
Joseon Gunman Episode 22 Recap — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for the recaps! Whew, a happy ending. Now I can finally marathon this baby from the start to the end.

    To people who have seen both this and the The Princess’ Man, which one did u prefer and why? I loved TPM and hope this one also lives up to my expectations.

  2. Thank you for your fast recaps and for also loving this drama. I do really love everything about it from Director, writer and actors. Joon gi and Sang Mi have done a very good job with solid acting as usual.

  3. Thank you for your recap. I love the happy ending, not so over about the plot but succes for making me smile.
    I’m sad too for knowing that sang choo and ho kyung were died. They’re so kind.

  4. Hey…you didn’t comment on the kiss…i think it was very hot especially when LJK usually looks shy during romance scenes 😉

    • i agree with you. the kiss was very hot. maybe because it was NSM, so he was more comfortable. or maybe LJK himself upgrade his ability in romantic scenes. haha…

  5. Thank you for all the recaps. Boy, has everyone come a long way. I was sad to see some of the characters get offed in the last episode, but it was very turbulent times. I loved the fact that they were able to give SI and YK a happy ending. Sometimes it is nice to see one in the face of lots of tragedy in the real world. The king being so weak was frustrating to see. I absolutely agree With koala that he did more harm than good. I felt like I didn’t have much to say on the plot… Sometimes it was awesome and sometimes it was just “oh, not this cycle again…” But overall, I did enjoy the drama. I think part of it was because it was aired over the summer and the summer just passed by so quickly and it felt the same way with JG. It moved fast and was tragic a lot.

    But I am glad that I stuck with it after I basically gave up on watching it and was only reading recaps. I was glad to find time to get back on track. Seeing Yk’s transformation, it gives us hope. And I still like SI cause I think in that time period, she was amazing woman. Lots of courage and strength. I was so happy to see this reunion coupling!!

  6. Yay! I am so happy that the Yoon Kang and Soo In are alive and well and living purposeful lives helping others! Thank you writer-nim.

    I cried when Sang Chul died. I cried when Ho Kyung died. I was on edge throughout the episode hoping that Yoon Kang and So In would not be sacrificed as well.

    Merchant Choi’s final moments were poignant. It was such a sad era to be born in.

    For giving us a satisfactory ending, I will be able to think of Joseon Gunman fondly. 🙂

  7. I’m a silent reader n i don’t usually comment but I really love this drama n I love to read your thoughts n opinions. Thank u!

  8. Great drama! Don’t watch alot of historical dramas but this one I watched it until the end! Really like the main couple, the actors all did a great job!
    Too bad that the king was so weak,letting the queen control him. And Scholar Kim, such a coward. Well all people have weakness.
    Really liked Ho Kyung, such a good guy!

  9. Ms. Koala, when I was bored to death surfing Kdrama list but wasn’t able to find one intriguing enough for me to keep watching, I always came back here to find any hidden gems that you recommended. Then I came across your recap of Joseon Gunman and I gave it a try. Now I’m on the very first few episodes and am already hooked. Given Lee Joon Ki being one of my favorite K actors and the director who also directed The Princess’ Man, I put my bet on this one. If you give kudos to this drama, then I believe it’ll be good enough to my satisfaction.

    Thank you for creating this blog that shares such a wealth of good drama recommendation with drama addicts like me.

  10. Loved this series. He is one of my favorite KDrana actors. Only question I have is why did YK and SI not have children in the end? What happened to his sister in their little hamlet after the battle dust settled?

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