing down with Joo Won. Even more exciting news is that the adaptation finally has a screenwriter in Shin Jae Won who wrote Cyrano Dating Agency the drama and was the head writer on the writing team behind Tamra the Island. The former was a sweet Summer treat but the latter is one of my all-time dramas so this makes me super optimistic since Tamra the Island was also a manha first that was adapted into a drama much like Cantabile Romance will be adapted from the source manga and not the J-dorama.
On the ladies side, a brand new acting presence make her debut in this drama though some may have already seen her before in another context. Former Miss Korea 2012 Kim Yu Mi will be playing Joo Won’s character’s musician ex-girlfriend. There have been a handful of former Miss Koreas that have made the transition to acting, most notably Honey Lee, and this isn’t surprising for Kim Yu Mi who was a theater major in college. She’s really pretty is the only opinion I have about her without having seen her act.
Is it just me or does Miss Korea 2012 have an uncanny resemblance to Park Min-young?!
I don’t see it.
Of course, I’m not really attracted to Park Min Young, but I think Kim Yu Mi is hot…. I think it’s their noses that are really different.
I see what you mean they probably went to the same surgeon LOL. I just finished NC and i love it sooo much. I love joo won but he does not resemble chiaki and the lead actress does not resemble Nodame at all. I thought Ji Chang-Wook resembles Tamaki hiroshi more. And for Nodame’s character, I can’t imagine any other actress playing this role. I read the manga and ueno juri looks exactly like how I would picture Nodame. I dont think there are certain dramas that you just dont remake bc it’s not possible.
Even go kyung pyo would’ve been a better chiaki. I cant see joo won pulling off this comedic role. If you guys havent seen the original you should and then you would what I mean hehe
Yep, Joo Won just isn’t a patch on Tamaki Hiroshi.
As much as I liked Cyrano Dating Agency, has it not been for Sooyoung, I don’t think I would have sticked that long especially nowadays when it’s so easy for me to give up on a drama so I am a little bit worried now. Plus, you mention love triangle and it’s completely freakin’ me out. I know that Korean remakes can’t leave some of their most famous and overused “tropes” but please, there weren’t any love triangle or square in Nodame Cantabile. At least, it didn’t last for 10 minutes XD. But yeap’, I am still a little bit anxious and really hope it ain’t going to disappoint me even with low expectations.
On the other hand, I am anticipating its rival drama in the timeslot, meaning SBS’s Secret Door. I just love Han Suk Kyu especially after watching him in Tree with Deep Roots. He was excellent as King SeJong. Such a brillant performance. And the storyline looks good too. I have been fascinated by the execution of Prince Sado since I first read about it. We don’t know if it’s because the person was really evil or because of political conflits so yeap’, it’s good to guess even though it seems that the drama will be about how the relationship between father/son became worse and political stuggle leading to his death so no rapist/murderer Crown Prince :'(
Park Bo Gum’s character sounds like Koruki, description wise. If I remember correctly, he kinda had a crush on Nodame in the Paris arc. The only difference is that he was an oboe player, not cello.
he’s then pairs up with the russian(?) pianist, right?
I hope all the cast practising hard and be convincing enough, if not decent, at their instrument. I really can’t stand bad fake playing..
I was about to get excited about it (specially Joo Won sporting Chiaki’s style but the “new character” mention was a let down & the ex-gf mention is like screaming for me to run as far away as possible. Please don’t make crazy 2nd leads & make them normal humans who’s own pride & career takes precedence over making our leads miserable.
I don’t think the ex-gf is a new character.
And considering that it’s a relative newbie, I don’t think it’ll be a big part….
I think Mrmz was talking about Park Bo Gum’s cello role when she mentioned a new character. I find it rather worrying as well. Korean dramas tend to overdo it with romance and makjang and it really does not suit Nodame Cantabile’s plot. All the love triangles in the original manga/drama were only there the for comedic relief e.g Nodame’s rivalry with Masumi; it would be silly to ruin the source material with tired plotlines that everyone is sick of.
But Joo Won looks old with that hairstyle. And it’s definitely not Chiaki’s look.
Get a life
I do not like the sound of a “new character”. There was no romantic triangle drama so why add it. I wonder if the new character is replacing Timpani (noooo).And Chiaki’s ex gf was no love rival,she hanged out with him a bit but was not a major character.
Nobody can beat Eita as Mine, I really wish Eita would do more comedy again. So who’s playing Miki?
The ex gf isn’t a new character. It’s the cello player dude I didn’t remember.Both manga and live action has the oboe dude who liked Nodame.I am just expecting less from this one because I love the japanese version so much.
Good thing their putting experienced actors coz Nodame is such a out of this world character that ueno juri fleshed out well.Good luck to them and tnx for the updates koala.
What about Mine’s g.f, violinist?
Even more important, who’s playing Masumi-chan? I have a little more hope after reading that the head writer of Tamra is coming on board, but if they get rid of Masumi’s character, I’m out.
I get the feeling that Masumi is out (and I love Timpani). The character is gay, flamboyant and fabulous so I think they did not add him or just make him not gay and in love with Nodame….sigh
somehow I can sense that the korean version will have more romance than the Japanese version
Joowon can pull this off , i have no doubt on his acting