
Pinocchio Episode 5 Recap — 18 Comments

  1. So soon! Yeah! This drama keeps getting better and better. I love how the two states of Dal Po are contrasted against each other and watching her inner turmoil is fodder to the drama addict. Moreover is insanely good looking to boot.
    I should have picked up his dramas long before this, just for the eye candy.

  2. As for me, unfortunately, I totally expected this turn of events, I saw the Dal Po/big hyung parallel very similar to the So Ha/serial killer one in IHYV. Both of them victims that could potentially go evil, So Ha was saved by Hye Sung courage and honesty, she restored his fate in justice and human kind and gave him a reason to go on, as for Dal PO, he has a family that gives him love and that he wants to protect. This scripwriter said before through her character in IHYV something like “What would have happened to So Ha if he didn’t have Hye Sung?” as the fact that the circumstances that we encounter during our life weigh greatly on our choices is one of her favorite themes. Also, she’s not scared to go all the way with what she’s narrating, so if someone is in love he’ll probably confess, if someone is in danger he could be dying the next episode and if someone wants revenge he would become a serial killer in no time, is both beautiful & scary too..

    • Exactly my thoughts. In Ha is totally similar to Hye Sung in both outright saying, realistic and being the anchors for the male character.

    • Agreed, the making of the villain definitely reminds me of “I Hear Your Voice” so I’m not surprised at the turn of events. But despite the similarities, the story and narrative is still different and as gripping as ever. This writer and PD combo just really knows how to mix all these different kinds of emotions together and make the whole final product so utterly compelling and addicting! 😛 It’s only a matter of time before Pinocchio takes the first place in the ratings war!

      Btw, I wonder if the second leads will get their moments to shine in this drama. It’s one of the things that I really appreciated with “I Hear Your Voice”. Not really feeling the Beom Jae character, but Yoo Rue seems rather interesting.

      • I think so too, the dynamic bringing us the main conflict is pretty similar, but the execution may be differ greatly, for once, I don’t think hyung will ever try to bring his little brother on the “evil side” and DP will have to choose himself between lying to save his brother and the truth that will condemn him. Hope he won’t blame himself for what happened to his hyung.. And I’m expecting more on the secondary characters too! (Also from the unpleasant schoolmate who’s now a cop, I love the unexpected bromance 🙂 )

  3. Im sad that jae myung had to resort to revenge…. I had my hunch that he would although hope he didnt but i understood why… His feelings got the best out of him… All alone and with no one to turn to all these years… And then finding out how hos father was wronged after the tragedy… I can see why he chose that way… But why?! Andwae… You are a good person… Jae myung! Dont walk that path!

    Dal po is still lucky that despite the tragedy he found a second family… That loves him and supports him and now he knows his hyung is alive….

  4. Say it ain’t so! Poor Jae Myung and Dal Po… never-ending tragedies to deal with… With all the horrible deaths and villains in this drama, what is in it that has got me so addicted to it?

  5. Both of the story make me curious.. Dalpo-Inha how they will work? And please they will happy in the end.. Dalpo-Hyung, aaarghhh this one gonna break my heart.. hiks..

    And miss K thanks alot.. sure I’m gonna visit and rambling alot here..

  6. Thanks for the recap. I get what you say about the wind being sucked out. I yelled, “NO! You don’t have to do that!!!” to JM before realizing he toasted those two men. Boy’s not going to have a happy ending now. Poor thing!

    I like how this is going along, but I don’t really understand the holding back of DP’s feelings towards IH. He knows she and her mom are completely different people and that IH would never support her mother’s decisions. He hasn’t stopped loving her his whole life, Why pretend he doesn’t? It just seems like they are separating them for the sake of separating.

    Anyway, thanks, again!

    • I think Inha basically confessed then rejected him at the same time. She said she only confessed because of hiccups. She also said she was not that deep in love, as in it’s just crush. She will get rid of it since the feeling is not passionate enough to be worth upsetting the family for. She did not hiccup afterwards so we know she was being sincere and honest and DP knew it too.
      DP said at the end, and I quote, you must be happy since you can do that(get rid of your feelings since they are not deep, contrary to mine)

      • Im curious too about how the in ha and dal po love will develop… Since there seems to be a big mountain of mess to surmount upon.

  7. i never expected this turn of event.why make jae myeong the bad guy?wae?
    this is the first time i’ve seen in kdrama that the girl confesses to the boy.i thought Dal po was the one confessing but it turns out to be In Na.this drama is so unpredictable.i wonder how will Dal po feel when he finds out that In na is working in MSC.cant wait for tonite ep.

  8. I feel sad for Jae Myung but I do understand his feeling bcoz he live his life alone while Dal po live wid a second family..

    Thankz for the recap 🙂

  9. I love In Ha, like you said she is such a breath of fresh air!! I’m also going to give Park Shin Hye a big thumbs up, pat on the back well done! I admit to being a big fan of Shin Hye regardless of her flaws, deer in the headlights and etc acting. She is playing In Ha spot on, as much as In Ha is a breath of fress air, so is this performance from Shin Hye!!

    Needless to say I adore Lee Jong Suk and I adore Dal Po, watching him aches my heart so much and I just want to pat him on the head and give him a big hug or better have In Ha give him a tender hug!

  10. I love pinnochio ♡ it’s good yet not preddictable. Big applause for the PD and writer, they’re clearly amazed me. Before, it’s IHYV which stole my heart, and now, pinnochio like a warm weather in the cold of winter. Nice drama. Aaah love it.
    Btw, poor jae myung :'( i really don’t want him to be murderer.

  11. Hey I know it’s late but can someone tell me the name of the ost used in the part where In Ha threw her shoes to stop Dal Po in his tracks.

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