
Dispatch Issues Rare Denial on Publishing Rumored Report on Lee Jong Seok and Suzy Dating — 20 Comments

    • they were both models so i guess they probably did some shows together.

      they probably have many common friends (woobin, hongjonghyun) but i doubt they’re anything more than acquaintances.

      anyway when this rumour came out i was like o.o dispatch clarified it so quickly i didn’t even have time to find out what was going on and it was already clarified. i’d be really happy for js if he finally dates though, he has been talking about wanting to date for a really long time.

  1. For once I tend to believe it’s nothing. Usually denials make me think they just haven’t gotten enough pictures yet, but this seems so random.

    It would be bad timing for both of them to be caught dating. Way too soon in their careers to enter a high profile relationship.

  2. According to my “k-ent source”, Suzy and Sung Joon weren’t dating at all at the time of the Dispatch report. Just hanging around each other like good ole buddies. Dunno about Suzy’s lovelife lately though.

    Dating news is scandalous for delusional fans but potentially a good thing for supportive fans.

    • Yeah at first I thought they were, I mean those pictures were pretty telling. Plus watching the Gu Family Book BTS and reading all the fan accounts like the good stan (of both Sung Joon & Suzy) I am it’s clear they got really close during filming. And he’s her type. But looking at the video it’s actually pretty different than what the pictures made it look like. Sung Joon just has his arm around her shoulders for a few seconds and it’s more like a buddy thing as they get out of the restaurant, the part with her hands touching his is only like 1sec, kind of like a reflex when he put his arm there she lifted her hand and barely brushed his for a sec, it’s just that the papz managed to catch that one moment.

      Sucks because the idea of 2 of my babies getting together or being good friends was nice, especially for Suzy because she doesn’t get close to people easily and barely has any celeb friends, but because of the scandal Sung Joon said it got awkward and they’re not so close anymore.

  3. Wasn’t it Sports Seoul who caught Suzy and Sung Joon hanging out together?
    Apparently when it comes to dating news, no one is reliable other than Dispatch lol.. but anyway I do agree with you koala, I don’t mind Suzy and Sung Joon dating either and they’d be a very good looking couple (superficial reasoning). Unless there’s evidence, we’ll never know the truth, but for now I think Suzy wasn’t dating Sung Joon (as of that period) and IS DEFINITELY NOT dating Lee Jong Suk for now lol.

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