
Aaron Yan Shows Off His Enviable Chiseled Profile for Men’s Uno August Edition — 12 Comments

  1. A picture of contrasts; Aaron’s chiseled profile paired with the soft fuzzy outlines of the blue furry monster that reminds me of Sullivan in Monsters Inc. Wow, Tia is brave enough to admit her plastic surgery, too bad I’m not brave enough to brave FILWM after cringing from her attempt in OG. Thanks, Koala, for bringing us such pretty pretty!

  2. OMG Koala.
    Just how can he be so beautiful? He has gotten better looking as he has aged – maybe more confidence?

    Just how bad is FiLWM? Subbers have abandoned ship!! They just don’t deserve all that bad plot for all the work they do either.

    • I know Aaron fangirls are going to argue otherwise but it’s impossible to deny that Aaron got plastic surgery a few years ago. The TW-media has been all over him about it but I for one am happy he did it because he is one of those rare cases where he looks much better afterwards and it doesn’t look fake to me and also doesn’t impact his acting ability like making his face too stiff to move. He mostly worked on his jaw, and then he lost weight and gained muscle, and overall Aaron is aging well even if he had some help. That he’s developing into an actor that I want to watch is what is most exciting since a pretty face can only take him so far. Subbers abandoning FILWM is the most hilarious/sad thing ever.

      • He’s still got no ass though… am I the only person who notices all the droopy-butt pants he wears in his dramas? 🙂

      • I have only learned about Aaron in the last few months *cough* Lao Paaan. Although he’s undeniably handsome, its obvious to me that he had plastic surgery at least once. I find his face to be unnatural that i sometimes shudder when i see his nose and jaw. I am so thankful he didnt get botox since he still has natural facial movement and is a pretty good actor. I truly loved his looks during his younger years. Those baby fat and cute button nose.
        The guy should cover up his body more. ! Seriously!! Too much exposure cant be that good …for married women.

  3. May I just take a moment to comment how “hot” Jack Li (Leo) is to me in this drama. I like the facial hair… its works for him.

  4. I wonder about the pants. He is not the only one with his backside looking like that. I think it is a brand or style that is made too large on purpose? I guess it looks better than Hammer pants but not much.

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