
SETTV Holds Thank You Banquet with Stars and Brand Sponsors in Attedance — 11 Comments

  1. I adore Kun Da so much in Love Cheque Charge, I think it’s probably one of the biggest reasons I love it! He’s just too cute, I think him just standing alone is the best thing c:

    Smile and Jay are cute!

  2. Thanks for the post Koala! If it’s not too much trouble, could you please have names beneath pictures so those of us who don’t know who everyone is can follow along? I usually just google those I don’t recognize but there were several here that Left me clueless. But if it’s too stressful, please don’t feel like you have to.
    Again thanks for all your work. You are truly appreciated 🙂

  3. I wish Lego Li and Kristen Ren would star in another drama together! So that they can attend more events together lol. But seriously they are so cute, I miss them on our screens!

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