
Kim Soo Hyun Declines to Become Dr. Frankenstein and Considering Another Project — 40 Comments

  1. Sounds like Son Ye Jin, maybe. Unless it’s another reunion with JJH. Which I wouldn’t mind. Although I’d like his lead to YEH, she could do with the image boost after the whole PSH mess.

      • She co-stars with Park Shi Hoo on movie, and this become a mess bcoz there’s so much objection from her fans…

    • I love YEH but I don’t think she is considered an A-lister, especially NOW
      But I really hope she get a good project and an A-lister partner soon to boost her image…

      • once you’re considered A-lister, you will always be an a-lister, it doesnt matter if you will have a failed project whatsoever in the future because her acting is always good even the project itself is a failure! so she will always be an a-lister

      • @right, LOL at your reasoning. If Korean ent. world’s running based on your way of thinking most of A-lister actors/actresses won’t be A-lister anymore. FYI, most of actresses that some posters were mentioned here each have failure (low rating) project. So does it mean they aren’t A-lister anymore ? Of course not. So why does it only apply to YEH ? It’s easy, because you don’t like her (on the contrary with your statement)
        YEH doesn’t need an A-lister costar to be back on top. She just need a good project with a good plot, good crews (PD & scriptwriter) & good costar (not necessarily an A-list actor)
        And if you think that YEH isn’t an A list actress, you don’t do your homework

  2. k-netizen: You couldn’t possibly have a bad script with a cast like Kim Soo Hyun. ofcoz excited for every drama hes considering!!

  3. Screen goddess A lister? Hmm, it could be Son Ye Jin, Ha Ji Won, Song Hye Kyo, Gong Hyo Jin, etc.
    And the big budget production, is it Descendants of Sun? Because not many drama considered big budget and DOS is dubbed as big budget.

    • The competition is high for the movie according to the rumors.. I think I read somewhere that LMH will be in DOS? but not sure?

    • If they are talking about DES,then it’s more likely Son Ye Jin or Ha Ji Won..Son Ye Jin agency is affiliated with the producer of this drama,there were rumors that they might casts someone from MS Team(SYJ or MCW),there were posts in DC that they were courting MCW and SJS but since this is big budget drama they might go for more experienced and veteran actress so SYJ being cast has a bigger chance and Ha Ji Won having played with KES drama before they might consider her again and of course being an Alister and a good actress..

  4. Well I heard that Ha Ji Won will be doing the KES drama… but does anyone seriously buy this guy as looking older than his age? He’s always looked painfully young to me.

  5. Is he going to be paired up with veteran again??I hope not and I hope that he takes a role that is right for his age..His recent dramas were hits but the characters he took were really off for me. I hope this time its a role that will show his full potential as an actor..Song Sam Dong is still the best role he portrayed for me..

  6. I’m confident that she will go with LMH but I’m not sure if he will accept.. If your making a big budget drama and your desparate for success the right answer is LMH cuz his gazillion Minoz fans will storm the project..

  7. Sounds like it could be descendants v of the Sun…. And who else fits the sound of or screen goddess A lister aside from JJH? I think it could be Kim Take Hee since I think son ye jin is already affiliated with that movie and I don’t think Song Hye Kyo would do a KES drama… I think Dr Frankenstein should wait for Song Joong Ki or Kim jae wook’s release

  8. They are only few A-Lister Goddesses: Song Hye Kyo, Ha Ji Won, Son Yeh Jin, Yoon Eun Hye, Gong Hyo Jin, Kim Tae Hee and Jun Ji Hyun.

    So im expecting one of those A-listers.

    Mentioning those actresses, i suddenly remember the article about Ha Ji Won, Son Yeh Jin, Yoon Eun Hye and Gong Hyo Jin seen having dinner together. They’re all friends after all. Hope to see more of them again.

      • same here! I like her so much!! but she is one of the A list k-actress? i can’t remember also that she has a good ratings kdrama and a hit movie.. popularity maybe.. correct me if i’m wrong..

      • Yes, she is an A-lister actress, having been an original Hallyu star and making cofee Prince very popular, also that makes coffee in Korea popular. She has some good rating tv project and you cannot deny, she is a trend setter, too and one of the top paid Korean actress in her generation.

      • she is after her very popular drama Coffee PRince, im not sure if you know that daebek dramas since youre all newbies in kdramaland, but she gained her a-lister after that drama. ask koala seems like you’re always here reading her articles, Yoon Eun Hye is an A-lister and thats a fact.

      • @kdramaaddict, to backs your statement 😉

        “The huge success of Coffee Prince made Yoon the highest paid actress, MBC paying her 20 million won per episode for the drama. For that matter, Yoon became the youngest actress to joint South Korean’s A list of stars, the 20 million won club which included Bae Yong-Joon, Kwon Sang-Woo, Go Hyun-Jung, Song Il-Kok”

    • Yoon eun hye is not a-list goddess,imho. Also gong hyo jin is not considered goddess. But who knows casting these days tend to be wtf. So anything is possible.

      • she an a-lister, ask koala! she herself mentioned it here many times, when you say an a-lister, theres a category for movie and tv, shes considered as an a-lister in television, i wonder maybe you;re all young and newbies in kdramaland and doesnt know this fact..

  9. When they said the goddess and a-lister first actress come in my mind is jun ji hyun but i doubt they will work again specially if it’s a drama.. another actress come to mind is song hye kyo.

  10. I’m glad that he declined Frankenstein. There’s too many K-dramas about men with multiple personalities who are healed by love of a woman. Also the cold male changing because of love is such a drama cliche.

    Looking forward to whatever project he does next. Everyone seems to think it will be a drama, I’m hoping it’s a big budget movie.

  11. lol here, there are no true A LISTER actresses in Korea, except who can make sponsors happy. Don’t be too naive.

    They even interested with 16 yrs old Miss Myanmar.

  12. I’m suddenly scared of high budget dramas. Ever since Seung Gi were thrown in that Kill Me, Heal Me with rumors of big name at the end it was a newbie (I have nothing against her) they eventually both declined.

    Waiting for KSH’s new drama, I trust his taste and please give him a good actress like JJH (Moon Chae Won? or Han Hyo Joo, there is also Moon Geun Young) with many stars going to MS soon, the persons left are him, YSH and the returning Joong Ki.

  13. I think an A lister actress in this case would be a famous movie actress who has not done a drama in a while, so bringing her back into drama land will create a huge buzz just like in the case of JJH.
    I’m thinking Han Hyo Joo, Jo Deon, Kim Min Hee, and few others.
    All the other actresses although huge have been doing dramas so it will not be such a big buzz if they are paired with KSH in his next project.
    I’m sure that all these movie actresses will not mind having the popularity that JJH got after YFAS not counting the 100 of CFs.

  14. I think Han Hyo Joo has fallen from grace (in Korea) ever since that army scandal. Even if it’s no direct fault of hers. So she’s no longer considered an A-lister.

  15. Ms. Koala, can I make a request?
    Can you list down all the Korean A-listers?
    And will you explain why they’re considered an A-lister?

  16. I’m really curious at why people think MGY and YEH aren’t A listers simply because their recent projects were crap. They are both still big names in the industry. I would argue that they are perhaps not goddesses, but A-listers yes.

    If really they want to find a goddess + A-lister, my bet’s on Lim Soojung or Shin Minah. SMA isn’t that much of an A-lister to me since I’m not a fan of her acting (and also to be fair most of her movies and some of her dramas flop), but yeah. Han Hyojoo won’t be appearing on the small screen soon because of her scandal as well.

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