
Pinocchio Episode 6 Recap — 19 Comments

  1. Loved this episode. It was satisfying to watch. Finally a drama where I cant predict what’s gonna happen next. Feels refreshing all the way. In ha and Dal po are just soo adorable together! ^^

  2. Now see, I want Dal Po to meet his hyung right away because so many things could be cleared up before they get even worse. I wanted them to meet last week and now this week, and still nothing so I’m trying really hard to be patient, but it’s not easy. (They better meet next week!)

  3. I love this drama so far and I am amazed at the pace that it is moving at. There are no lingering scenes where secrets are dragged out or you wish so-and-so would die already. Everything is out in the open and the characters can react to them in an informed way.

    I am a bit sad about Jae Myung – he has suffered so much already – couldn’t he at least have had been given a better route to walk then to indulge in revenge killing?

    I am not looking forward to any angst on the part of the brothers – I can see that it will be Dal Po who’d work out his hyung’s involvement in the deaths of the 3 people who were the catalyst to their family tragedy. Dal Po would have to fight his conscience, the sense of injustice and his sense of loyalty and love for his only family member left. He will have to choose to make an accurate reporting of how these men meant their demise no matter how they deserved it and not hide the truth – where “truth” is what he has been fighting for all along.

    Poor Dal Po. My heart bleeds. I actually hope that Jae Myung gets away with murder, literally!

    • @dramaqueen me too. i know it’s bad and evil and wrong and a crime like that deserves some kind of justice for those people’s family but i really want him to get away with it or for the court to at least hear about the trauma, destruction of life, abandonment, and literally more death, he went through at the hands of those three and their lies, and the media. I want them to take these things into account and show some leniency. I don’t want hyung dying and I want him and DP to be reunited and live some kind of happy life together in the end.

  4. I think In Ha will meet the brother first. Could go two direction
    1) In Ha meet him because of her mother. (save or help the mother from being taken) or 2) In Ha investigate the case and learn the truth about what her mother really did to Dal Po’s family. All from chatting up the brother in the Ahn Chan Soo accidental fire investigation.

  5. I wonder if In Ha will be the one to find out about Jae Myung’s revenge murders and the whole back story, then has to report it because she can’t lie. Her mother’s sensationalism reporting will come to light and more Pinocchio’s will be sought after to be reporters by public demand. But then, Dal Po’s biological family tree will be known, and he won’t seem so much like In Ha’s uncle- which will pave the way for their romance!

  6. I think it would either in ha or dal po who will be finding out about hyung. There is a possibility that hyung will also take revenge on in ha’s mom… What if he involves in ha too because she is a pinocchio and cha ok’s daughter…
    Jae myung saw cha ok on the tv report on the preview for episode 7 and im having an ominous feeling what if he sees in ha and also find out about her relationship with cha ok… Gosh! Now thats gonna be double the heartbreak for dal po….

    • I think If this drama turns too dark as a story line, most people will drop it. We like it because it going to be a love story . . . maybe (LOL), NOT because it is going to be a series of murders.

      PD please don’t take the murder path. Going into the holidays, it the last thing people want in their drama-land. Save the brother from making another mistake.

      • IHYV had also a violent crime & some pretty dark stuff: Still the show was a hit. Honestly, I’m kind of saddened with all the comments asking for a kiss scene or a bed scene: This writer is not into immediate gratification but more into an organically developed story with reward at the end. That’s why I’m watching it.

    • I’m hoping that MSC will win the news. Since that will make a good story turn, they will consider In Ha more than a PR doll. I dunno why but I want In Ha to prove to all that people that she deserves to be reporter that she is capable to be good reporter! I know I’m so biased with In Ha, but I couldn’t help, she is so adorable, so human! ahhahahha

  7. I feel so bad for the hyung. I mean DP had the adopted family. He got a new name and identity and awesome family that truly love him. He got to escape. Their father and all the wrong that happened to him and the ruin of their family name and identity didn’t follow him like it did his hyung. I am sure society didn’t make it easy on the hyung and probably never allowed him to foregather (hence why I think he has the job that he has and his life is so different from DP’s dream life for him -suit and tie-).

    If only hyung knew of Dal Po’s existence and that no he hadn’t died with his mom he wouldn’t have done what he did. Just everything with finding his father’s body and then hearing the three men (twice) speak so flippant about how they had basically not only murdered the man, but destroyed his name, credibility, everything he stood for, was, on top of running a family; I’m not sure I myself wouldn’t have taken on some kind of personal revenge. In those moments hyung felt he had nothing to live for, nothing to lose, that he’s all alone now. I am not saying what he was in anyway she or form okay but lawds I can understand where it all came from. I absolutely broke me when he goes to lay his father to rest and while DP realizes he’s not along, hyung comes to the conclusion (that now with his hopes of his father maybe being alive somewhere dashed) he’s truly alone.

    It’s going to kill me when DP and him reunite because I have a feeling that DP (and IH) will have to report on the case and DP off course is not going to want to possibly ruin a family like his was so he will seek the truth of it all, only to find out it was his own brother in an act of revenge. I just hope that from it all the truth of what truly happened to his father and their family can become know and my wishful thinking still hopes hyung didn’t really commit such a horrific crime because good lords know he and his brother have been through enough and I just cannot see DP loose him again!

  8. Really enjoyed this episode, so cute how they were sleeping next to each other, and the plot really has me guessing just what will happen next…

  9. The storyline of this drama is really interesting. It’s not just about a typical love story which people get used to but it really has a deeper plot which leaves the viewers getting hooked. I really love this drama plus the chemistry of shinhye and jongsuk. I was kinda disappointed with jae myung as he turned to be the culprit trying to get revenge for his father rather than cleaning up the name. It was too sad but who could blame him after the tragedy he’d been through. After all, he assumed he’s alone and he was blinded by hatred. I wish in the end he would clear up his mind and pay for his wrongdoings. With that, I kind of worried about Dal Po most especially if he would report the news about this one. Certainly, it would be much interesting on how events would turn. Yoo Rae was too cute. I find her giving a very natural justification of employee’s nowadays. Haha! Anyhow, I don’t want YGN to lose with MSC but I think MSC got this one. Noooo! I don’t want Dal Po to fail. Although I’m PSH supporter, I learned to love LJS character more than In Ha. Hahaha!

    This drama is daebak! This deserves more viewership and attention. Props to the team!

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