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Ladies Code Loses Another as Rise Passes Away From Her Catastrophic Injuries

It’s with a heavy sad heart that I have to write a post that Rise (Kwon Ri Sae) of the girl’s group Ladies Code didn’t pull through after the catastrophic car accident 5 days ago which already took the life of her fellow group member EunB. Rise passed away this morning Korea time at 10:10 am at the intensive care unit of the hospital where she’s been in a coma since the accident. Rise’s sustained injuries were described as nearly as severe as EunB, who died at the scene, and it was a miracle she lived long enough to make it to the ER and wheeled into surgery. The surgeons operated on Rise in a surgery that took over 10 hours and had to be stopped shortly thereafter because her blood pressure kept dropping. She had severe cranial (brain) and abdominal injuries of the type that may even leave her permanently vegetative even if she survived.

In a rare sign of unity in the K-ent netizen fandoms, everyone was praying for Rise to have a miraculous recovery but alas that prayer was not answered. Rise lived long enough for her parents to arrive in Korea from Japan (Rise is a 4th generation Korean born and raised in Japan) and spend their last moments with their beloved daughter who left the world much too early at 23 years old. Fans of Ladies Code have pointed out how EunB and Rise were roommates and best friends in the group, and just last month a fan asked Rise who she would worry about leaving alone and Rise answered emphatically that it would be her maknae EunB. Now there are two more angels in Heaven as Rise goes to keep EunB company while both ladies leave behind grieving family, friends, and fans, and even casual K-ent viewers like me who wish life weren’t so cruel and senseless as to take such young lives at the start of their full potential. Rest in peace Rise and EunB.

Let the world remember them forever as such beautiful happy young ladies.


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