
Lee Dong Wook Turns into Iron Man and Romances Shin Se Kyung — 23 Comments

  1. Aaaaah the famous shinless chick! I feel nothing, nada, zilch in any rail she has played. I do love Mr. Gorgeous. <3

  2. honestly speaking i hated her character in Fashion king and when a man loves, i thought it had something to do with her paying annoying roles but then i realise its just that face…no malicious intended she pretty but she gives off that annoying look that just irks me

  3. I won’t bother watching. Just will wait for the gif… of his shirtless scenes of course.

    The main female lead- oh man, if miracles happen and she can suddenly emote then I might watch.

    Otherwise the knives sprouting out of his body might head in her direction.

  4. Shin se kyung is such a turn of for me, never enjoyed her dramas. Lee dong wook on the other hand is yummy! The storyline does not sound promising.

  5. I didn’t see Fashion King or When a Man Loves, but I thought she was fine in Tree with Deep Roots (her character didn’t have to talk and didn’t have to show much emotion, so maybe that’s why it worked).

    • Yes, I liked her in Tree With Deep Root. So I’m a little surprised to hear she wasn’t good in FK or WaML (not that the bar was that high in either of those dramas). But you’re right. Her character was mute for more than half the series and mostly all she had to do was look worried and upset the whole time… But it sounds like that’s her natural expression! So maybe what I saw as good acting was dumb luck!

  6. Ughh..I stomached Hotel King to the bitter end to see Lee Dong Wook and Lee Dae Hee work together again but I don’t think I can take any more bad writing. Knives literally growing out of the body, super plucky heroine? Really? Unless they can bring back Stanley Kubrick from the dead to write script, I have a hard time believing this is gonna be worth my time.

  7. My first reaction reading that Shin Se Kyung was in this: OH NO…
    I don’t want to comment on her acting, but I rather talk about the fact that her last two dramas end up being bad dramas…. =_= At least Jin Se Yeon’s dramas are actually pretty decent (imo) regardless of her acting.

  8. At the end, for this time slot drama.. the drama with best acting will goes to ‘the spring days of my life’.. Iron Man seems going to flop and My Lovely Girl casting seems really off with tons of meh-acting idols..

  9. i will watch iron man only because i am a lee dong wook fan. just love everything about him. hope this becomes a success no matter who the leading lady is..anyways i don’t care about the leading lady… it’s only dong wook that i am interested in! btw, i love hotel king only because of dong wook and his tandem with da hae. i actually enjoyed watching it!

  10. I want Lee Da Hae to be his leading lady. She is more talented rather than Shin Se Kyung…Ive never enjoyed watching this lady on her Korean Dramas. I love the love team of Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae.. 🙁

  11. she was OK in the Deep Rooted Tree…. but that’s how her face is and I think this drama specifically asked her to be the leading female because 1. not many actress want to take the role 2. her expresionless face is important to make male lead role more bold.

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